Failing to Realize 

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As Enid reached out and grabbed my hand, I felt myself being pulled away by a vision.

The falling sensation engulfed me until I felt the cold ground beneath me. When I opened my eyes, all I could see was the sky. I sat up immediately, taking in my surroundings.

I was in a field right outside of Nevermore. It was warm, and the earth smelled wet, I saw the peaks of the school over the trees. So I caught my breath. Until the shrill sound of laughter filled my ears.

I snapped my head in the direction of the laughter. When I turned I saw a blonde haired girl, Enid. Sitting chris crossed in the brush. Small flowers littering her hair. As I grew closer to the scene, she laughed again. And I froze. Until I witnessed myself sit up out of her lap, to place another flower in her hair.

Every time I saw myself in these recent visions, I could barley recognize myself. I was acting so out of character. I would never take the time out of my day to pick flowers! Are you kidding me?

I watched for a second more, before Enid looked me dead in my eyes and kissed me!

My eyes snapped open, and the first thing I saw was Enid's face. In fear that I was spiraling into another vision I sat up rapidly. I looked around, taking in my surroundings once more. I was back in the Quad, and the feeling of reality set in. I knew everyone was looking at me, and I knew Enid would want an explanation. So I left.

Enid followed shortly behind, and caught up with me, once we reached our bedroom. She asked what had happened, and I told her that it was only a blurred vision. She seemed concerned but didn't dwell on the situation, thank god.

The day went on and I decided that I'd spend it with Enid. These visions were forcing me to draw a blank. They had already told me that I was in fact Enid's crush. But what message where they trying to relay now? And why was I never myself in these visions? Always acting as if I was enamored by Enid.

I couldn't be falling for her...I didn't have the compassion it took to love someone like that. My mind went to Tyler and I cringed, I thought I might of cared for him for a measly second, but once he had showed me his true colors, I knew I would probably never actually love anyone. I sighed to myself, and I hoped Enid hadn't heard me.

After dinner, we headed back up to the room, but whilst walking up the stairs, she threw her arm around me and I felt my heart skip a beat. I had never felt that before, except when I was in life threatening danger, and even then it didn't feel like it does now.

We sat out on the balcony in silence. I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She sat staring out onto the campus, with her head in hand. She had something on her mind...

"You seem perturbed?" I commented.

"If you mean upset then, yea...I mean I've definitely felt better" she stuttered. "I can't decide weather I should tell the person that I like, how I feel or if I should just try to move on" I was speechless, I didn't have a word or sentence in mind that would get me out of this. I panicked.

"The only advice I'd have for you is to torture them until they get the hint" she snapped her head in my direction.

"Definitely not..." she gave me a unusual glance before looking forward once more. "I thought I might ask her to the Rave'n" she finished.

"Oh...I'm sure that will be nice" was all I could get to come out of my mouth. Was she really planning on asking me, to the Rave'n, as her date? The only reason I had went last year, was because Thing had practically forced me. Putting a love note in Tyler's tip jar. The work of a true villainess master mind.

"It will be" she grew more enthusiastic, causing me to grin, out of my control. "Or it will be, if she says yes" and the pressure was reapplied. How was I supposed to let her down gently without losing my best friend?

As the days went on I grew more and more concerned with Enid and less with the Olivia case, before my mother started asking questions.

"Have you any leads Wednesday?" My mother asked grimly, taking a seat in her chair of authority.

"Dead end, after dead end. She definitely has something up her sleeve. I just can't place my finger on it quite yet" she rose her eyebrow at my response and I frowned. "I have recently found out that she has a boyfriend. Not one from Nevermore, one she had previously I presume"

"That explains the restraining order" I shook my head with a sigh, at her incompetence.

"A restraining order? Don't you think that would've been helpful to know prior?" I exclaimed.

"On the contrary, there is no name. It only grants us with a vague description. The boy is 17, 5'11. With auburn hair, And I'm to call the police immediately if I'm too see anyone with her, matching that description" I face palmed at the lack of her ability to divulge.

"Well I'll be sure to get right back on the case, you know it wouldn't kill you to lift a finger around here once in awhile" I mocked, making my way towards the door. She just glared coldly, as I closed the door with a chuckle.

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