Chapter 11

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The drive to the bakery was agonizing. Traffic had never seemed so bad before. Coopers patience was running thin by the time they eventually pulled up in front of the quaint little bakery. Realistically, the traffic was normal, maybe even a little lighter than usual. But he was convinced that it was especially bad today.

"Fucking finally!" Cooper hopped out of his car without a word to the driver and jogged to the front door.

There was a small gold bell above the front entry way to the bakery that gave out a small angelic chime any time someone opened the door. It was the perfect sound to announce the dangerous Cooper Grant. The smile Natalie flashed in his direction from behind the counter when she heard a presumed customer enter made his heart skip a beat.

She really was beautiful. It was the simple innocence of everything about her that made Cooper want to claim her as his own.

"Hello." Natalie gave her usual courteous greeting in Coopers direction as she heard the door chime. When she realized who had just come in, her cheeks burned red with the shame from the way she had acted the previous night and she slightly hung her head.

"Hi, Darling." The sheepish way she was acting didn't go unnoticed to Cooper, and he was enjoying every second of it. "I'm glad you're working today, I wanted to make sure you were alright. After the way you ran off last night ... Well I wasn't sure what to think." He chose to play into her guilt, this was one of his favourite games. He knew he'd be able to get what he wanted if he kept her feeling bad.

"Oh Cooper, I'm so sorry about last night, I'm terribly embarrassed. I don't know what I was thinking, and after you went through all the trouble of getting us a reservation to that fancy restaurant at the last minute." She was unknowingly playing right into his trap.

"Was it something I did? I'm sorry if I upset you somehow." Cooper faked his worry and distress.

"No! Oh my goodness, no. You were a perfect gentleman, really, I swear. I was jus-"

"How about a re-do? I mean a proper date this time." Cooper interrupted Natalie before she had to say out loud why she ran away the previous night. "I mean you kind of owe me." He added with a cheeky grin when he could see the apprehension on her face.

"I don't know ..."

"Your shift is almost over, I'll drive you home and we can go from there. Give you no time to change your mind." Cooper stated before he could be rejected. Even though he was kind of joking about the last sentence, he was also being selfish. He wanted her all to himself and he, more than anything, wanted to see the inside of her apartment.

When Brian had sent Cooper everything there was to know about Natalie, he also sent him a few general layout pictures and blueprints from the rental ads online for the apartment for rent below Natalie's. They looked terrible. The whole building was cheap and rundown. If it was as bad as he suspected, then he would be making some changes to her living arrangements sooner than expected.

"Ok, ok. Sure, I would love to." Always polite, Cooper Loved it.

"Perfect." The sly man flashed his pearly whites and went to have a seat to wait out the rest of Natalie's shift.

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