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Richarlison walked downstairs and looked at gabriela who was on the couch with her eyes closed. "You good now? " he asked and she suddenly woke up,"you scared me a bit" she said turning to face him. He walked to get himself something to drink in the morning and she looked and admired his presence. He stood there shirtless only in a pair of joggers

"I can't do this anymore" gabriela said and he looked at her with a confused grin. "Do what?" He asked, "I don't know. You and Me? No I don't know" immediately his grin fell and he walked up to her. "Woah woah slow down what?" He asked again trying to get her to explain why on earth she was saying what she was.

"It's like. You don't deserve me Richarlison I'm sorry but you need someone better than me and that's just it" gabi blurted "did something happen last night?" He asked confused and she looked at him understanding his question which asked her if she cheated on him. "No! No Ofcourse not It's just" she sighed, looking back up at him "I'm damaged goods R, I spent a long time in love with someone else and you're here treating me like a princess when I'm just a broken piece you're fixing"

he held her face in his hands looking down at her "I don't care that you were in love with neymar gab, I don't even care that you're broken because I would rather spend the rest of my life fixing you than without you" her eyes teared up. "This is exactly it Richarlison, I don't deserve you being so nice to me when I spent half the time thinking whether I should have been with neymar" she blurted out.

"Do you still love him?" He questioned his hands moving down from her face and awaiting her reply. "I don't know! I don't. I'm just so confused" she broke. "ontem à noite você disse algo para mim e eu não ouvi porque você estava bêbado, mas você me ama?" (last night you told me something and I didn't listen cause you were drunk, but do you love me?) he asked and I looked at his eyes deeply."be honest"

I didn't want to lie to him and I didn't want to lie to myself. Every time I was with him for the past few months he's been charming, he always made me feel comfortable where ever I was. When I was home alone I'd manage to miss his company because I was so used to listening to his awful jokes and spending so much time with him happily.

"I do" I said and he immediately began "Then what's the problem. You love me and I love you" he said, "until you really think that you don't love me as much as you love him, you and I, we are endgame" he said and She took a moment and nodded, he was right. He was always right and She realized and was just being an idiot to even try and push this man away when so clearly Gabriela needed him.

"I'm sorry I said that stuff " She said just going back to being wrapped in his arms. "Can you shut up about being sorry" he said kissing her forehead and going back to getting something to drink and eat. "I wish I said I love you in a better way" gabi walked to where he was and he added, "let's pretend this never happened and you can tell me that you love me again, I won't get fed up" (I promise)

"I. Love. You." Gabriela pecked his lips with every word. "What say it again?" He played, Gabriela did her usual eye roll and went back to her room "te odeio" (I hate you). She was happier and less stressed out since she finally cleared that up. Something in her made her want to go and see neymar, just as a friend obviously maybe to clear things up about what she said and how she was sorry if she did give him some false sense of hope because she genuinely was confused as to where the two of these old lovers stood.

She drove there thinking that's she was so far satisfied with the decision she made with richarlison rather than leaving him based off a feeling she wasn't sure of. Once she reached neymars house she rang the bell twice but no one came she regretted even coming to visit him and before she's turned to leave away someone opened the door.

It wasn't him. It was bruna. The girl that had been his weeks after the two of them broke up the first time and she looked at gabriela with a confused expression. "Can I help you?" She asked and Gabriela smiled and shook her head no and walked downstairs. He was back to Bruna, she knew she couldn't stop him from finding someone else but this was one of the main things that hurt her the first time. Soon after they broke up back then her first weeks without him was hell and she really wanted to go back to him only to see he had moved on so quickly with Bruna.

Gabriela ran to her car and drove home as quickly as she could. She threw away her keys on the couch and immediately fell down crying. She was hurt, the decision she made to stay with richarlison was correct because if she left all that and went to see neymar only to find out he had already replaced her she wouldn't have survived the pain. Gabriela thought she wasn't in love with neymar but the pain of seeing him back again with someone else somehow seemed to hurt her more than she could've imagined.

Alma heard the noise and came out of her room. "Gabi?" She said running down the stairs to her best friend who was crying to herself her eyes red and poofy. "What happened?" She asked kneeling down next to gabriela. "He's with her again alma, I'm not even supposed to care but I've missed him so fucking much and I know I shouldn't because we are toxic but I miss him so much I can't" she sobbed and alma tried to comfort her knowing this was all about neymar. "I shouldn't even give a shit about neymar I already have a good boyfriend alma but I can't forget him! I tried so fucking hard and I can't. I can't stop missing what we had and I'm so confused because I didn't care after I spoke to rich but when I saw Bruna....Alma!!! make it stop!" She broke down further crying in her best friends arms

"Gabriela" Alma said "it's going to be okay" she said not sure of what else she could say on this situation. "We need to think about the decision you're going to make rationally. We can't do that if you are so hell bent on your emotions, so when we get our shit together we are going to think this through because you can't be hurting yourself because you can't pick one" she always being the sensible one of the two said.

"What do you think I should do?" Gabriela sniffled looking at the one person she always knew loved her and helped her do what was right for her. "Do you want me to be honest?" Alma asked and gabi nodded. "I think you and neymar are so oddly toxic, whenever I see you cry about a relationship it always has something to do with him and not anyone else. I think when you look at him and richarlison, rich never makes you feel nearly as broken as neymar does. He loves you a lot and always wants to see you happy, he always separates time for you and always make sure you know you're loved.....but"

"If you didn't love neymar anymore gabi, you won't even have second thoughts about richarlison. How good a guy will treat you, you will always go back to neymar because he was your soulmate. How much you guys fight, BOTH OF YOU can't stop running back to eachother. If you're staying with richarlison you need to give up on everything that has to do with neymar. If you didn't love him you wouldn't be here crying because he has another girl at his place" Alma made more sense than gabriela  could've put together. She shut her eyes.

"I don't want to leave richarlison Alma, I love him" she cried, "I know you do, but if you really love him you need to forget neymar"

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now