Chapter 25

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I sat on his lap, frozen in place. I know he wont like if I try to move away from him but I'm getting very uncomfortable. I'm cold with my legs spread open this way and I can feel the wet spot seeping through his pants onto my bottom. It has to be uncomfortable for him too.

When he's finally caught his breath and has had enough of forcing me to sit with him, he abruptly stands and I all but fall onto the floor. I hear him chuckle when I reach for the large wooden desk to steady myself.

"Pull your dress down baby, you look like someone just fucked your brains out." My cheeks burned at his words. Curse my fair skin, it takes nothing to turn me into a tomato.

I followed Cooper when he exited the room, I had hoped he would take me to the kitchen or living room, someplace open where I could think and breath, but sadly no. He turned and marched back up the staircase.

I paused on the bottom step, from here I can see the front door. I can taste the freedom. I could run right out of the house before he even realized I wasn't behind him.

"Come along, Angel." He spoke without turning around, as if he knew what I was thinking.

I can't make any hasty decisions. I have to wait until Cooper leaves for his trip before I make any decisions. Once he is gone I will sneak out of my room, surely I wont be able to use the window again, but I will figure something out. I'm small and quiet, I just have to be patient.

As we approached the door I saw the same large scary man still standing outside of it, I hope he hasn't been standing here the whole time, it must have been hours by now. I feel a twinge of guilt for him having to do this all day because of me.

Cooper stopped next to the man and began to speak quietly. It is a very intimidating sight, two big men with visible guns strapped to them talking in hushed voices.

Cooper suddenly turned to me and pulled me in front of him. He put his hands on my shoulders and began talking a little louder so I could hear.

"I'm leaving in a few minutes. You'll guard the door until I get back, Darren. No one in or out." Cooper spoke to Darren as if I wasn't standing right there in between them. I felt like a child being ignored while the grown ups talked.

"Yes, Sir." He agreed, not sparing me a glance.

Cooper opened the door and gently pushed me inside the bedroom with a firm hand on my lower back. I quickly shuffled to the window on the far side of the room, wanting to avoid any more physical contact with him.

Thankfully he left me alone and instead turned to his left and entered the large walk in closet. I could hear him whistling to himself as he pulled things off of their hangers. I kept my eyes glued to the doorway, expecting him to emerge at any moment.

He took longer than I expected and I found myself getting distracted by the beautiful view that could be seen from the windows. It was a magnificent skyline of the city off in the distance, I closed my eyes and imagined I was standing in my bedroom.

I was too busy daydreaming, and didn't hear him exit the closet and move to sit on the bed. I jumped and jerked my head in his direction when he cleared his throat loudly to get my attention.

"Come here." He spoke, staring at me.

Once again my cheeks flushed red, this time from embarrassment. I should be on guard observing him, not getting distracted and day dreaming. I can be such a fool sometimes. This always happens, I never pay enough attention to whats happening.

"Natalie." He sing-songed to me.

'Oh no, I'm doing it again.' I mentally berate myself. Quickly turning to walk toward him before I forget the full gravity of my situation again, I make my way over to where he is seated. Making sure to keep enough distance between us so we aren't touching in any way.

"Sit." He bluntly demands, vaguely gesturing to his lap. I'm not falling for that again.

Cooper just looks at me while I'm processing his words. He must realize that I have no intentions on being that close to him again because he swings his hands out and grabs my arms before I can stop him. I guess I wasn't as far away as I thought.

"Be a good girl." Is all he says, but his tightening grip on my arm when I try to wriggle free tells me I'm not getting off until he lets me.

"Cooper... I thought you ha-had to leave." I whisper, scared to my absolute core just by being in his arms.

"I am baby, I just want to make sure that you understand whats going to happen while I'm gone. So if you misbehave you'll have no excuses. Okay?" I nod along to his words. "I'm leaving and will be gone until late tomorrow night, like really really late. You will stay in this room the whole time. I don't even want you to think about leaving, because if you step one foot outside that door, I'm going to punish you when I get back, and trust me when I say that I will love every second of it. I will have someone bring up your supper tonight and meals tomorrow. Do you understand?" I nod my head again. "Just be a good girl for me, and we can do something nice when I get back."

I'm nodding my head at him before I've even really realized his words. I can't stay locked up in here! What if something happens like a fire, would I really get punished then? And what am I supposed to do in this room for more than 24 hours?!

"But what if theres an emergency?" I almost yell.

"There won't be. You're safe here." He chuckles.

"What about a fire!" I'm shaking, I don't know if its from fear or panic at this point.

I grab his shirt in a tight grip. He looks down at me the way someone would look at a small puppy as it barked at a mirror for the first time. Amused and confused. He doesn't understand my feelings.

"Sweetheart, if anything happens Sam will take care of you, and in that one specific case I promise you won't be punished for leaving the room." The smile he gives me seems genuine.

I get lightly pushed off of his lap a moment later, but he keeps a hand on me, much to my dismay. He gives me a quick kiss on the top of my head and grabs the small suitcase from the floor.

"What am I supposed to do?" I know it sounds silly, but I'm slightly worried about being bored.

"Relax, read, take a bath, watch some Netflix. Just enjoy yourself. Darren outside will get you anything you want." He makes it sound like I'm staying at a hotel.

He finally takes his hand off me, but my relief is short lived when he grabs my chin and turns my face towards his. He leans down and slowly puts his lips to mine. I hate this man with my whole being, but I can't deny how soft his lips feel right now. I don't move to kiss him back.

Cooper leaves the room without another word. I catch sight of that man outside the room still and am thrown back into reality. I won't have time to sit here and be bored, I need to think of a way to escape.

First things first, I need to put on some more appropriate clothes.

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