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On Sunday I watched from my window as all of cars full of outcast pulled in. Leaving their children behind, for my mother to watch over now.

I stared down at my mother as I watched her greet the students and parents. I cringed at all of the expressions of joy and happiness. I went back over to my bed, and laid there reading, and waiting for Enid to finally show.

"Knock, knock"I heard come from the other side of the door.

The door opened and my heart sank, I started to feel excitement. I had only felt that when I occasionally incapacitate people or when torturing my brother, but this was different.

I actually smiled at the sight of her, but I quickly pulled back, grasping my composer.

"Hiiii" she slowly approached and put her arms out for a hug, I just stared. She slowly wrapped her arms around me, and i stiffened for a second, before I gave in and laid my head on her shoulder.

"So I had a lot of time to think on my bus ride up here and I think I'm just going to focus on school work, no boys..." she approached, grabbing the backs of my arms. "But you have to hold me to it" she smiled and I looked her up and down.

"Whatever you want I guess?" I said with a stiff tone

"Well first order of business, I'll text Ajax and tell him that, nothing and I mean nothing, will be going on between us, this semester" She paused for moment, pulling her phone out. "I'm going to focus solely on me, myself and us" I drew a blank.

"I think the proper phrase your looking for is 'me, myself, and I'" I crossed my arms and turned away.

"But Wednesday you know I'm always going to be looking out for you"she said. I didn't retort, only a quick look over the should. Because the feeling I got was blood curdling...affection, meanwhile I did not have time for such insipid feelings. I needed to get down there, to see how my mother was oh so pleasantly welcoming the new students of NeverMore.

They would come later then everyone else due to 'parent teacher discussion'. It made me sick at the thought, that my mother may actually be trying to fill Weems's shoes. And she wasn't doing horribly...yet.

"Are you going to come with me? I've got a couple stops to make before dinner" I turned to Enid.

"Of course!" She grabbed her snood and we left.

I quietly walked to the head masters office before putting my ear to the door.

"Just wait, there almost done" I said looking back at Enid with a finger over my mouth.

The couple came walking out, with the mother in tears. You know I never understood, why send your child away? if you simply can not handle it? Some people are so...unsound.

Before the door latched behind them, I swiftly crept into the office with Enid behind me.

"Ahh and Olivia, this is Wednesday my daughter. And her roommate Enid. How are we ladies? Settling in alright?" My mother said sarcastically. Trying to throw the newbie off of my obviously not very thought out plan.

"Yes Mrs, Addams everything is peaches and cream" Enid said as I felt her tug at my jacket, in fear.

"I actually need to have a word with my mother. If you don't mind" I looked at Enid, over at the new girl and back to Enid.

"Oh yeah, I'll just take Olivia and show her around. Meet back up for dinner?" Enid asked as I turned away.

"I wouldn't miss it" I said, again with a stiff tone.

They walked out of the office and before the door could even latch my mother was at my throat with questions.

"Does something seem off about that girl to you? She seems different?" She asked taking a seat on the desk ,with her hand on her chin.

"I mean, I could be wrong, but I swear I heard someone say that this school is for outcast. People who are different" she looked down at me begrudgingly.

"No, Wednesday. You know what I mean. Something just doesn't sit right with me. Her parents even seemed a bit off" i crooked my head, anyone who cried at the absence of a child does seem little...weird to me. But nothing to unusual.

"I'll look into it" I said turning and existing the room.

"Wednesday!" I heard from across the quad. The sun began to set and I didn't see that Olivia girl anywhere.

"We're is that new girl?" I asked looking around the quad.

"In her room. You know she seems kinda weird." Enid mentioned.

"My mother said the same thing" I stopped, looking at Enid.

"I mean her powers are the same as Rowan's, telekinesis, so maybe that's why? I don't know but I'm hungry, let's go" she locked her arm in mine before I even had time to think, and drug me all the way to the cafeteria.

After we got our trays and began to make our way to our table I saw Olivia.

"I told you, look, sitting by herself...weiiirrrdddd" Enid said trying to curve the girl whilst heading towards our table.

"Hey Olivia, would you like to sit with us?" I asked and Enid stopped dead in her tracks.

"What?" Enid whispered.

"We sit by the werewolf's, but your welcome, that is if don't want to sit alone" the kindness I had shown made the hairs on my neck stand on end.

"Sure" she barley spoke and I turned, making my way to the table for the nightshades.

"New girl, don't mention anything about the night shades" I said to the table before taking a seat.

"Everyone this is Olivia, she's new at Nevermore, Olivia this is Xavier, Ajax, and Bianca that's Divina and Kent and this is Yoko and Eugene. And you should already know I'm Enid and that's"

"Wednesday" she answered. And my head snapped in her direction. My friends faces furrowed at the unusual comment.

"Yup, you catch on quick" Enid said making an alarmed expression before quickly taking a seat.

The table sat in utter silence until I decided to break the ice.

"So where are you from Olivia?"

" Iowa, but my family recently moved closer to Jericho to be adjacent to me for the school year" I was looking for a weak link in her story. I began to see why she was rubbing everyone else the wrong way. And now I had to get to the bottom of it, but my train of thought was quickly derailed, by a hand slipping into mine under the table. They pulled me closer before whispering in my ear.

"Never again" she whispered. I pulled back and looked at Enid blankly.

When dinner was over, we dumped our trays and put our dishes up to be washed, before heading back to our dorms.

"I don't think we should hang around that Olivia girl, she gives me the heeby jeebies" Enid shivered as we walked into our dorm.

"There's something up with her, I need to know what" I said, looking down at the floor, evaluating my thoughts.

"Wednesday! No! Not already. Can't we atleast start to the school year off normal?" She begged and I looked up at her through my eyebrows.

"We both know better than that" I said pacing.

"And to think that it was just going to be you and me and maybe a little adventure. But of course-"

"Enid if my action nauseate you so much then maybe you should just go back to Yokos room" I looked over at her, and tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"Why do you always do this to me? Push me away? I've waited 3 months to see you, and spend time with you. Just for you treat me like this!"

"Enid, I think you've become to attached. Spending time with me? Please. I don't need anyone's help and certainly don't need a body guard" I turned away from her and waited for a response.

"Well I'm not going anywhere this time! So you can just forget about it. If you don't want to talk to me! Fine!" She turned the light off. Thing looked up at me, and I just shrugged. Her exasperating whimpers cut through the air like breaking glass, and Thing looked back up me as of to say 'go say sorry'

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry" I said, before he jumped off of my bed and made his way over to her.

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