The Antagonist in Disguise

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"I just...I was terrified that I was going to lose you, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling" I choked out. She wrapped me up into her embrace and forced me to look her dead in the eyes.

"You are never going lose me, I will be yours for as long as the moon lives among the stars" she tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and grinned. "Without you, is like the ocean without water my love" I stood on my tippy toes and left a kiss on her lips. She turned a bright shade of red and giggled.

"One moment your practically reciting Shakespeare and now your embarrassed at your own display of affection" I smiled and placed a hand on her cheek absorbing the warmth from her face. "You truly are an idiot" I retorted jokingly. "But you are my idiot" she laughed at me and swooped me up into her strong arms. "Enid put me down, your doing to hurt yourself!" I said trying to maneuver out of her grasp.

"I'm not going to hurt myself unless you don't stop moving, stay still!" She said holding on tighter. I gave in and wrapped my legs around her before setting my head on her shoulder with a grunt. "See isn't this nice?"

"I suppose" I admit, after a moment she finally did sit me down, and I remembered that I had few things I needed to do before this whole situation was completely over. "I need to go down and and settle some unfinished business before dinner...and before you even ask, you can come. Under one condition" I stated, and shook her head yes. "You can not do anything but get help, if something goes wrong" her expression changed from excitement to fear.

"Wednesday, what? What is your plan?" She asked timidly.

"I need to confront Xavier, because I'm afraid there may be a loose rat amongst us" she shook her head in agreement and we headed towards the boys side of the school.

As we approached his door I looked back at Enid and nodded, singling that it was in fact go time. I knocked on his door, and was met by a

"On sec!" Yelled through the closed door. The door swung open and I crossed my arms. He tried to slam the door shut, but before he could, I extended my leg and used my foot as a door jam.

"Nice try, your going to answer our questions" I said before showing myself into the room.

"What? you think just because your mom is the principle that you can just welcome yourself in!?" He replied. "Girls aren't even allowed up here!"

"That didn't seem to stop you from going into Olivia's room" I said scoping out the entirety of the dorm.

"Just ask your questions and get out please" he said before sitting down on his bed.

"Why did you set me up? I thought you said you had no feelings for her?" I questioned.

"I don't and I never did, you know who I have feelings for!" He sulked down into his mattress before I heard the sound of Enid protracting her claws.

"He knows where he stands" i said without turning in her direction and she got the hint.

"Then why did you help them?" I asked again.

"Because I didn't even know that Tyler was here! Let alone that Tyler Glapin was her boyfriend? Do you really think I'd do that to myself for a second time?" He scoffed. And I crossed my arms. "I didn't know that was going to happen to Enid, I'm sorry okay" my expression softened and I could tell he was being honest. But that didn't change the fact the school could still potentially be closed for the rest of the semester, again.

"You know, Olivia is dead" I said stiffening again. His expression dropped leaving his mouth agap. "I killed her" he looked down at the floor and shook his head before apologizing again.

"Wednesday I-I'm so sorry" he stuttered.

"I genuinely enjoyed myself, it was quite euphoric" i answered, before making my way to the door with Enid on my heels. "Hey!" I said before exiting "do us all a favor, and quit making yourself look like the bad guy" he shook his head in agreement before we left his dorm. "I've got one more stop to make before dinner" I said taking Enid's hand in mine.

"Okay!" She answered walking eagerly beside me.

Once we had finally met up with my mother in her office she looked completely distraught.

"So?" I asked. And the room was silent for a minute before she took a deep a breath.

"So I can keep the school open and move on with business as usual or I can close the school down for the rest of the semester...but I keep getting call after call from angry parents demanding that I close down and send there children home immediately. The Sinclair's being one of them" my mother said, Enid shook her head.

"Well, what can they do if you don't comply?" I questioned.

"Nothing, Come retrieve there children if they really see the need I suppose" I nodded and turned on my heel.

"Okay so it's settled, Nevermore stays open! Great talk!" I walked out with Enid and we headed to dinner.

At dinner I was bombarded with questions.

"Wednesday?! Are we going to have to go home?"
"Wednesday!? My parents are super upset!"
"Wednesday!? Did you really kill Olivia!?"

All great questions, but I knew my mother would fill them in shortly on the decision we made, so I stayed silent.

"Good evening Nevermore students!" My mother bellowed, perfect timing. "I'm completely aware that you all are questioning weather the school will remain open for the rest of the semester...and I'm here to tell you that Nevermore will carry on with business as usual" everyone cheered, and I just grinned solemnly. "But there is one speculation, if your parents do choose to pull you from the program then there is nothing I can do, and you must return home" my head snapped in Enid direction as her smile turned to frown.

"I need to talk to my brothers" Enid said before rushing across the Quad. When she came back the smile had returned to her features, causing me to grin. "They said they didn't plan on going home either, and that when mom calls them later they'd be sure to tell her"

So sorry this took so long!!! I've been kinda sick and just needed to recover, but I hope you enjoy!!!

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