VI: Appeasing the Volcanic Spirit

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I can't believe Ragmaroko lead me to a actual volcano! What was he thinking. There is lava everywhere, but he claims im going to be fine. Its literally bouncing up, the lava i mean. Im totally not distracted by him shedding his pants, only in a loincloth.

"You know you wont be able to see anything below right? Your not ready to see that just yet. Besides, you should focus on mastering the flow of the volcano." Ragmaroko says. First of all i didnt even realize i was actually staring. Okay thats a lie, i was, only because i have the intuitive feeling of what happens next, after i master the flow of molten Lava.

Okay getting way out of track here. So mastering the flow, of a massive, twenty five thousand foot wide volcano, that reaches One Hundred Thousand Feet in height. Thats alot of lava. What if I accidentally make it erupt, then what? The casualties that it will cause, i could never live with myself. This volcano is like one hundred times bigger than any volcano on my planet.

"So Rag, mind if i call you that? Thanks. How in the hell do i master the flow of this Volcano? Where do i start? May i get some hints please?" I beg him. He towers over me with a Mischievous Glint in his Honey colored eyes.

"Its Quite Simple, Little Fire Rabbit. You must become one with the fire element, to feel the flow of it. Feel the thoughts and emotions of the volcano, feel the spirit coursing through it, only then will something beautiful come out of this" Ragmaroko says to me, Before disappearing before my veyes. Im gonna have a panic attack, Im stuck in the middle of a circular rock, with lava flowing around every corner. He covered the path way in lava so i couldnt escape, how brilliant. Not like I was going to run out the first chance i got.

I grumble to myself, wondering what Wulfe is doing. He always has the right answers in situations like these it seems. He always knows what to say, when to say it. He is the embodiment of perfection, and i can honestly say i need him. I feel my eyes start to water, and brim with tears, i feel lost, hopeless even. I DONT know what i was thinking when i decided it was a journey of self discovery. What lead me to this point? A weird dream with a beast that is now a constellation.

Wulfe hasnt even asked me to be his boyfriend yet, so i dont even know it we are dating yet. We kissed, im pretty sure that we have made it to second base, and i dont know what's stopping us from moving foward. Now im in the middle of a Hunk of fire, and then that stupid Fire elemental. Goddess my life is so fucked up right now. With nothing else holding me up, i collaspe on my knees and let the tears fall. Unknown to me though, ive been being watched the entire time, but spirits of the volcano.

I dont notice them approaching me until one of them lift up my chin with their fingerd made from flame. Their bodies are flame, with a Humanoid shape, and there are three in total.

"We have been watching you, Young Sky. You are doing well so far. You have felt our pain, felt the need to have balance, to have order and direction in life, all while feeling Lost.

To control the flow of our home is no easy task, but here you are, a natural. Look around Sky, see how the lava has slowed its flow, answering to your call. Now you must become one with it. Bathe in it's beautiful heat, feel it warm your skin, only then, will you know what its truly like to be one with the Fire Element." The elementals say, before disappearing.

The tom foolery of it all. Give me advice then disappear, is that what everyone is going to do. I don't really feel like meditating, maybe ill do something different. Maybe i should try hand movements to imitate the flow of the lava.

I stand in a crane position in the center of the platform. I raise my hands up and close my eyes. I must become one with the lava, i am the lava. I close my eyes and vision dunking myself in the Lava, slowly disintegrating, as my ashes become one. I flow down with the Lava, throughout the volcano. I start to slowly move my hands in fluid motions. I try to move them the opposite direction of the Lava, in an attempt to stop the flow all together. Its difficult, i can feel it pushing, trying to continue its downward flow. No. I wont allow it to continue any longer. I let my passion drive me.

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