Chapter 27

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Pov. Park Sunghoon*

"Don't be like that. Take Jake to that concert tonight."

Sunoo's words echoed in my head as I looked at the concert tickets in my hand. He proudly held them under my nose this morning and literally forced me to accept the it.

It was a Brave Girls concert. So, Jake was into these women and celebrated this music next to Hip-Hop and Western Pop.

After the first three uni classes, I texted Jake. We were going to meet in the spare materials room during the five-minute break. Actually, I could have gone to him during the lunch break, but since he was always sitting with his clique, I wanted to avoid a confrontation.

Well, maybe I just didn't want to see Heeseung and avoid him looking at me reproachfully...

Since I was short on time, I ran out of the hall after the lecture, pushed my way between a few students, and got into one of the empty corridors. Only when a professor came around the corner did I slow down a bit.

I didn't want to get another entry for running in the halls.

She eyed me up and down, I grinned and bowed slightly before she disappeared into another room.
My pace quickened until I stopped in front of the spare materials room. I quickly made sure no professor saw me before I carefully opened the door and saw Jake sitting on some boxes. "Hey," I greeted him, letting the door fall shut behind me as I entered the room. "You wanted to see me?" he asked charmingly. "Yeah," I mumbled shyly.

Oh God, can I please stop being so nervous around him? I didn't know this side of me at all and by now it was getting really embarrassing. I hardly recognized myself. Fascinating what people can trigger in you.

"Likewise, we haven't spoken at all since last night!", I quickly added, clearing my throat so he wouldn't notice my fluster. "Have you missed me?"

This guy completely turns my head.

When I blushed, Jake noticed and changed his sitting position and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He had probably not expected this reaction. Therefore, I continued with another topic. "Going back to last night at Ocean World Restaurant... Did Jungwon recognize me? Did he approach you about it?", I asked and sat down on the opposite boxes.

Because of these thoughts, I honestly couldn't sleep all night.

"Ah! He asked who that was, I said it was my older brother." I nodded silently and then looked at the tickets in my hand. "Sunoo said you're a fan of Brave Girls," I began, waiting for his reaction. He started grinning widely and confirmed my statement. "Riki and Sunoo can't go to their concert tonight, unfortunately, so they gave me the tickets. Shall we go together? Well, only if you have time and are up for it!", I said and handed him one of the two tickets. "Are you serious now?" asked Jake, dumbfounded. He mused at it with big glittering eyes. He then jumped up and immediately took me in his arms. "The madness! Don't you have practice today? And what about math tutoring?" he asked overjoyed and slowly let go of me. "I'll take care of that."

Um, well, I didn't have a concrete plan yet, but I'll come up with something!

"You're the best!"

"After you have asked him to go to the concert, ask him if he has time for the funfair on Sunday! All of us together! Jake, Riki, you, and me! 7:30 p.m.!", Sunoo said after he handed me the tickets. I guess the guy meant well by being the unofficial wingman.

"And one more thing. Do you feel like going to the funfair with Sunoo and Riki on Sunday? At 7:30 p.m.?", I asked and felt a bit stupid to ask him a thousand questions.

Now I seemed like the cheesy guy who wanted to do everything with his lover and fully plan the whole week with him.

I picked some imaginary lint off my pants so as not to look at him since I was already getting nervous again. But Jake seemed visibly pleased about it and took my hand in his. "Logo! Since when do you have so much time on your hands? Thought you were busy training... But I really like spending time with you and enjoy it a lot!" he said, running his thumbs over the back of my hand as he looked deep into my eyes.

And there they came again. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered wildly around.

Since the whole thing happened with Jake, I felt like a free rebellious teenager. Lying to my parents to go out, getting drunk at a party, having a secret lover, having friends who love me because of my personality and not because of my career as a figure skater, and spending an extreme amount of time with people who are not blood relatives of mine. Honestly, I liked the feeling. This stage of my life was the first time I felt like I was alive.

What more could you want?

The uni bells rang, and a little disappointed Jake pouted. "Then I'll see you tonight," he said, looking at me expectantly. He seemed to consider and hesitated for a moment. My palm grew moist and my heartbeat was as hard in the silence as it always did when I was near him. "May I?" he asked, pointing his eyes to my lips. "Hm-m."
He came closer to me, reflexively I rise and already our lips are on each other. I wrap my arms around him and feel how he smiles while kissing me, puts his hand on my cheek, and presses me closer to him with the other hand.

It reminded me of one of the K-dramas Namra made me watch with her while we sometimes had to drive up to three hours for a match. It was often a matter, once you set up a date with someone to "talk", it usually ended up being more than just talking. Kind of ironic.

But luck was not on our side as we suddenly heard footsteps coming closer and closer. When I heard the door handle, we pulled away from each other and Jake threw himself behind the boxes for cover, while I went to a shelf and began to examine a bend of sheets. Some female students entered. They startled and looked at me questioningly. "Hello," one of them said quietly and went to get something from behind the boxes, but I suddenly stood in front of them so they wouldn't spot Jake. "Mwoya...? Can you please let us through for a minute?" the other asked. Looking closer, I realized it was Sora, Namra's best friend.

I didn't know the other one.

"What do you need? I'll get it for you!" Helpfully, I spread my arms and put on my Prince Charming smile. Sora takes a step closer, but the other one stopped. Nervously, I looked down at Jake, who was lying on the ground like a starfish with his hand folded prayerfully.

What am I supposed to do?!

"Are you hiding something?" asked the shy one of the two, standing on tiptoe to look behind the boxes. But to no avail, she was too short. "Or someone?", Sora grinned ear to ear, looking at me like the Pedo Emoji. "No."

Wow. That came out of my mouth pretty fast.

"Is it Namra?" she asked, trying to pry, but I put my hands on her shoulders. "Nam, is it you?"

No response.

"Um... or is there another woman behind the boxes? Does the ice-cold ice prince have another secret lover?", she hacked, but didn't defend herself and crossed her arms.

Why did they all call me like that? I wasn't that cold.

"Sora, let's just leave Park and the girl alone. We need clear sheets. A whole pack, if possible," the girl tried to get me out of it, at which I was very grateful to her. Grinning broadly, I let go of Sora, bypassed Jake, rushed to said spot, grabbed the packet, and handed it to her. "Thanks!"
Sora was still trying to peek but finally gave up and surrendered. "Bye, give Namra my regards," Sora said in closing and left the room with the other girl. When the door closed, I ran back to the boxes. "Come on up, we're both going to be late for our lectures!", I urged Jake, who stood up and fished away the dust on his uniform. "You go out first, after five minutes I'll go!" he said, trying to urge me toward the exit. "Otherwise, it will be noticed," he added. "See you tonight then," now I also said goodbye to him and opened the door. "Until tonight."

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