Skyfall pt.2

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Dark clouds hung over the school as if the they were going to swallow it whole. I rushed into the Quad, and was met by complete chaos. The bricks of the school where being ripped from the walls, and began levitating towards the source of the purple light coming from the second story balcony.

I ran inside the school and rushed up the stairs two at a time. Until I came around a corner, and was practically blinded by the glow of the purple light. I shielded my eyes and trudged forward until I was met with Olivia.

"Wednesday! Just the person I wanted to see!" She halted from destroying the school to focus solely on me. The bricks and lumber from the walls of the school froze in mid air. And I grew angrier and angrier as I stood in her presence.

"I don't have time for your villain origin story, let's just get this over with, shall we?" I questioned.

"We shall!" She answered. She balled her first up in front of her and it began to glow. I ran at full speed towards her until she rose her hand and tried to choke me. But her powers ricocheted off of me like magnets with two like poles.

As I approached her, she began to back away in fear and I knew I had won. So I quickly crouched down, swooping her legs out from under her with my foot. She fell onto the ground and began to crawl away in fear. All I could see was red. Enid was in the forethought of my mind, and I was going to kill this girl, for her.

"Oh the party isn't over yet" I said walking after her. I mounted her and grabbed her shirt collar, so I could pull her face closer to mine.

"I told you what would happen if you messed with her" I whispered, before taking her head into my hands and snapping her neck. As she took her last dying breath I stood and watched as all of bricks and lumber found there homes inside the walls of the school.

"Wednesday?!" I heard come from the Quad below.

"Yes mother, up here" i beckoned before she glanced up at me and began heading my way.

She approached from behind as I stared at Olivia's lifeless body.

"Is she dead?" She questioned, and I just shook my head. I thought for a moment before snapping my head in her direction.

"I need to see Enid" I said, and she just placed a hand on my shoulder, with a smile.

I woke up, stiff. With a sharp pain shooting through my neck. I reached up to touch the area but before my hand could reach my neck it was pulled away.

"Don't touch! The stitches need to heal my love" i glanced up and Wednesday who stood in-front of me battered and bruised. A single tear rolled down my cheek until she took me in her embrace.

"I love you Wednesday" I whispered, she strengthened her grip and I could feel all of the muscles in my body began to calm.

"Now don't let me see you trying touch that again, those are already going to leave a pretty nasty scar, you don't need to infect it too" she mothered and I just smiled.

After about two days in the hospital I was free to leave. Wednesday helped me all the way into the school and up to our bedroom. She helped into her bed and I felt right at home. Until I received a call. It was my mother, and the first time she had called all school year. This couldn't be good.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Enid?! Are you alright?" She questioned. "Your brothers told us everything! Do you think your some kind of super hero!!" She screamed.

"Mom I-" I tried but she just kept at it.

"Your coming home immediately! That school should be closed down and that principal as well as her deranged daughter should be thrown in jail!!" She finished and I just smiled, I finally felt the strength I needed to stick up for myself.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, anyways I'm not feeling the best so I'm going to get some rest, Oh and mom...I hope you have the day you deserve. Goodbye" I hung up and threw my phone to the foot of the bed before taking a deep breath. I looked up at the ceiling before I heard slow clapping off in the distance. I looked over and Wednesday was smiling and clapping at me.

"Good job Sinclair! Im genuinely proud" I smiled back at her as she made her way over to the bed to have a seat. "Don't ever let anyone be little you! not even your incompetent mother" she frowned. And I just figured from that day forward I should probably keep Wednesday away from my mother. I smiled at her guard dog like behavior, and sat up to lean onto her shoulder. "Do you need anything?" She questioned. And I just shook my head no before answering.

"Just you" I said wrapping my arms around her small frame. "So has your mother decided weather we're going to finish off the school year?" I questioned. I didn't want to go home to my mother, and I certainly was not ready to leave Wednesdays side.

"We have plenty of time to figure that out, in the mean while you need as much rest as you can get. So lay down don't worry, I'll figure it out" she said. I laid back and brought the covers up under my chin.

"Wednesday?" I questioned.

"Yes?" She answered in a stiff tone.

"Will please lay with me?" I moved over and made a spot for her in the bed. She shuffled into the blankets and wrapped her arms around me, and before I knew it I was asleep.

When I woke up, Wednesday was in the corner of the room, with her head phones in. Reading. I stood slowly, and walked over to where she was seated, before taking a seat in her lap.

"Hello" she answered, as she took the head phones from her ears.

"Will you be completely honest with me?" I asked wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Of course" she said, setting her book to the side.

"Are you okay?...I mean, I know you don't like show your emotions...but I know how it feels to hold everything inside" I combed through her bangs with my fingers until she had an answer.

"I'm fine Enid" she said, forcing me off of her lap gently, And coming her feet.

"Your not" I said crossing my arms. She walked over to the window and gazed out onto the afternoon sky. So I followed. "Please talk to me" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"We need to medicate your wounds" she snarled trying to avoid the conversation.

"That can wait, please Wednesday" she looked at me angrily before putting her head down between her shoulders...

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