Trouble In Paradise

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Enid had begged me to finish the movie with her after dinner, but I needed to work more on this case. I told her if she would let me finish what I had started this afternoon, I would go out with her tomorrow....on a date...

She seemed happy with the compromise, and left me to my devices for the rest of the night. I read over the letter I had found in Olivia's desk drawer, time after time. It was hardly legible, so I asked Thing to help me out. He scribbled down the words he could make out from the letter, and my stomach churned, It read.

'Wednesday Addams"
"Wednesday's mother"
"Fire will Rain"

I looked back over at Thing as he bawled into a fist.

"Your right, we need to tell mother" I answered before grabbing the papers off of my desk and heading to her chambers.

"Mother?" I questioned through the great mahogany doors that lead into her chamber, I heard small a chuckle before she beckoned me inside.

"Wednesday, me and your father were just catching up" she smirks as she wipes the smeared lip stick off of her face. I glance over at my mothers crystal ball where I could see my father waving in my direction.

"My little rain cloud!!! I've heard you might have potentially found a lova!?" He questioned as I made my way towards the glowing orb.

"As much as I'd love to catch you up on my love life, me and mother have far more important matters to attend" I hung up the call, and my mother sighed.

"What is it that you need Wednesday" she asked. I planted the papers I had, down on her dresser. She glanced down at the pages before looking back up at me in fear. "Where did you find this?" She questioned.

"Where do you think?" You could clearly see that the letter was written to Olivia. What more did she need?

"I know who it belongs to! But where did you find it?" She asked again.

"In her bedroom" i answer and her expression changed from anger to shock.

"You went into he- you know what. That's non of my business, is there a date?" She began flipping the page anxiously, before I had to snatch the paper out her hands to get her to regain control.

"There is no date, why are you so worried?" I pondered for a moment, before she gave me an answer.

"Because, there will be nothing getting into this school, without my acknowledgment" she threatened, and I chuckled to myself.

"Well, I'll keep looking but as of right now, it seems that she may be plotting something against me, you and or Nevermore." She face palmed and shook her head. "But If she thinks for second that she's going to get away with anything without a fight, she's wrong" my mother looked up at me pleadingly.

"I didn't see anything" she answered mischievously. I smiled back at her, and I knew I had the go ahead. To do whatever was necessary to make sure the school and everyone in it was safe. But this meant that I would get to hurt somebody, and there's nothing that I love more.

I raced back up to my room to break the news to Enid, but when I had arrived she was already fast asleep. I walked over, to make sure, before I decide to get into bed, and sure enough she was sleeping.

I watched for a moment as her chest rose and fell after every breath, and I wondered, what was true love anyways? And was I sure she was mine? The visions couldn't speak anymore clearly, but these newly discovered feelings where really what made me think.

When she touches me, I get a sensation almost like falling, which I quite enjoy. But this was different, this feeling was warm and inviting.

I inched closer to her, and pulled her blanket the rest of the way over her, before turning the light off and heading to my bed.

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