Chapter 7

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The restaurant they arrived at was a place Cooper frequented quite often, it was owned by the Devils. He was recognized right away and was treated accordingly. They were rushed to his usual table on the upper level by an attractive brunette. Natalie was too busy marvelling at the elaborate interior to notice how everyone seemed to recognize the handsome man escorting her.

It was one of the oldest buildings in LA. It was bought by James Grant in the late 1990's and was remodelled by Cooper a few years ago. Though he kept his fathers original name "Hell Hole", he took full ownership from his father. He hired a decorator who overcharged him an arm and a leg. "Modern yet Classic" was the way she kept calling it. To Cooper it was just an old brick building with a black and white inside, but his brother loved it, so Cooper overpaid and kept it his mouth shut.

"Wow, this place is really nice... maybe we should go somewhere else though, it looks expensive" She murmured awestruck.

"Don't worry about it, darling."

Following the waitress up the stairs to his usual table Cooper had a great view of the two woman. He couldn't help but notice how small Natalie was compared to the busty brunette leading them through the restaurant. She had slight curves but it was obvious she was a little on the too skinny side, for now he told himself. There was just something about her though, just watching her walk up the stairs was making him hard. Willing away an unwanted boner for the second time that day, Cooper had to look away from his date.

The table was a booth situated in the back corner of the second floor. It was easily big enough to fit the usual escort of security that accompanied him. Watching Natalie slide into the booth made Cooper thankful he had left his detail at home, he was already too addicted to being the sole object of Natalie's attention.

"We'll take a bottle of wine." Cooper ordered from the waitress without so much as looking in her direction.

"Oh.... um... I don't drink actually." Natalie tried to say in the nicest way possible.

Cooper was surprised. He hasn't met many people who turn down free wine at a nice restaurant from an attractive man.

"I don't think i'm dressed up enough to be here." Suddenly self conscience of her messy sweater and jeans, Natalie was worried they would be asked to leave.

"You look great." Cooper couldn't help but grin at the insecurity in her comment but stopped abruptly at the stiffed laugh of the waitress. Cooper was mortified.

Hearing the laugh, Natalie's cheeks burned red in embarrassment. Cooper wanted see other parts of her turn red, but by his hand and not from the shame of being judged by this painted up whore of a waitress. He is going to kill her.

"Thank you so much Cooper, but I don't think I should be here." Natalie was apologizing while crawling out of the massive booth.

Natalie was faster than Cooper thought she would be. By the time he had slid out to stop her she was already walking away from the table.

"Wait, Natalie. Stop. Please, sit back down." For the second time, Cooper was surprised by his new friend. She pulled her arm away and continued to apologize and walk away.

Cooper was seething in anger. He pulled himself together long enough to call his driver and tell him to take Natalie home, only to be told she had taken a taxi just moments ago. Cooper was now in a blind rage.

'I'm going to kill that stupid cunt. She made the mistake of thinking Natalie is some common slut hanging off me. She is about to have a rude awakening. I will kill her to send a message to everyone that this is different.' Coopers mind was running rampant.

Marching up to the woman Cooper wordlessly slapped her in the face, grabbed her by the throat, and dragged her down the stairs and out of the Hell Hole. Once outside he pressed her into the side of his waiting car.

"You've made a huge mistake." He finally broke the silence before slamming her face into the car door she was forced up against, knocking her out instantly.

Pushing her into the backseat Cooper instructed his driver to take them home. Having twenty minutes to calm himself was good for Cooper. It allowed him to plan out exactly what he was going to do.

'Well I am horny, maybe this is a good thing. I have that wooden horse I've been meaning to try.' Thinking the whole way home, he came up with a rough plan. He wanted to prolong this one.

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