Chapter 2

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Cooper Grant was currently sitting in a business meeting, once a week he had his advisors gather at his main office to fill him in on every detail of the previous week. He liked to be in complete control, that included knowing all that was happening within his vast and illegal empire. Today he was particularly impatient. Sam, his brother, was droning on and on about the new office construction plans that he'd been working on. Cooper looked at his watch for the third time in the last ten minutes.

"Sammy. Can we speed this up please? I'm falling asleep over here" Cooper sighed with a fake snore causing a few nervous chuckles around the table.

"Fine Coop. I'm done" Sam replied with an eye roll. With that the meeting was finished and everyone got up to go their separate ways.

Truth is, Cooper was just preoccupied. He was distracted thinking of the busty blonde that was tied up in his basement. He left her naked, blindfolded, and bleeding this morning. Every time his mind drifted to the way she cried and screamed as he sliced into her skin the previous night had him fighting off an uncomfortable erection. But now that the meeting was over he was free to go home and see if she had survived the day.

Cooper left his office with an entourage of personal security behind him. As per usual they walked him to his chauffeured town car and then proceeded to follow him home in a very suspicious looking SUV. Cooper didn't like thinking that he had to be protected, like he was weak. But he enjoyed the rush of power he got from knowing so many people would risk their lives for a piece of him.

When Cooper got home he wasted no time rushing from the car into his house and practically ran down to the basement. His men called it his PlayRoom and he not so secretly loved it. The innocent name to his own personal torture chamber gives him a thrill every time he hears it.

Coop took a moment outside the door at the bottom of the basement stairs to gather himself and take a deep breathe, he didn't want to go inside too excited if she has bled out and died while he was at the office. Cooper held his breathe and gave a knock to the door, he smiled a wicked grin and felt himself beginning to stiffen in his pants when he heard a faint scream and a cry for help. To his delight the busty blonde was still alive and as he expected she heard the knock and thought it was anyone but him. He sauntered into the room and almost moaned at the sight of her.

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