Something to Cherish

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A/N: this chapter will be both Enid and Wednesdays POV, just for a heads up.

As I made my way back to my bedroom, I had hoped Enid had came back, so I could some way make up for what I did. But when I got inside and closed the door, the room was empty. I stepped out onto the balcony and looked down at my phone to see if she had even tried to get ahold of me, but nothing.

I sighed and looked up at the sky, before noticing that it was a full moon. Enid must've been out with her friends for the day. It gave me some kind of security to think that she may be with her friends, but I still thought Id try to call.

She didn't answer and all I was left with was her agonizing voicemail. I was going to leave her a message but I was cut off by the sound of a lone wolf off in the woods. That must've been Enid.

I decided to go off on my own for the day, I didn't want to see anyone else and this was going to be the first moon in a while , so I figured it was best if I just stayed to myself.

I sat alone outside of CrackStone's crypt for awhile before the sun started to set. I thought about Wednesday, I wondered what she was doing right now, if she had even thought about me at all, through out the day. I grew angry at the thought of potentially ever losing her. And a tear fell down my cheek. All of the shadows in the forest had been cast away by the night sky, and I knew it was time. I let my anger take over and I completely wolfed-out.

I ran through the forest at full speed until I reached the top of a hill. I howled off into the night sky, and it felt so soothing. Like all of my worries where whisked away. I laid atop the hill, and took a few deep breaths, before I saw a flash of light shine in my direction. I turned quickly, and began to growl loudly at the light source.

"Enid?" I heard a small voice beckon, Wednesday. I walked in her direction with my head down, until I felt her small body wraps itself around my neck in an embrace. "Here" she said, before letting go and grabbing her back pack. She grabbed a blanket out, and threw the bag to the ground. She draped the blanket around my neck and I shrank back into myself once more. I looked down at the ground before I felt her hand slip under my chin, and pull my gaze up to hers. "If your going to go wolf out for the night, will you please tell me first?" The sincerity and worry in her voice was reassuring. So I smiled.

If I wasn't practically naked right now I would totally kiss her, ugh. She made me feel like the only person in the whole world when she looked at me. I just wanted to sweep her off her feet, even if I was still a little upset about our date.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up" she said, throwing her arm around me.

Once we got to our room I cleaned up and got dressed. I noticed she was in her bed for the night, so i sulked over and climbed in next to her.

"Enid I-" she looked down at me and I just looked back up at her with sorrow. "Fine" she let out and I smiled. Readjusting, I tucked my arm under her and brought her closer to me. Her posture was stiff for a moment, before she began to relax into my embrace.

"See, It's not that bad" I whispered.

"Shh" she retorted.

I slowly started to drift off to sleep with Wednesday Addams nuzzled into my chest, and life was totally perfect.

After about 20 minutes of laying with Enid I sat up, and stared at her for awhile. I brushed her hair out of her face and began to fiddle with her hands, before I got to thinking. I would walk over miles of shredded glass for this girl, if that was what she wanted, she was the purest thing I had ever came in contact with...and for some reason she chose me. I felt myself began to smile, and I was okay with it.

I would be sure not to let anyone else see this side of me, but for now I was content. I reached over and turned my lamp off, before laying back down. Enid pulled me into her chest, leaving me fatigued, and I was shortly whisked away by sleep.

I woke up the next morning, and I couldn't find any reason to leave the bed until she woke up. So I stayed still, with my eyes shut, for about 20 minutes before I felt her began to stir.

She stretched, and proceeded to nuzzle her face into my neck causing me to twinge at the tickling sensation that her breath left against my skin, but she pulled me closer. I stiffened for a moment before I gave in again. All of this physical activity was quite questionable to me. I despised physical touch from anyone, including my family. I merely tolerated it from them. But this, this was something unique.

I turned over and looked at her, with our faces inches apart. She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily at me, before I brushed some of her hair out of her face. I found myself caught in her ocean blue eyes, before she softly spoke.

"Good morning" her tone was sweet, and subtle. There was a short pause, before I found myself reaching up to kiss her. It was something I will never forget. The way her lips felt against mine, and how delicate she was towards me. I was practically breathless.  She pulled away, and looked deep into my eyes before smiling at me. I smiled back and she pulled me in against her chest once more. We laid there wrapped in each other embrace for a moment before she began to stretch again. I sat up, and walked over to my closet to get dressed.

I flattened out my blazer and made my way back out into the bedroom, where Enid was laid out across my bed, in her pajamas.

"Enid! You better not be sleeping" I said pulling my blanket off of her.

"I think I'd rather just stay here forever" she said muffled into a pillow.

"Of course you would" I pulled her over, so she was laying on back, and she opened her eyes. "If that were an option, you could lay here all day long, but it's not! So get up!" I walked over to her side of the room and collected her uniform before bringing it over to her. She got dressed, and we finally made it down to breakfast.

After breakfast she walked me to class, I left her with no physical farewell, but I let her hold my hand through the hallways. Everyone stared, but I didn't mind. Speaking of witch, Xavier was in this class, and I could feel his eyes burning through the back of me as I told Enid goodbye. I glared at him before taking my seat, and felt the presence of someone watching me for the rest of period.

After dismissal I made sure to catch up to him, to interrogate him about the other night.

"So?" I said announcing myself, he jumped and I grinned. "How are things with you and your new found love?" I asked.

"Olivia? I have no feelings for her! She was literally just a rebound." He scoffed.

"I hope you weren't directing that towards me, because a romantic thought regarding you has never even crossed my mind" I spoke. And he just shook his head.

"Is that all you came to question me about?" He said.

"Yes" I answered before I took a right, and made my way towards Enid's class.

A/N: I hope you guys are really enjoying it as much as I am!!! I love all of the support and comments!!!
So thank you guys!!!

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