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~ Means Megatron is whispering/talking to himself or quietly to someone or to Sunblast.

It has been about 20 days and it was close to Megatron's judgment. Megatron was sitting back in his cell with his back against the wall. He then heard the doors open. He looked and saw you and Prime walking in. He growled. "So. Why not kill me. It would and will be best to kill me. And it is my wish for you to do it." He said. I then looked at Megatron. "I am sorry Megatron. But both me and Prime are denying your wish. You need to fully understand what you have done to everyone. You need to fully realize who you really tormented and traumatized." I said.

Megatron huffed. "You're making a huge mistake. Trust me." He said. "Hmm. I don't think so. Because both me and Prime decided on something. And we know you'll not accept it but we will forcibly make you do it." Megatron's eyes widened. He gulped. "And....what that might be." He asked you. "You'll see once you see the judges." Soon both me and Prime walked out.

Megatron watched you both walk out. He was more terrified of what the outcome was. Because you said that he won't accept it but you forcibly make him do it. He growled. He then whispered to himself. ~"No one controls Megatron. No one makes Megatron do anything that he doesn't want to do. I am no slave to no one. I am not having that again."~ He said to himself.

Both me and Prime walked and entered the room. "Prime do you think he will go with it being uh....bondmates with you." Ratchet asked him. Prime sighs. "No he won't Ratchet. But he is going to get used to it whether he likes it or not. If he doesn't then he will get torture from him." He pointed at the figure. The figure he was pointing to and at was my sparkmate and husband Unicron.

"Let's hope he accepts Prime. Because if he doesn't he will feel my rage." I smiled. "Oh Unicron. Anyways, we better head home." Soon we headed home and we finally made it home with our sparklings fast asleep. We soon went to sleep.

It was the next morning and it was the day that Megatron was getting judged. We walked into the room and entered the room. We saw Megatron resting and recharging. I then fired up my cannons and shot at the wall. Megatron quickly jumped up. "What was that for?" He shouted at me. "It's time to wake up. And it's time for the judgment."

We walked into the room and they threw Megatron down. He landed on his knees. He groaned, feeling the pain. "Megatron. You are here today to be judged. You will not be executed or killed. But we have a different thing. And you will accept it." Megatron glared at Prime and then he glared at you and saw Unicron standing next to you. "And what will that might be Prime, and Sunblast. But note this I am no slave to anyone. And I will not be controlled by no one. I am not having like I had when I was younger." He said while he spat at the ground. He then looked up and saw Prime was gone. He looked around not seeing him until he was pushed down hard. "Aargh!"

"Guys. Help me with this." I watched them pinning down Megatron trying to do what we suggested. Megatron squirmed. He then looked at you. His eyes softened but he was more scared than ever. Then he looked at Prime. "No. Get off of me. What are you doing?" Soon he felt the pain. "Aaaah!" That's when Megatron knew what they were doing they were making him bond to Prime. And he didn't like it one bit. "No. I will not bond with him. That is disgusting."

Both me and Unicron were watching. Unicron bent down. "You know my dear. Megatron will not like this being bonded to Prime for a long time." I smiled. "Yeah. I know. But he needs to feel and needs to understand everything. It was Prime's idea to begin with and I agreed with him." Soon everything was done. Megatron was panting. He hated everything that had happened. Smokescreen and Bulkhead helped Megatron up on his peds. Megatron glanced and he looked at you. And he sent you a private message through a link that you have forgotten.

Megatron's Private Link To You:

~"I hate you both. I hate everything that you have done to me. I am now bonded to Prime for a long time. And you knew that I hated it. And I knew you felt terrible about it. Don't deny it. But....I am sorry for what I did to you. I realize that you weren't meant for me. But this is just a compliment, you are beautiful. But you are only meant for Unicron. Not me. I hope someday you can forgive. I know it will take time."~

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Sunblast daughter of PrimusWhere stories live. Discover now