Chapter 18

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Natalie didn't know where to go. She had no money, cellphone, or idea where she was. After escaping Coopers house she ran until her lungs burned and her legs gave out. By the time she stopped to catch her breath she realized that she didn't know where she was. Lost, scared, and alone, Natalie went into the closest building and asked for directions to a police station.

Her parents always told her to be weary of the police, especially in big cities, but given her current circumstances she didn't see any other choice. For the first time since moving to California, Natalie wished she was back in New York.

The walk to the closest station was short, thankfully she had run in the general direction of it earlier. Jogging up to the front door and hurrying to the reception. As she waited in line to talk to someone her eyes began to tear up, the stress of everything was beginning to finally weigh on her. The poor woman didn't even know why she was crying, everything just hit her at once.

Standing in line silently crying, Natalie didn't realize a man was staring at her. Well actually he was trying to compare her face to the picture of the woman on his cellphone. It was Sergeant Parten and he had just gotten a text from Sam Grant telling him to keep an eye out for this young woman.

"Excuse me, Miss? Can I help you?" The Sergeant asked as he approached the woman. When she turned to face him upon hearing his words he knew right away this was the woman everyone was looking for.

"I need to talk to a police officer." She mumbled out between sniffles.

"I'm Sergeant Parten, how about you come with me to my office and I'll help you out." Putting on his most sympathetic smile he quickly led her to the elevators.

Natalie should have noticed how unusual and unorthodox that was. But she was preoccupied in her mind trying to get her story straight. Not sure what it was she could even tell the police she was suddenly worried that there would be nothing they could do for her.

"Right this way, Miss..." The man directing her out of the elevators paused waiting for her name.

"Carver, Natalie Carver." Slightly blushing from the intense look she was receiving from the older man, Natalie quickly stepped ahead of him so they could continue.

They silently walked around cubicles and passed by various desks. Finally they came to a standstill outside the sergeants office. He opened the door and gestured for the young woman to go ahead of him.

"I'm going to go get you some water. Have a seat, i'll be right back." His abrupt exit was not noticed.

Natalie took a look around the office, as she sat down. There were two black leather chairs facing a large and neatly organized desk. The desk was void of any pictures or sentimental ornaments. The walls were sparsely decorated with different awards and certificates.

"Here you go, Dear." The sergeant came back to the room a few minutes later and handed Natalie a paper cup filled with luke warm water. He had really only left to call the Grants and tell them he had found the girl.

"Oh, thank you." Natalie had mostly stopped crying by now.

"So, Natalie." The man started off the conversation as he sat down behind the desk. "Tell me why you're here. What happened?"

Giving her statement took longer than she thought, Natalie didn't know where to start. She had been held against her will by a man that she was having dinner with the previous night. She couldn't even remember what he had said it last name was. The story sounded ridiculous, even to her.

"Well if thats all you can tell me... I'm going to go get a coffee, I'll be right back." Sergeant Parten was somewhat relieved, surely this girl couldn't be in too much trouble with The Devils. He made his second hasty exit and went out to the elevators to wait for someone to come get this young woman.

This time Natalie had noticed the Sergeants abrupt departure, but she figured it was an excuse to leave because he didn't believe her story. She never thought in a million years that Cooper Grant would be the next person to walk through the door.

"Hey, Darling." That silky smooth voice made her blood run cold.

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