A Strange Course of Events

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The part of my day that was filled with classes and lectures was a blur. All I could think about was how much I missed Wednesday.

At lunch I waited for her to show, but after about five minutes of waiting, I was sure something was up. I walked back to the class where I had dropped her off prior, and she was sitting in the hallway, talking to XAVIER!

"Uh? Did you decide that Xavier was more important than lunch?" I asked from down the hallway. She stood immediately, and peered down the hallway at me.

"And what if I was?" Xavier yelled back at me. I frowned.

"In your wildest dreams lover boy!" I mocked, and Wednesday began her trek down the corridor to meet up with me.

"What the hell?" I asked defensively.

"Enid" she muttered, "I was only questioning him about Olivia" she stopped in the vacant hallway, and peered up at me. Her small hand made its way up to my face, whilst she looked me in my eyes  "The feelings that I get when you are around are unrivaled by anything I've ever experienced, you've granted me with something I had no idea I needed. And for that, i will alway remain true" her words were like the rays of sunshine on a winter day, a short burst of warmth on a day cold enough to see your breath. It was like she always knew exactly what to say.

"Thank you" I whispered back. She reached up once more and left a small kiss on my lips before starting towards the cafeteria. I stayed in my position and watched her every move as she walked.

"Are you coming?" She asked. I Rubbed my eyes before coming back down to earth.

"Yeah, sorry" I awkwardly chuckled. At lunch everything was normal. We sat with our friends, chatting amongst ourself, before an unwanted visitor approached our table.

"So you think you can scare away my Nevermore arm candy? And get away with it?" Olivia scoffed inches away from Wednesdays face. We all began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Your a whack job bitch!" Ajax bellowed and we all laughed even harder, except for Wednesday. Her expression stayed cold, and revengeful. Never pulling her face away from Olivia once.

"Yeah, well we'll just see about that!" Olivia mimicked, before raising her hand in my direction. I began to choke, all while I was being lifted off of the ground. This magic was something I had never experienced before, and to be completely honest I was terrified.

Everyone in the cafeteria looked up at me, and began to run and scream. I was panicking, and running out of oxygen. Not a great mix. But before I knew it, Wednesday was running at the red head at full speed, before planting both feet in Olivias chest. Olivia flew back and i fell to the ground with a thud. I caught my breath, and looked up at Wednesday.

She was now standing over Olivia, my vision began to blur and i collapsed. The last thing I remember was Mrs, Addams voice. "Wednesday! Don't!"

I woke up in the infirmary in a panic. I shot up from my bed and looked around the room. Before a small hand grazed my back.

"Enid, it's okay!" She grabbed my hand and I began to calm. I looked over at the short, raven haired girl, before I felt tears began to well in my eyes. I just slowly leaned forward and laid my head on her chest. After a moment, she brought her hand up to my head, and soothed me until the tears had stopped. "She will pay for this, I promise" Wednesday whispered. And I smiled.

After awhile I finally got to go back up to our room, so I immediately walked over and climbed into Wednesdays bed. She didn't seem too concerned, so I pulled her blanket over me and took in her scent before closing my eyes.

"If there's anything you need, just let me know. Ok?" She stated and I shook my head. Not shortly after, sleep began to wash over me, and before I knew it I was out.

After I had left Xavier, I couldn't help but to think of all of the question I should've asked. So I planned on meeting up with him again before lunch.

We sat in the hallway together at the end of 3rd period. In an awkward silence before he decided to speak up.

"I don't have feelings for her!" He stated.

"You've already said that" I scoffed.

"Okay but I don't have feelings for anyone! I swear!" He grew defensive, was he trying to reassure me that he was waiting, for me? This boy had some serious issues that he needed to resolve.

"Xavier! I am simply not concerned with your love life. I only want to know what you know about Olivia. That is if your not conspiring with her already" I inspected.

"I'm always gonna be the bad guy huh?" he laughed defensively.

"I never said that?" I questioned. I watched his posture and expression while I talked to him. He seemed defensive, but that was completely normal for him, so I brushed it off. "Anyways...what I wanted to ask you has to do with Olivia's boyfriend. Do you know who he is?" I questioned once more.

"No, she told me she had a boyfriend. But that's as far as the conversation went" he expressed himself with hand gestures and I shook my head in acknowledgment.

"So you just hook up with people that are already in committed relationships?" He crossed his arms and froze for a second before answering.

"Why?, who's asking?" She smirked, I stood and flicked him in the forehead before sitting back down.

"I'm asking because if that was all you were doing then that seems like perfectly normal adolescent behavior" I said.

"Oh" he seemed disappointed and I finally caught on to what he was saying.

"If you think for a second that I would ever organize an intrigue with you, your sadly mistaken" he scoffed at my comment before I heard Enid call for me from down the hall. I stood, and my heart sank at the sight of her.

"Uh? Did you decide that Xavier was more important than lunch?" She questioned.

"And what if I was?" Xavier retorted, i glared over at him before I made my way down to Enid.

At lunch Olivia thought she was going to get the better of me. Obviously Xavier had told her that he didn't want to talk to her anymore, because she was upset about losing one of her many boyfriends.

She tried to take her anger out on Enid, but I told her what would happen if she ever tried something like that. After I had knocked her to the ground, I had the perfect opportunity to end it all, right there and get this over with before it even started. But my mother intervened.

She pulled me off of Olivia before I could see any blood, and that angered me. Olivia's friends came to her aid, while my mother held me back. I ripped myself out of her grip and practically growled at her before running over to Enid. I cradled her limp body in my arms, before my mother rushed to my side once more.

"She's only been out for a short period of time, she hasn't lost that much oxygen. Help me get her to the nurses office!" I was completely distraught. My mother called the nurse, and I held her hand until they began to wheel her away to the back of the school. A single tear fell down my cheek, before I brushed it away.

My mother placed a hand on my shoulder, and I sighed.

"She's going to be alright" she reassured, but that just made me angrier.

"What the hell?! You told me to do what I had to do to protect this school!! And then you literally interfere in a fight with the antagonist! What is wrong with you!" I said turning to face her.

"Wednesday I understand your upset, and you have every right to be" she said pointing in Enid's direction "but I can not let you kill somebody right in-front of me, I may be your mother...but I am also the principle" she stiffened her posture, and I frowned up at her. "Now go get your girl, I'm sure she'll be looking for you when she wakes up" my expression softened. She was right, the only thing that mattered right now was Enid.

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