Chapter 10

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Cooper had to make a phone call to his brother before he went to bed. He needed to know what Natalie did when he wasn't around.

"Sammy. I need a guy." Cooper was not known for polite greetings.

"Wow Cooper, I thought you could find your own dates?" Chuckling at his own joke, Sam knew Cooper wouldn't laugh along, he rarely did.

"I met a girl. I'll tell you about her tomorrow. I need someone to tail her in the morning." He deadpanned, all serious.

"Fine. Fine. I'll send Mikey over in the morning." They said their usual goodnights and goodbyes, and hung up.

Cooper was tossing and turning all night. 'What if she has a boyfriend and lied to me. I'll have to kill him. And then I'll have to punish her. She won't like me very much after that.' Cooper couldn't get his mind to calm down. He eventually fell into a restless sleep.

The boy Sam sent him the next morning was so new that Cooper was sure he had never seen him before. He hoped he could be trusted with this task.

"Hey. You. Sam tell you what I want?" Cooper questioned without any form of greeting when he walked down stairs the next morning and saw the boy standing there waiting by the front door.

"Yes, Sir." The boy all but whispered. 'He won't last long.' Cooper thought to himself.

"Good. I have meetings all day. I want to hear about everything she does and everyone she talks to. No detail is too small, you understand me?" Cooper was letting his boss voice come out.

The boy didn't have much to report back throughout the day. He sent a few candid pics every once in a while. She showed the same polite friendliness to every customer that came into the bakery, more-so the odd time someone came in with a small child. She was all courteous smiles and subtle rejection to the men that showed any interest. Cooper was especially happy to hear that.

He had a lot of work to do today. There were a few business meetings, some products to review, and a couple people to visit. In other words; he had to find out know needed to die, go get the weapons to use, and then track them down and do it.

The Devils were a big enough operation that Cooper and Sam didn't have to do all the dirty work, but sometimes a job just needs the boss. Not to mention Cooper loved having an excuse to get his hands dirty.

Today was going by painstakingly slow though. Cooper just wanted to go see his new redheaded friend. He was already obsessed. It was only going to get worse from here.

Coopers list of "business meetings" was relatively short today, he only had three. Usually such a small number would disappoint him, but right now he was thankful. He wasn't going to ruin his name by rushing, no Cooper would take his time and exert as much pain as possible.

He took his chauffeured town car to a warehouse just outside the city. Pulling up Cooper saw the usual three vehicles; Sam's car, the cleaning crew vans, and the SUV that would have carried his victims to their fate.

"Sammy, hows it going?" The nonchalant greeting to his brother would have been unsettling to anyone that could see the inside of that warehouse.

A line of three chairs was set in the centre of the large room. Each supporting a different sized man covered in a varying mix of sweat, mud, and topped with a burlap bag over each head. A few feet behind the men there was a table set up with all of the tools he would need for the job.

"Oh I'm just peachy. I'd be better if tubby over there hadn't pissed himself on the drive over." Sam sent the short fat man in the middle of the line of chairs an evil look.

"Don't worry brother, I'll make him pay for it." Smacking Sam on the back in mock comfort, Cooper made his way over to the first man.

"Now, Mr. Hillel. If you can tell me why you're here I will happily let you go. How does that sound?" Cooper walked up to the man and bent down so he was at the same level, removing the mans hood he looked him straight in the eye and waited for his response.

"Cooper. What kind of game are you playing? We both know why I'm here. You wanted more money than I'm willing to pay."

"Oh no! Sorry, thats incorrect. You were so close. You're here because I want to cut you up into little pieces and toss you into the ocean." Cooper taunted the older man.

"I'm not afraid of you, Grant." The mans wavering voice betraying him.

"You will be." Cooper deadpanned.

Instructing Sam to move the other men out of his way, Cooper walked around them to take a look at his tools. He briefly considered just shooting them all right now so he could go find Natalie, but he thought better of it. There was a certain pride in being the most feared man in LA, and he couldn't compromise that for a woman.

"Lets get started."

Cooper spent the better part of the next three hours cutting into and mentally tormenting the restrained men. These three men had the nerve to cross The Devils, they knew what they were doing and they knew of the consequences. Each one was there for relatively the same reason. Taking something or not giving something. They were beyond negotiations. There would be three people leaving the warehouse in body bags, one way or another.

It was an art. The things Cooper could do. It took skill, patience, and many hours of practice to get as good as he was. He knew just how to draw out the pain and suffering, only letting the victims die when he was finished having his fun with them.

"You know, this ones kind of cute. Maybe I shouldn't let him bleed out quite yet." Looking at Sam for a reaction while ignoring the man bleeding in front of him.

"I thought you had a new friend for that?" Sam played along with his brother. He'd heard this one a thousand times. Cooper liked to get inside peoples heads, though he rarely followed through in situations like this.

"Oh I don't know, Sammy, he's got such a pretty mouth. My cock would look perfect right here." Finally looking down at the silently crying man, Cooper tugged on the mans lower lip with a wink. "What do you think? Wanna taste?"

The last victim left was crying and shaking his head, not sure if the psychotic man standing in front of him with a knife covered in his blood would actually rape him before killing him. Why wouldn't he? The things he just witnessed Cooper do to the two men beside him were horrendous. He couldn't take the chance.

"Just kill me, Grant. Please. Get it over with." Cried the man slowly bleeding to death in the middle of the warehouse.

"That hurts my feelings. Fine, no point in keeping you around then." Before he could get a response Cooper thrust the blade of the knife into the mans bleeding chest. Looking deep into his eyes as he twisted the handle.

"Alright, record time." Sam clapped his hands together and begin walking around barking out orders to get everything cleaned up.

Meanwhile Cooper was stripping off his bloodied clothes and re-dressing into a clean set. He always brought a change of outfit or two to every business meeting. Today he decided to dress up. He wanted to show off to Natalie when he went to see her later.

Thinking about Natalie made him realize that it had been a while since he had received a report about her. That made him tense and suddenly in a rush to go see her for himself.

"See ya later, Sammy." Coopers job was done. He did the messy work and could leave knowing that his brother and the cleaning crew would take care of the rest; they always did.

Waving a vague goodbye, Cooper left the warehouse and made his way to the chauffeured car waiting for him outside.

"The Bakery." Cooper instructed the driver and sat back to enjoy the duel rush of the high he got from killing, and the excitement he felt from finally going to see Natalie.

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