"My Love"

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It had been a couple of weeks since the fight, and Olivia seemed oddly quite. She was clearly planning something, but what?

My train of thought was derailed by Enid wrapping her arms around me from behind, and laying her head on my shoulder. "You where day dreaming again" she spoke. And I turned in her direction, still wrapped in her embrace. She kissed me on the forehead, before leaning her head down to rest on mine. "Don't let her bother you, I'm okay. Your okay. Thing is okay! We're fine see" she said turning us in Things direction, he waved up at us, but I pulled back with concern.

"But for how long!?" I questioned. I sat down on my bed and Enid crouched down in front of me.

"For as long as your here to protect us, don't worry. Please" she stood and sat down beside me, taking my hand in hers. She rubbed circles on the top of my hand before I looked back up into her pale blue eyes. "I actually wanted to ask you something today...but you have to be in totally good mood!" She grew excited and her enthusiasm left me curious.

"I'm okay, go ahead" I said looking up at her, she stood, and took a breath before crouching down again and taking my hands into hers.

"Will you go to the Dance with me this weekend?" I was taken aback. That dance was definitely not on the top of my list, but I could tell that it was going to make her happy.

"I suppose" I said through gritted teeth. I wasn't happy about having to go to this dance, but I was happy when I made her happy.

OMG!! She said yes!!! I couldn't believe it!! I squealed with excitement. And she rolled her eyes. She was such a softie anymore, it was adorable. I had to tell the girls immediately, so i pulled my phone out.

Group Chat: Enid, Yoko, Bianca, Divina

E: I asked her to the dance and she said yes!!!! 🙌🏽❤️‍🔥

Y: That's my girl!!! 🎉

B: Now if you could just get the courage to ask her to be your actual girlfriend lmao!!!🤣

E: I was actually planning something, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 😂

D: Yoko, should I still get that purple strapless gown so we can match? Or???

Y: Yes babe the purple one!!!!!👍🏻

E: you guys are totally goals, I can't even 🥹

My heart was so filled with happiness at this point that I had to let it out. I jumped on top of Wednesday and began to tickle her, she hated it. And if I were anyone else, I would be 6 feet under right now. She fought back, and we wrestled around for awhile until I grew tired. I laid on her chest as we caught our breath before I looked up at her. She frowned at me, and I just giggled.

I reached up and left a soft kiss on her neck causing her recoil. She also hated it when I kissed her neck, but I think she only 'hated' it because she secretly loved it. I watched the way her expressions would change, and she gave herself away everytime. We hadn't gone any farther than kissing and cuddling but that was fine with me. I didn't want rush her into anything.

As the days dragged on leading up to the Dance, I bought a dress, and my anticipation grew more and more. I was so excited to see what Wednesday had picked out! I went with a white gown that hung off my shoulders, in hopes that it would compliment whatever black attire she had purchased.

Luckily it did! The night of dance was hazy at first. I don't remember getting myself ready but I do remember watching Wednesday walk out in her beautiful black dress that had a slit up the leg. Her hair was down! But it was pulled back away from her face, and I was completely blown away.

"You look-" she let out a small grin, and I was cut off by just how beautiful she truly was. She took my hand and looked me up and down.

"You don't look to bad yourself, Sinclair" she blushed, and leaned up to kiss me on my cheek, before there was knock at the door. Wednesday opened the door hesitantly, revealing her mother and father. Who had been visiting to help with the dance.

"We had to see you on your big night!" They shoved themselves into the room and I smiled.

"But we have to be quick, we have to get back down to chaperon before to many kids show up" Wednesdays mother mentioned. They took a quick picture of Wednesday, aswell as a picture of us together before heading back towards the door.

"Love you girls!!" Morticia said

" I hope you girls have a magical night" Mrs Addams added, with a wink. I blushed at his comment and Wednesday rolled her eyes.

We finally made it down to the dance with a couple of hours to spare. We had the time of our lives, Wednesday danced, we hung out with friends and all in all it was just a great night. As the night came to a halt we all began to go our separate ways. But me and Wednesday of course. We went out in to the Quad and sat under the old tree in the center.

I looked down into the fountain that surrounded the tree and noticed how the moon light was bouncing off the water. It calmed me. I looked up at Wednesday and smiled. With a blank stare Wednesday reached down and cupped a flower that was floating atop the water into her hand. She looked back up at me, as if to tell me to open my hand and I did. She gently laid the flower into my hands and my heart sank.

She was a totally different person when nobody was around. To everyone else she was as cold as ice, heartless, but to me, her love stretched on for miles. It made my heart skip a beat, and my face turn red. Before she reached up and placed a gentle kiss against my lips. She then eased her way up to my ear before whispering.

"I love you Enid Sinclair" I had never felt anything like this in my life, I was completely intoxicated in her voice and touch. And I couldn't help but to feel the same way.

"I love you to" I said with a shaky tone. "Wednesday?"

"Yes my love?" She answered softly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" My face turned beat red and my body temperature heightened.

"My heart has always belonged to you" she answered with a hand on my cheek.

We went back up to the room, and changed into our pajamas before getting into Wednesdays bed together. It was a thing we did every night now. Whatever bed we ended up in that night, we'd both stay in until the morning. And I enjoyed it.

I laid down and pulled Wednesday into my chest like I did every night. But she had a different idea. She turned around and began to kiss me gently, until she was practically laying ontop of me. She began to kiss my neck and I knew she was being serious.

"Wednesday are you sure?" I asked.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life" she stated. She began to strip off her clothes and I was in awe. Her body was perfect. Once she was completely undressed I took her into my embrace and took a moment to appreciate her beauty. I kissed up and down her body, until I knew she was ready for me to touch her.

Once I did, I knew that I would never want to touch anyone in the same ways, ever again. Our bodies moved in rhythm together until she reached her peak. I kiss her gently, causing her to let out a gentle moan and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I cradled her naked body against mine after we were done. But after awhile I felt a tear fall onto my chest, so I pulled her out of the embrace to examine her features. And sure enough she was crying.

"My love? Are you okay?" I questioned. She just curled back up and nuzzled into my chest before whispering once more.

"I love you"

"I love you to" I answered again, and we drifted off to sleep in each others tangled embrace.

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