Supernatural Dreams

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It was Friday and I had just finished packing,. I laid down and decided I would video call Wednesday.

"Must we?" She answered and I smiled.

"We don't have to but I'd rather see your face when I'm talking to you!" She did not answer, just a blank stare was all I got in return.

"So how was your summer? Meet any cute boys?" I smiled.

"You know I have more important things to do than concerning myself with idle-headed teenagers and there incorrigible hormones. Why, did  you?"  She asked.

"Yeah one guy but we didn't get very far, he was a normie, and he kind of freaked me out" she tilted her head.

"Yeah you should probably stay away from normies" i smiled in agreement

"So what about Xavier?" I saw her face twinge alittle and I laughed.

"You've been texting him haven't you?" I asked through the laughter.

"I texted him, what like two days ago, besides I didn't text him back after he texted me. It's not even like that" she stuttered. Which made me laugh even harder.

"Okayyy whatever you say"

"What about Ajax hmm? Won't he be a bit exasperated, At your lascivious actions?" She asked

"No he won't be mad at me, we decided to stay friends over the summer, nothing more" I fiddled with the strings on my pants, in fear. I did really like him, and I hoped he'd still felt the same way about me when he came back. "But yeah Wednesday I'll see you on Sunday okay? I'm gonna go to bed" she shook her head yes, and I waved before i hit the big red button on the screen.

As I lie awake I think about all of the fun adventures Wednesday probably already had planned for this semester. I really hoped she wouldn't go as far to get herself hurt again, but that's what I'm here for. My mother was so happy that I had finally wolfed out. But she wasn't very happy about why. Asking me a million questions, telling me I should stay away from someone that wears no color and has put me in harms way more than once. But I argued with her.

I told her that Wednesday was my best friend, and that she'd have to kill me to keep me away from her.
And of course my mother had something to say about that. 'Sounds like she might be more than just a friend...' I couldn't believe she actually said that?! The audacity. I slowly began to drift asleep and my dreams began to bombard me.

Enid's Dream

"I'm hoommmeee" I said as I made my entrance into our dorm. Wednesday immediately walked over to me and hugged me, so I flinched.

"So hugging is our thing now?" I asked

"I guess so" she didn't let go and I began to get a warm feeling in my chest.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just fine" she answered, loosening her grip. As she pulled away from the hug I knew something was off.

"Wednesday. We both know better than that" I crossed my arms and tilted my head. My eyes made there way over to her corner of the room, where I saw someone sitting.

"Okay, but I'm fine, he's fine, everything is fine, okay?" She grabbed my wrist as I looked back over at the figure in the corner, it began to come more into view. "It's Tyler, but he's better don't worry" my claws came out. Causing her to pull back.

"He's not safe" I felt myself began to wolf out, and as I did the figure in the corner grew as-well. Becoming his true self. I looked at Wednesday as if to say I told you so. I threw myself over her and growled at him.

He lunged at me and I threw him to the other side the room, blocking Wednesday from getting crushed by our weight. Before he get could get up, I ran over and began mauling him, tearing at his side before he pushed me to the middle of the room. I growled angrily, before he rushed me again. I threw him out of the oval window that me and Wednesday had shared. We toppled down into the quad where we continued our fight. I threw him against the brick wall where I caught my breath, before a small figure made her way between us.

"Enid stop!" Wednesday demanded, she was practically throwing herself in front of him to protect him, and i sneered. She turned to him and he changed back into male human form, leaving me astonished. I transformed back into human form, beaten and naked, I hunched over trying not to reveal anything. She made her way over to me and covered me with her jacket leaving him exposed.

"He's safe. I promise" she assured.

"What! are you his master now?!" I asked coming to my feet, while grasping her jacket around me. She stepped back and I felt a tear began down my cheek.

"This place is too much for me to handle, I'm going home" I said in tears before beginning for the school. But before I could even get out of the Quad...


I woke up. Drenched in sweat, with my claws protracted, I didn't know what was real or fake right away so leaned over, grabbed my phone and called Wednesday.

"Hello?" She questioned.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Not that I can recall?" She answered in a stiff tone.

"So what about Tyler did you ever figure anything out about him?" I asked in return.

"Actually I did, and he's being held in some type of correctional facility for outcast outside of town. Why do you ask? And why are you acting so preternatural?"

"Oh I was just wondering and I'm not acting weird I'm just worried about you. Can I not be worried?" I asked.

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself...but you have my gratitude for being perturbed on behalf of my well-being" I could feel the sincerity in her voice and I smiled.

"Your welcome, I mean it's not like your my best friend or anything" I joked

"Right. Is that all you called me for? Because I'm sure when you get here we'll have more then enough time to catch up" she hinted.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow roomie!!" I squealed and she hung up.

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