Chapter 23

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Cooper was not happy. Upon returning to the bedroom he observed that Natalie was asleep again, which was not the problem, but she had not eaten supper. He knew from experience that his partners required some sort of sustenance after a fuck session with him. He didn't like when his orders weren't followed, sure he never specifically told her to eat, but he felt the unspoken order should have been followed anyways.

Calming his nerves, Cooper quickly undressed and carefully crawled back into the bed beside his sleeping girl. Just watching her chest rise and fall with every even breath put him into a state of serenity. He was content to just lay beside her and bask in her presence.

The room was peaceful and silent. The setting sun shining through the window landed on Natalies sleeping face, slowly awakening her to the sight of Cooper Grants curious gaze. He had been watching her sleep for a short while.

She wasn't startled as she slowly came around. As much as she hated to admit it, he really was beautiful. His face, when not bent by rage, was something anyone would be delighted to wake up beside.

"Rise and shine, Sweetheart." Cooper all but whispered. "How are you feeling?"

"Please, let me go home." Natalies voice shook as she spoke.

"You didn't eat your supper, I don't like when my orders aren't followed." He ignored her request and continued quietly speaking. "You don't need a reminder of what happens when you don't listen to me do you?"

"No, no please, Cooper. I'm sorry." She rushed get the words out as a fresh set of tears began to fall. "I didn't mean to fall asleep, I was going to eat."

"Okay, okay." He soothed her. "I believe you." Sitting up, Cooper sent a text to Darren and told him to come get the food and reheat it.

The bedroom door opened a moment later as Darren quickly rushed in to follow the order. Natalie was surprised by the sudden intrusion and remembered that she was still nude. She let out a small yelp and threw the blanket over her head to hide her embarrassment.

"Don't worry baby, no one is going to see you like that." Cooper let out a chuckle at her reaction.

"No one has ever seen me naked before." Natalie's small voice barely audible through the blankets.

The certainty of her statement broke a little piece of Cooper. She didn't know about her pervert neighbours and their cameras within her apartment. He vowed to himself that she would never find out about them, and that he would never let someone (other than himself) take advantage of her ever again. He would use and control her, but he swore he would also do everything he could to protect her.

Cooper was caught up in his thoughts and was almost surprised when there was a slight knock on the door just before it opened and they were brought a new food tray. The man knew enough to avoid looking at the small human shaped lump hiding beneath the blankets and quickly made his exit.

"Alright he's gone. Sit up, I want you to eat." The words carried the desired weight and slowly the blanket slid down to reveal the scared girl.

Natalie sat up, making sure to keep the blankets firmly around her chest. The food smelled delicious and as much as she wanted to deny this man the satisfaction of her compliance, she was starving. The food tasted even better than it looked and she wondered as she ate who had made it.

"I'm not very happy with you, Natalie." Cooper quietly spoke. "When I had your meal sent up I expected you to eat it. But I didn't specifically tell you to, so I think I can forgive you this time." His voice was void of anger, and instead full of a gentle fondness that Natalie had originally fallen for mere days ago.

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