Chapter 38

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Pov. Park Sunghoon*

At a café near my house, I was broodingly solving worksheets that I hadn't been able to finish because of my absence from the university. Father let me out for once, but only because Yeji also had homework and he only let us out together. Whether he knew that Yeji and I could have fun together was probably not clear to him. After all, we snuck into the internet café. But well, that was also a very long time ago.

Yeji, by the way, was not allowed to go to high school anymore and of course blamed me, which I could understand.

She sat across from me, spooning cake into her mouth as her head rattled. "Oh... hello?" I suddenly heard Yeji say in confusion. Lost in thought, I looked up from the side and caught sight of a face that was both familiar and foreign to me.

This person was on my list of people I didn't want to see at the moment. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised.

A little confused, I drew my eyebrows together.
"Do you have a moment?" asked Namra, eyeing me with her cool, mysterious eyes. She no longer had her long dark hair, but now wore a short chic bob. I could hardly recognize her because Namra's long hair was her trademark. Surprised, I took a moment to collect myself before answering her question.
"I can't right now," I finally said.

What was she doing here? Was it a coincidence, or why exactly did she know I was here?

"Cool, me neither actually. Mind if I join you?"

Did I just hear that right?

I couldn't believe my ears and continued to just stare at her in confusion.
"Or... is that maybe uncomfortable for you?" she asked now a bit more friendly, and I recognized something like uncertainty in her features. "Uh, no, it's fine. Go ahead and sit down..." Without further ado, she gave me a relieved but also undefined grin. Yeji looked at me chagrined, then turned her gaze to Namra. "I have to go to the bathroom quickly," she lied, standing up and disappearing from my sight.
"How did you know I was here? Or was that just a coincidence?" I blurted out, visibly embarrassed. "Your Snapchat location is on. Also, there are a few things I'd like to discuss with you in person, and since you're not responding to my messages or anyone else's, I had to do it myself," Namra began and sat down.

Typical. Obviously, Heeseung and Namra were related, both were stubborn in an annoying and sinister way.

She forced herself to smile confidently. Uncertainly, I took a sip of coffee. I was nervous; Namra's gaze seemed to pierce me. "What happened to your hair?"
At this statement, she ran her hand through her mop of hair, hesitating briefly at the tips. "As you've noticed, a lot has happened lately that can't be undone. So I thought a little change would do me good. I mean, hair can grow back, after all... What do you guys think? Do I look that awful?" she asked hesitantly, running her hand through her hair again.
"Unfamiliar and different. But definitely not awful," I said shortly, drumming my fingers on the table.
"H-Hm..." She said nothing more but continued to look at me intently before averting her eyes and looking at the menu. "Should I get something to drink, too? Any recommendations?" she asked. I blinked in surprise at this unexpected change of subject, but cleared my throat and said curtly, "Americano would be good."
"How much coffee is that for you today?" She pointed her eyes at the cup. "The third?"
"Oh... That's a lot, it's only early afternoon," she laughed weakly. At that Namra got up, ordered something to drink, and came back with two glasses. In one an Americano, in the other a glass of water with ice cubes. Then she slid the purchased drink in front of my cup and indicated with a quick chin movement. "If you drink that much coffee, you must drink more water."

Why was she still so kind to me?

I thanked her meekly and briefly felt a little better. But that feeling was abruptly interrupted again at her next sentence.
"I hate you."

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