Chapter 32

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Natalie was limp. Too shocked to think, she allowed herself to dangle over his shoulder. She had no thoughts of falling or his wandering hands. There was no happy place, she wasn't back at home with her mom, she was no where. The skills to mentally process such a gruesome scene was not something she possessed.

Natalie was unaware of their ascent through the house. She did not feel her body being thrown onto the bed. Her eyes were unseeing as Cooper removed her clothing. She felt nothing as he gently fondled her body.

Cooper had not expected her to shut down this way, he assumed she would be in hysterics. However, he had broken enough people to know that sometimes the crazy comes later. Thinking it would not help for her to not see him covered in blood he retreated to the bathroom for a long hot shower.

Natalie shivered from the loss of Coopers body heat. The sudden cold and body shivers brought her back to herself. She took a few deep breaths and tried to stay calm as her traitorous mind supplied graphic memories.

The sound of the shower was the first thing she noticed as she rose from the bed. The next was her lack of clothing, although she could not find the mental energy to be upset or surprised about it at this point. She just scooted backward and got under the blankets.

The nausea was unexpected. Physically holding her hand over her mouth was the only reason she did not spew vomit all over herself. Whether intentionally or not, she knew she had been spared the majority of the gore. There was no lying to herself, Marta was dead and she had witnessed it.

"I'm glad you decided to take the rest of the punishment. That was very brave of you. I'll remember that in the future." Natalie's eyes darted to the now open bathroom door.

"I just wanted you to stop."

"You never even asked me to stop. Who knows, if you had begged me I might have stopped hurting her altogether." He taunted the poor woman. "Marta could be in a cab on her back home."

Natalie was speechless. Of course she wanted to beg and scream for him to stop, she wanted to do that now. But he had told her to be good and quiet, and as much as she had wanted him to stop, she was more afraid of angering him and making it worse.

"But-" He continued. "You said you wanted to come up here and that meant taking the rest of the punishment." He confidently approached the bed with slow deliberate steps. "Did you know that in some parts of the world if you get caught stealing they'll cut off your hand? I told Sam to hold on to you while I was gone and he didn't, you got away. He let you get away from me, thats the same thing as stealing from me."

He spoke as he climbed onto the bed, crawling up Natalies covered body. "Do you think I should bring him up here and cut off one of his hands?"

Natalie could barely see through the tears now. She violently shook her head, she couldn't handle any more. 'He wouldn't. Not to his own brother, right?' The thought was incomprehensible.

"I'll give you another choice then. Beg me to fuck you or I'll bring little Sammy up here and we will see what happens to thieves." Vague was not lying, he rationalized.

Cooper now leaned over Natalie, looking down at her. He knew she was fragile after her trip to the basement and would be easily manipulated by the treat of more torture. He was not surprised when the struggle played on her face.

He watched her as he gave her the choice of punishments."Tick tock, princess." Surprisingly he was not impatient, he could watch her struggle for hours, he loved the way her eyes would widen when she thought of something unpleasant.

"Please." She whispered while sliding out from under him. He allowed her the movement, curious pf her plans. Pleased to see her kneel on the floor. "I-I- don't want you to hurt him ... please have sex with me." She hung her head in shame.

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