Lacking confidence

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I woke up the next morning, with a splitting headache. But that wasn't about to stop me from trying to make a mends with Wednesday. I peeked over my comforter at the other side of the room, to see if she had already left for the day. And sure enough when I glanced over, her side was vacant.

I rolled over hurriedly grabbing my phone, before noticing I had a message.

Wednesday: Thing insist that I'm sorry. But I'm not going to stop until I know everything there is to know about that Olivia girl. So if you can find a way to look past the inconsistencies, then I will be in the Quad.

I squealed at my phone, before throwing it down and getting dressed. I found myself looking in the mirror. Adjusting my hair and adding an extra layer of lip gloss. As I caught myself prepping for what seemed like a date, I stopped.

What are you doing? She is only a friend. Besides she would never fall for someone like me...And who even knows what my mother would think. Ughhh. I sighed. I looked up into the mirror and watched as a single tear streamed down my face. I quickly collected myself, grabbed my bag and headed towards the Quad.

On my way down, all I could think about where these new found feelings I had. Was I really crushing on Wednesday Addams? My best friend, ain't no way. I thought. But as I turned the corner and I saw her pale porcelain face, my heart skipped a beat. It was like she was the only person in the whole universe. But my world quickly came crashing down at the sight of Xavier, in my seat next to her.

I approached, silently. Without any emotion.

"Whoa, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" he laughed.

"No, I was actually quite happy when I woke up, your just sitting in my seat"

He threw his arms up in defense, before grabbing his bag and sitting on the other side of the picnic table. An awkward silence grew, I glanced at my phone, scrolling through Tumblr. I shortly came across a picture of a blonde and a ravened haired best friend, holding hands. My mind went straight to Wednesday so I had to show her. I sat up and wrapped my arm around hers, showing her my phone screen.

"Is that supposed to be us?" She asked

"Yes!" All I got in return was a side eye, i slouched back down, this time laying my head on her shoulder.

"You guys would make such a cute couple" Bianca blurted. I sat up quickly, and turned to Wednesday who was now paler then before.

"Who us?" I asked pointing towards me and Wednesday.

"Yes, opposites attract do they not? Besides you two compliment each other quite well" I watched as she slyly grinned in Xavier's direction. She was making him upset on purpose.

"That would never happen" I said awkwardly putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I watched, and Wednesday didn't have anything to say. Xavier left. And we were caught in an awkward silence once again.

"Look" I whispered to Wednesday. "It's Olivia" her head shot in the red headed girls direction. She got up from her seat and started towards the girl, I followed.

"Wednesday, what a pleasure!" She leaned in for hug and Wednesday stepped back. I grinned slightly, and watched their encounter unfold. "And I'm sorry but I forgot your name" my grin turned to frown before I sarcastically laughed back at her.

"Enid Sinclair, try not to forget it for a second time" Wednesday looked back at me with a surprised look, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

After that was over me and Wednesday went to class.  We went our different ways, but met back up at lunch.

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