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~ Means Megatron is whispering to someone or talking to himself.

Ratchet was working and checking things that he didn't even realize that Prime and Megatron walked in. Megatron smirked. He then whispered to Prime. ~"Watch a master at work. I'll show you what a true master is at scaring people."~ He said and whispered to Prime. Prime shook his helm telling Megatron not to do it. But Megatron ignored him. Megatron quietly tipped toe right behind Ratchet. Megatron stood perfectly still. Ratchet got done, he turned and he immediately looked up and saw bloody red optics. He immediately yelled. "GALAXY TO PRIMUS!" Ratchet immediately threw everything it went up in the air and soon it smacked Megatron on the top of his helm. "FOR PRIMUS SHAKE! MEGATRON!" Ratchet immediately ran and grabbed a wrench. Prime immediately ran to Megatron and he immediately grabbed Megatron. Trying to avoid the wrench. "GET BACK HERE PRIME AND MEGATRON!" He threw the wrench but he missed but it smacked someone else on the top of their helm. "OUCH! RATCHET!" Said a voice. Ratchet's eyes widened. He looked and saw it was Sunblast. "Oops. Uh." I growled at Ratchet. "RATCHET!" I yelled and I immediately ran after him.

Unicron walked out and peeked to see what was wrong. He smirked and chuckled seeing you chasing the medic around. "GET BACK HERE RATCHET! PRIMUS WHERE'S THAT STUPID WRENCH OF YOURS SO I CAN SMACK THAT STUPID HELM OF YOUR'S!" I said while shouting and yelling at Ratchet.

After everything and everyone settled down. Megatron was looking over something when he noticed something popping up on his pad. "Hmm." He looked around and didn't see Prime. He walked out and decided to investigate it. He then saw Unicron and Sunblast. They turned and saw Megatron. "Megatron. Where are you going." I asked him. "Uh. Investigate this. It looks like I think I know what it is. Let Prime know that I am out." Megatron then walked out. Soon he felt servos. He looked and saw Prime. Megatron sighs. ~"Oh come on."~ He said to himself. Prime looked at Megatron. "Where are you going Megatron?" He asked him. "Here." He handed him the pad. Prime took the pad and looked at it. "It's a signal of an sparkling escape pod." He said to Megatron. "Yeah. I know. I ain't stupid and I wasn't born yesterday." He said to Prime. "Hey I was just saying. Anyways, I'll race ya to the location." Prime immediately transformed and drove off. Megatron chuckled. "You are a fool Prime. And that's what I like about that. But I am a lot faster because I am a flier." Megatron replied. He then transformed and took off into the skies.

Megatron flew even faster. He finally reached the location and stood proudly waiting for Prime. He then heard the sounds of Prime's truck. He looked and smiled proudly. Prime immediately transformed and saw Megatron standing proudly and looking at him. "I win." Megatron said to Prime. "Show off." Prime replied back. Megatron then turned and looked around. "There." Both Prime and Megatron walked to the pod. Prime then looked up and saw another pod. "Uh. Megatron." Megatron looked at him. "What." He saw Prime pointing in a direction. He looked and he saw another escape pod. "2 pods. Strange. Well, I'll open this one and you open the other one." Megatron said to Prime. Prime nodded and walked to the other pod.

Megatron carefully typed the codes in and opened the pod. He then smiled. He saw a beautiful little sparkling fast asleep. He reached in gently and held the little one. He then looked to see if it was a mech or femme. "Hmm. It's a femme. But I must say she is precious. I wonder how Prime is doing. He said. On the other side Prime bent down and carefully typed the codes in and opened the door. He then looked and saw a beautiful little sparkling fast asleep. He reached in and gently held the little one. He checked to see if it was a mech or femme. "It's a femme. But a beautiful little one." He got up and walked over to Megatron.

Megatron was sitting down and cradling the little one when he saw Prime walking over. "So is your's a mech or femme." Megatron asked Prime. "Femme." Prime replied back. Megatron's eyes widened. "Same here Prime. Look, we can't just leave them here." He sighs. "Why don't we look after them and take care of them?" Megatron asked Prime. "Hmm. I don't see why not. Let's get back to base so they can have the nourishment that they need to stay online." Megatron nodded. He handed Prime the sparkling that he found and he transformed and opened his cockpit and Prime sat the sparkling in and put it to where it was safe. Megatron closed the cockpit. "I'll see you back at the base." He said to Prime. Prime nodded. Megatron then took off heading back to base. Prime gently transformed and had the sparkling in a safe way in his cab. He then drove off and headed back to base. It looks like both Prime, and Megatron are going to be Sire's.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Sunblast daughter of PrimusWhere stories live. Discover now