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~ Means Megatron is whispering to himself or to someone else.

* Means Prime is whispering to himself or to someone else.

And also I know it's weird with me doing this and how this is going with the story and in the story but please just go with the flow and go with it.

Megatron was in the washroom taking a shower. But he was also thinking. He was trying to think why Prime was being so nice, like really nice around him. But he was also trying to figure out why Prime was hanging around him almost all the time. He then thought to himself. ~"Is Prime….falling for me. Does he have feelings for me?"~ He said to himself. He was thinking until it came to him. ~"I think Prime does have feelings for me. He's always been so kind and honest and generous around me and helping me, when nobody is being generous or kind to me."~ He said to himself. He then realized what his true feelings and emotions were. He realized he really did like Prime and had feelings for him. He doesn't want to admit it. ~"I….I have feelings for you Prime. I….love him."~ He said to himself.

Megatron got done with his shower and walked out and didn't see Prime. He needed to see Prime. He walked out of the room. He then walked into the main lobby and slammed into someone. He shook his helm and looked up to see who he bumped into. His eyes widened. It was Unicron who he bumped into. "Uh….sorry Unicron. I didn't mean to." He said to Unicron. Unicron growled. "It's fine but next time watch where you are going." He said to Megatron. "I will." He then looked around for Prime again. "Uh. By any chance do you know where Prime is at. I really need to see him." He asked Unicron. "Yes. I do. Him and my wife are having a meeting right now." He said to Megatron. Soon they heard little voices. "Sire, sire." Said the little voices. Unicron turned and saw his sparklings running towards him. He smiled. He bent down and lifted them both up.

"Sire, sire. Look what we did." They showed their sire a picture of them and their sire and carrier. Unicron smiled. "Now that's a lovely picture. And I think your carrier knows where to put it." He said to his sparklings. Soon the sparklings heard their name being called. "Hey Primcron, Starcron. You wanna play." Said a voice. They looked and saw Miko. "Yeah. Can we sire? Oh please." They both said and asked their sire. Unicron rolled his optics. "I don't see why not. But do be careful." He said to his sparklings. "We will." They both said to their sire.

Megatron watched the young ones leaving. He always wanted to have a family. But he couldn't because of what he was and what he did. He regrets what he did. He wasn't looking when he felt a servo on his shoulder. He jumped a little, but he turned and saw Prime. "Prime. Just the mech I needed and wanted to see. I….need to talk to you. Alone in private." He said to Prime. He then grabbed Prime's arm and dragged him with him. "Megatron. What's gotten into you." Prime asked Megatron. "Prime. I just need to speak to you alone and in private. That's all." Soon they got into a room where it was private. Prime looked at Megatron. "Okay. So what do you need to speak to me about?" He asked Megatron. Before Prime could say anything else Megatron went forward and kissed Prime. Prime was astonished by this but slowly his eyes closed. Soon they both stopped.

Prime was blushing with his face all red and white. Almost showing the American colors of red, white, and blue. Prime couldn't say anything. Once he did he started to stutter. "Th...at was….uh…. unexpected." Prime said. Megatron knew he made a mistake. He was about to walk out but Prime stopped him by grabbing his arm. "What I meant was that….it was….amazing." Megatron looked at Prime and smiled. "So….you do have feelings for me Prime." Megatron asked him. Prime looked at Megatron. He smiled. "Yes. I do. I didn't know how to say it to you because I didn't know if you had the same feelings for me and would return them to me." He said to Megatron. Megatron smiled. "So….he said his voice trailing off tracing the lines on Prime's chest. You love me then." He asked Prime. Prime leaned forward and whispered this in Megatron's audio. *"Yes. I do love you. Do you love me?"* He asked and whispered to Megatron.

Megatron was looking over. He then smirked and snickered. "Yes. If that's the answer you wanted. I mean Prime you have been so kind to me and everything when nobody was. You even helped me when I didn't want help. And I….. appreciate that." He said in a seductive tone. Prime shivered at the voice of his tone. They went forward and went for another kiss until the doors opened. They looked and saw you. "Uh. My audio and voice box is sealed and I won't say a word. But Unicron may force me to say what I know. But he won't say anything either. I'll be on my way." I said. I then left wanting to erase and forget everything on what I had just seen. Megatron looked at Prime. "Okay that was awkward." Megatron said out loud. He got up and was close to the door until Prime went again. Soon they stopped. Megatron's face was blushing badly. "Uh. We'll finish this later, Prime." Megatron said to Prime while looking at him. Prime smiled. "Yes we will." He said to Megatron. Soon Megatron walked out. Prime was watching Megatron walk out. He couldn't believe that Megatron had feelings for him and that he actually really did love him. He was happy that he got his old friend back. The one he lost when The Golden Age ended. He knew his old friend was still there deep down inside Megatron. And he wasn't wrong. He was there with him the whole time. He never left. He wasn't gone forever. He was just lost and confused and couldn't find his way out or find his way home. He had no one to help him. But now he does. He then walked out to finish and continue the work.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Sunblast daughter of PrimusWhere stories live. Discover now