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Wednesday had been acting kind of strange the last couple of days. On Monday, she insisted that we do our monster anatomy homework together, even though we have that class on completely different days. And on Tuesday we ate dinner at our own table, per her request.

Did she know? Or was she trying to dissect me like one of her mystery cases? I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, looking at the chock board. I realized I had day dreamed for far to long, and had missed some crucial notes.

"Bianca?" I whispered.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Can you send the notes from today?, I kind of, uh spaced off" I stuttered.

She looked at me for a moment before we both started giggling. "Of course" she smiled, leaning over, before whispering. "So...have you talked to Wednesday yet?" I shook my head no, and she sighed apologetically. "You've got this girl, I believe in you" she patted me on the back before packing her things and walking out of the class room.

On my way down to lunch I felt a breeze come up from behind me, and before I knew it Wednesday was standing right under my nose.

"I've been texting you? Where have you been?" She questioned.

"In Outcast History? Why?" I replied.

"Because you were late, and I began to grow anxious" I smiled, while looking down at my wrist watch.

"Wow I guess I am five whole minutes late" I chuckled.

"Punctuality would do you some good Enid" she retorted.

I laughed it off, but internally I was wondering what was up with me. All I ever thought about anymore was Wednesday. It was getting in the way of my schooling, and my relationships with other people. I needed to get my priorities straight, and decide. Am I going to tell her, or  am I going try to move on?...

At lunch, we sat alone again, just the two of us. I figured if she was going to go out of her way, to make sure that we sat alone, then obviously something was up. She knew, or she had a feeling, so I thought I would tell her, tonight. Throughout lunch we discussed Olivia. And how Wednesday was trying to come up with a way, to find out who this mysterious boyfriend was.

She had a plan to sneak into Olivias room this weekend. But I didn't know if I was up to it. I told her she'd have to let me sleep on it. And she agreed.

At dinner that night I forced her to sit with the NightShades. She tried to tell me that she'd much more prefer the solitary of my presence, then the presence of a bunch of trivial adolescents. But I insisted.

We discussed the competitions we had going on the next week for fencing, swimming and horse back riding, until it was time to head back to our rooms.

Once me and Wednesday had settled in and got ready to turn in for the night I asked her if she'd come out onto the balcony with me. She agreed, she said that she had something she wanted to speak to me about as well. I grew nervous.

The cool night air, whisked against the school walls causing a draft. But I didn't mind. I sat in silence until I heard the creek of the old cabrio window swing open. Wednesday walked up to the railing and stood beside me for a second before I found the courage to speak.

"Listen Wednesday-" I was cut off.

"Wait" she interrupted. I turned to face her and, suddenly I felt the grasp of her hands around my wrists.

"Wha-" I started, but before I could finish, she swung her head back again, losing consciousness. Her dead weight began to fall back before I caught her and held in my arms. She was out cold, longer than I had ever witnessed, before she came back to reality again.

"Are you okay?" I question, brushing her bangs out of her face. She just looked up at me, and stared into my eyes. Before sitting up slowly. "Wednesday, what is going on?" I asked again.

"I'm not exactly sure" she stated coming to her feet, before brushing off her clothes. I stood up next to her before she grabbed my arm again, I waited but nothing happened.

"Wednesday!" I said yanking my hand out of her grasp. "What is going on?" I said grasping her shoulders.

"Nothing I try, seems to work!" She scolded, turning on her heel. She began to pace and I grew anxious.

"Can you please explain to me what is going on!?" I pleaded before she stopped in her tracks and looked me dead in the eye.

"You are all that I can see Enid! Every time I have a vision, you are there. Telling me I'm beautiful, wearing my clothes, kissing me! Why is it?!" She grew defensive and I felt my cheeks began to heat up. I knew it! She knew! She had been having visions of me all of along. I should've known better than to have a crush on a psychic. 

"Okay I guess I'll just come right on out with it then, Wednesday, I think I might have caught feelings for you" she froze, and turned  pale white.

"Well you'd better set them free because, I won't do anything but stomp on your heart Enid" she crossed her arms and turned away. I approached her and turned her in my direction.

"I don't believe that for a second" I said in a hushed tone, before reaching down and grabbing her hand. She didn't pull away but when she looked up at me she didn't look to enthused. "Don't" I said before entangling my fingers in hers. I felt her grasp tighten around my hand. And my cheeks began to blush.

The next morning I was the happiest I think I had ever been, it was easier to focus, and I got back into contact with a couple of my friends to tell them the good news! I thought I should let Bianca and Yoko in on the news first.


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