Chapter 16

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Arriving at the kitchen Natalie noticed two things, first that it was completely cleaned from the night before, and second there were now various breakfast dishes scattered atop the large island in the middle of the room. It was clear that there was too much food for just two people.

"Did you make all this?" Natalie was sure that Cooper had not. "And are more people joining us?"

"Nope and nope." Cooper purposely left his answer vague.

Ushering his guest over to the adjacent dining room, Cooper made sure to seat her beside his usual spot at the head of the table. Not wanting to leave her alone for too long, in case she bolted, he quickly jogged back to the kitchen. 'What would she like to eat?' Cooper thought to himself. Unsure of her food preferences yet, Cooper just grabbed a little of everything and threw it on both of their plates.

"Here you go, my dear." Handing the much too full plate to the small woman, Cooper laughed a bit when he saw her eyes bulge at the sight of the food.

The atmosphere around the table was tense and uncomfortable. Cooper didn't like it, and worse, he didn't know how to fix it. It was clear that Natalie didn't want to be here but he was more upset over her lack of appetite than anything.

"Hows it taste?" Cooper asked with a seductive eyebrow wiggle.

"Its delicious, but i'm not that hungry, I should really get going." Natalie said in a rush and stood, attempting to leave the table.

Cooper fixed her with a hard cold stare, using his deepest commanding voice he instructed her to sit and finish her food. She promptly obeyed, not wanting to upset her host. Thinking she must have offended him a few moments ago she made a show of eating and commenting on how good the food was.

"Good girl." Cooper teased eliciting no response.

Using his 'boss voice' didn't make the situation any less tense, but now she was at least eating. When she was about halfway finished she sat back and looked at Cooper. Her stomach was bursting at the seams. Too full to even move, let alone finish her plate.

"Cooper?" She carefully ventured. "I-I don't think I can finish all this food." Peering up at the large man in quick glances, Natalie expected him to be upset again. He surprised her by smiling.

"Thats aright. I just wanted to fill you up." Cooper could see she was happy to be off the hook, he chuckled when she obviously didn't get his joke.

After assuring her that he really wasn't upset over the amount of leftover food, Cooper took their plates to the kitchen and led Natalie back to the front foyer and staircase. She hadn't said anything else about leaving since their meal, he almost hoped she would try and run just so he could chase her down. The thought alone had his blood rushing to certain places.

"I have to get going now ... I'm already late for classes. Where are my things?" Natalie looked at Cooper expectantly.

"I've already emailed your professors, they know you wont be in attendance today." Cooper spoke slowly, knowing how his words would be received.

"What?!" Disbelief and outrage pouring off her. "Why would you do that? Look Cooper, this is weird, I'm going to go." Voicing her displeasure, she slowly began to back up towards the front door.

Snatching her arm before she got too far out of reach, Cooper grabbed Natalie and pulled her in close to his body. "Look Darling, you don't need school or a job now that you're with me." He stated, like it was obvious. "And watch the way you talk to me, little girl."

Natalie was alarmed at his change in behaviour. She tried pulling her arm from his punishing grip. When she couldn't get herself free she panicked and started pushing and hitting with the other hand.

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