Chapter 37

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Pov. Park Sunghoon*

My body felt heavy as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around in wonder.
Just a moment ago I had been in the art room with Heeseung, but now I was lying on a bed in a bright room.

In the hospital?

I stroked my finger over the fabric beneath me as a medicinal smell hit my nose.

Okay, I am definitely in the hospital.

"You're awake?" My heart stopped for a moment. A glance of mine wandered to the side. Sunoo was sitting on a chair, with Riki next to him, probably abusing the mattress as a pillow and dozing. But when he noticed my movements, he jumped up and looked at me with wide eyes. "Hoon!" he said, exhaling in relief.

What happened?

I sat up slowly, and suddenly a sharp pain appeared at the back of my head and a loud bang was heard, which probably only I and my thoughts noticed.

Heeseung and I fought. He pushed me and I hit my head. So, I probably fainted or something.

"Why isn't he saying anything? Does he have amnesia?" asked Riki worriedly, but I gently shook my head. "No, I don't," I muttered, looking at them both conformingly. "What luck!"
My gaze wandered to the clock.

It was 06:00 p.m.

"What day is it?", I asked. "Saturday. You were brought in last night. By chance, I had to go to the art room and saw you lying there on the floor. It was really frightening; I almost had a heart attack. I thought you were dead," Sunoo told me, laughing uncertainly as he was probably still in shock. "What happened? The room was trashed, it looked like there had been a fight," he added, scratching the back of his head.

Should I tell them?


No. My worries and problems have been piling up extremely late, I didn't feel like it and I didn't have the strength anymore. It would be best to put an end to it all, I don't want to be hurt all the time anymore.

"I don't know," I lied, thinking it best to keep the facts to myself.

Everything should just stop.

"Maybe it's the shock ... but I'm sure you'll soon remember. Your father wanted to sue the university and alert the police because apparently someone was after your figure skating career. Your mother was able to convince him not to. You were only absent for almost 24 hours and so much happened," Sunoo explained to me, exhaling exhaustedly.

Sue? The police? My father always had to exaggerate. I just hope this doesn't make the rounds...

I frantically suppress my tears, swallow the lump in my throat and grin weakly at the two of them. I couldn't say anything back to them.
"Wait, Jake was here five minutes ago. Maybe I can still catch him!", Riki immediately said encouragingly and stood up. "No!", I said a little too loudly and reached out to stop him. Confused, they both looked at me. "What, no? Why not?", Sunoo pecked skeptically.

As harsh as it may sound, my head tells me to build a protective wall and keep everyone away from me. My inner voice is literally screaming at me, although my wounded heart says the opposite.

"Just because," I said. "'Just because what?' Is it still due to the party thing??"

To some extent it is.

"I don't know..." Suspiciously, Sunoo pursed his lips, while Riki slowly sat down again.

But when I think about it... before I really met Jake, my life was boring, but... I wasn't hurt or disappointed.

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