Chapter 32

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Pov. Jake Sim*

After the match, our coach happily invited us for a round of Korean BBQ. He insisted that all the players be there. Including their friends, siblings, parents, partners, etc. who were live at the match today and cheered along with us.

However, the parents of all the players stayed home as they wanted their sons to celebrate the victory with their friends of the same age.

"Let's order! Five Soju bottles per table and everyone gets a beer. For the BBQ, the classic one. Sounds good, doesn't it?" asked our coach throughout the restaurant, looking at the four filled tables of ten. Everyone happily agreed, so he rushed to the waitress and ordered immediately.
It wasn't long before our food was served.
The sizzle of beef and pork belly was barely audible due to the loud laughter and chatter at the tables. But Heeseung, who mostly munched silently on his kimchi and seafood pancakes, spoke sparingly. And that even though he had scored three of the four goals in the match today and was supposed to be happy.
Perhaps it was because Sunghoon and I were both sitting at the same table as him, and he was therefore probably too incapable of behaving socially.

Ok, that was now really hard phrased. But I was desperate to have it back to normal with him, but he has completely walled himself off and doesn't allow any approaches. We have never had such a bad fight before.

"Pass the sauce!", Riki asked Namra, who opened her eyes indignantly. "Young man, watch your language! Where are your manners?" she laughed kinda pissed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Could you please pass me the sauce, Noona?", Riki now asked politely and grinned broadly, which is why she contentedly handed him the little glass.

Apart from Sunghoon, Heeseung, Riki, Namra, and I, there were also Sunoo, Jay, Jungwon, his girlfriend aka Lim Seulki, and Yudai Koga, K for short, sitting at our table.

"Don't be so hard on Riki, Noona. Today he scored a goal, after all!" protested Sunoo with a laugh, proudly placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Oh well. Next time, I'll give you a free pass for 'not speaking politely,' all right?" The whole table erupted in laughter.
"Attention! Let's toast for our victory and promotion to the next league!" our coach began loudly, drawing our eyes to him. He stood in the middle of the room with a filled Soju shot glass in his hand as he gave a short but meaningful speech.
Jay was pouring each of us some Soju into our shot glasses.
"Maji de?! Forget it, Riki is still underage!" said Koga in a whisper, leaning across the table to Jay who was in the process of filling Riki's glass.
"Uzai! Don't be a killjoy, Koga senpai, " Riki pouted softly. "You don't have to address me politely and...", Koga began and suddenly started discussing with Riki in Japanese. At some point, the older of the two shook his head reproachfully and signaled the waiter after our coach's wonderful speech. After Koga ordered something, the waitress returned with orange juice, which she provided to the minors for a toast. After that, we all clinked glasses together.


We were eating and talked for a long time. It was past midnight and several Sojus later.
"Jagi, I don't want the pork belly anymore. Too full... Do you want the last piece?" asked Seulki, looking at Jungwon pleadingly. Confirming, he nodded and opened his mouth, whereupon Seulki fed her boyfriend and kissed him on the cheek right after. Corny, the two began to giggle.
"Sunghoon hyung? Would you like a piece of pork belly too?", Sunoo mimicked Seulki amusedly and held his last piece of tidbit under Sunghoon's nose which he ate gratefully. "YA! I'm not that cheesy!" she cried, holding Jungwon's arm, who stroked her hair pitifully. My eyes wandered to Jay, who seemed to have Jungwon firmly in his sights. His eyes were watery, I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or something else.

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