A Vision of Tomorrow

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Enid was acting so strange lately, and I mean stranger than usual. Confiding in Bianca, keeping secrets, this wasn't like her.

I found myself at a road block with the Olivia case, other then being mysteriously jealous of me, and possibly having a criminal back ground, I was lost. I had already asked my mother about all she knew on behalf of Olivia's criminal history. And she had nothing. So I figured I could spend my night trying to wrap my head around Enid, and her curious actions.

We had dinner, and Enid sat in between Bianca and I. They didn't seem to text each other under the table like I had caught them doing earlier today, but they were acting strange, to say the least.

Once we had finished with dinner, and made our trek back up to our room I thought this would be the perfect time to interrogate her.

"So, this guy you like. He doesn't go here correct?" I watched as her face lost its color and her posture stiffened.

"Right" she answered, not moving a muscle.

"And I don't know him, nor have i ever met him, correct?" She began to fidget at this point and I knew she was about to crack.

"Correct?" But she didn't.

"Then please inform me on why I can't know who he is, or what his name is? And if he doesn't go here then how does Bianca of all people know who your crush is?" Her face grew flush, as I reached the end of my sentence. But before she said anything she just threw herself back onto her bed.

"Because Wednesday! What if it's not a boy?! Have you ever thought about that? Or are you too closed minded to even believe in something like that?!" I was honestly shocked. My boy crazy best friend was into girls? This explained a lot but not everything.

"So Bianca is your crush?" I answered.

"No! Ughhh. This is so hard" she laid back down onto her bed in defeat.

"Only because your making it so" I crossed my arms and turned away.

"You know what Wednesday" I felt her posture change, so I turned in her direction. She began to grab her phone charger and her blanket before looking me dead in my eyes, as she did the last night she had left me here alone. "I just need some time to think" my heart ached, and this was all to familiar. I was left alone with this feeling of dread, and for the second time in life...it didn't feel good.

I grew angry this time. Ripping my blanket off of my bed and throwing my pillow to the floor, before landing in my desk chair. I laid my head down onto my desk before I heard the little pitter patters of fingers trot across my desk.

"Don't even start with me Thing, I didn't do anything wrong!" I looked up at him and he looked disappointed. "I just wanted to know what was going on with her..." I laid my head back down onto the desk before he started signaling to me.

"If you know what's wrong with her, then why not just tell me...so I can apologize" I tried to guilt him into telling me, by saying I'd apologize, but he wouldn't budge. He told me that if she wanted me to know, shed tell me, or id of figured it out by myself, but I was completely lost.

I walked over to her side of the room and looked at her wall of pictures, it seemed like she had taken a picture with everyone at Nevermore. But when I looked up in the right hand corner of her cork board I noticed serval pictures of me and her, along side the drawing Xavier had given me previously today.

I pulled the push pin out and grasped the paper before I felt my body began to convulse.

When I turned around the picture was gone and the room was brighter than before. It was a vision. I heard Enid's voice and looked up to see her laying in my bed, with my sweater on. As I sat at the desk typing what seemed to be like a thesis of some sort.

I cocked my head in astonishment, I could never write with someone blatantly intruding in on my personal space. And I would never let ANYONE wear my clothes. What is going on?! When I turned again the room changed, once more. The sky grew dark and the lights on her side, illuminated the room.

What I saw next was myself, perched on the side of her bed. Reading, As she laid back next to me on her phone. She laughed, sat up and showed me a picture, before wrapping an arm around me. I felt my expression drop. And before I could even rap my head around what I was seeing, she kissed me on the cheek.

I came to on Enid's bed. Coming to my feet I was outraged! I didn't understand what any of this meant! I marched over to my desk and watched as Thing tried to scurry away. I picked him up and held him in-front of my face forcing him to look at me.

"Thing! You better be honest with me!" He jerked harder, causing me to strengthen my grip. "Am I Enid's crush!?" He instantly went limp, seemingly guilty. And my heart sank, causing me to drop him.

I was taken aback for a moment, before I regained full consciousness. I placed my hands on my forehead and paced for what seemed like hours, before I stopped and took a deep breath.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked Thing. He motioned towards me and I shook my head.

"How am I supposed to tell her how I feel when I don't feel anything?!" I put my head back down. "And I don't mean towards her, I just mean, in general" he signaled again, taking me by surprise this time.

"And how would you know I feel?" I asked. He went on to tell me that in all his years, he has never seen me care for anyone, the way I care about her. I denied it, but deep down I knew he was right.

I picked up my phone and thought about texting her. But she said wanted her space. So I thought I should just keep to myself for tonight, and just wait and see how she was feeling in the morning. Besides...I had something's to think about now too...

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