IV: Weird Dreams and a Therapist

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"You say your having these strange dreams? That they are reoccurring Every night?" My new therapist Questions me. I simply my Head yes. She can sense my emotions i know she can, she isnt human. An entirely new species of recently discovered Lifeform.

She is tall, and Her hair reminds me of Medusa. She has green scales as Skin, and her eyes are a golden Hue, with Sclera. We sit on opposite sides of the room, So we aren't crowding each other.

"Yes. The dreams are reoccurring, and i cant help but feel they are a sign, or omen. Maybe even a glimpse into the future. It all started after Wulfe showed me the Cerberi Constellation. It seems as if i have a connection to him. I know it sounds Bizarre, but I believe its True." I explain. My hypothesis might not even be correct, but its the only thing i have right now, that could even possibly point me in the right direction.

We make eye contact, and for a moment im afraid ill be a Petrified stone. She looks down at her notepad and then back up at me.

"Her is what i suggest. Journaling. Keep a Dream Journal, record down what you remember from your dreams, when you first wake up, then see if there is any correlation between dreams. Maybe it will fit like pieces of a Puzzle. Thats all i have for you today Sky, have a wonderful Day." My Therapist says, as i stand and walk out of her Office.

Well that session wasnt the greatest, but its out first time meeting one another, and she knew instantly dreams were bothering me somehow. Maybe she is very empathic, or just psychic. Either way, i need to use that journal at my place now, i think to myself in my head, walking down the street.

Things have gotten crazier, ever since i met Him. My life has changed, not for the worse, but slightly for the better. All it took was a simple dating app. Not everyone gets to experience the same things i have, and for that im eternally Grateful.

I unlock the apartment door, and head straight to my kitchen, while thoughts of gratitude lace my Mindful, with euphoria. Goddess im famished. I decide on some simple ramen, as i open cupboards up. Eat and then go to sleep, hopefully ill have that dream again so i can record it. I make a mental note also, that i need to get out more. Im constantly stuck in the same routine. I do something, them i go home and sleep, and its the next day, or im always on the phone with Veronica, or at the cafe with her. I definitely need to have Wulfe take me out more. I also feel like ive made multiple mental notes to have this happen before, but i havent gotten around to it yet. Ill just do it next week.

"Goodnight, My Future Husband, Wherever you are, i hope you'll love and take care of me, and never ever hurt me in any way" i say out loud, laying in my bed looking at out that stars, my eyes slowly closing, as a Light sleep takes over me.

The stars illuminate my pathway, in the darkness of the forest. Ive spent many years alone here, nobody comes this deep into the forest anyways. Its always been me, the animals and mother nature, its peaceful, but does get lonely at times. I take a look around at the trees whom ive called my family, and believe it or not, have taught me the healing art. It took awhile, but eventually i mastered it.

"Thank you" i say aloud to the forest, knowing full well its listening. I continue my walk as the Light glows brighter in the forest. This is the Brightest its been in so long. I near the heart, where my home is, and thats when the sound hits my ears. Its this growling, grunting sound, almost as if a creature is in pain. I take off with a light sprint, soon turning into a full on run, no creature in this forest will suffer, not if i can stop it. The wind rips past me, as i gain speed. It isnt long before i am standing in the heart of the forest, before a Three headed Wolfe man, writhing on the ground in agony. Blood is everywhere, seeping from the wounds on the beast's body. His agonizing cries hurt my heart. Eventually it all dies down, and i feel his life force fading. I know what i must do.

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