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I had work today and the first thing I did after getting home was helping alma with her stuff and falling asleep late. I heard her yelling at me to wake up and honestly I think at this point I need my own alma voiced alarm because she's the only one who can wake me up

Walking in to work with a coffee in my hand I would expect a normal reaction as I would usually have. Just a few waves and hi's from the people I know and going into writing about my allocated assignments but this time most of the people I didn't know were staring at me as well.

I couldn't care less I just went and got on to working but it was the third time someone came up to me now "are you and richarlison dating?" She asked, "who told you that?" Retorted. "I mean we've all pretty much seen tiktoks of the two of you together these days" she said raising her eyebrows. If I didn't know any better she was just wanting something to sell to the tabloids or maybe write it herself.

Gossip is a wildfire, specially at a workplace where telling people everything is your job. "Maybe you guys should mind your business sometimes" I just said typing my work on when two other people joined her. "Did you ask her?" One of them whispered and she told her something. "So neymar?" The other one asked.

"Nope neither leave me alone" I said, "we know you're lying Gabriela" one extremely annoying coworker said, "okay then, I'm lying now what are you gonna do about it" I said standing up immediately and leaving. Calling alma and telling her that I just hate her for waking me up but also love her for being the only person at work I can count on.

Do you want to come over today?


She threw her phone away and fell asleep, "god! I have to wake her?!" I heard richarlison groan. Alma wasn't home and I was half awake so I woke up,"god I'm not that much of a devil okay" I said, "You are when you're a sleep" he muttered. "I heard that"

"What're your plans for today?" He said as I walked to the kitchen. "Baking something for alma because she loves my cookies" I said taking out the ingredients as richarlison sat with his hands extending on the kitchen counter. "You know when you asked me to come over for a second I thought you meant something else but I'm not complaining"

"With that comment you're not getting any cookies" I said mixing the ingredients up. " it's fine I can watch you make it and make it for myself" he contested, even though I told him it'll never be that good. Stuffing some chocolate chips in the bowl I hand mixed them together taking one by one and putting them on the baking tray.

"I love your Jersey" I said looking at his basketball jersey that said golden state warriors which was clearly the basketball team I supported during the finals. "You watch basketball?" I nodded I mean I did work in a sports department of a company too.

Moving the tray of cookies into the oven I closed it up telling rich that now all we had to do was wait. "I'll wait" he said standing up and carrying me and placing me on the kitchen counter. Even as I sat on the counter and he stood he was still my height showing how tall he was. Slowly begin kissing me as I gave into his touch. Enjoying the moment I felt him smile into the kiss. The oven timer began beeping and I quickly stopped, but he didn't let me go pulling me in for more kisses,  "if it gets burnt I'll kill you" I stepped down from the counter taking out the freshly basked cookies as richarlison groaned in annoyance.

Alma, a few minutes later walked into the house,"God what's that beautiful smell" she sniffed, as soon as she saw the cookies on the kitchen table she ran to it and I was satisfied. I love making her happy because she is one person who is always was there for me.

"What's richarlison doing here?" She said with cookies stuffed in her mouth. "Why? am I not allowed here." he said taking a seat next to me. "Maybe you aren't" she said staring at him. I couldn't help but find this so funny, they were just staring eachother off, "sometimes I wish we made our own language that he wouldn't understand so that we can talk shit about him infront of him" Alma said and I burst out in laughter.

"Maybe we should talk in English my friend" I said in the middle of laughing, "why are you on her side! against me?" He said, I told him that it was so much funnier to watch him get annoyed. He too ate some of Alma's cookies shockingly she didn't kill him for doing so.

"You're getting a call" richarlison pointed out,

Luis calling...

"Ola Luis" I said as my brother began ranting about his son's birthday. Camila and Luis have a little son, Bruno. He's turning 1 and they are hosting a nice little party. "Yes yes I'm coming" I told him. "Could you come earlier please, your brother is useless he's literally not going to help me" camila yelled from the back. "Ofcourse I'll help" I smiled and cuddled up to richarlison.

After ending the call I looked up at richarlison my head still laying on his chest, "do you want to come with me tomorrow?" I asked softly "oh shoot baby I'm busy tomorrow" he said, " that's okay" I said looking back down. "No no when I'm done I can come a bit late tho" I smiled, "you sure?" I asked and He nodded.

"Are you ticklish?" He asked me and I lied, "no, don't even try" I muttered but he held me back and began tickling  me and I erupted in laughter with no way of having any energy to push him off. "Stop R" I tried to get out and he stopped, "god I hate watching couples doing coupley things" Alma muttered leaving the living room.

"You're so cute" he said giving me a big kiss on my forehead and standing up telling me he had a busy day tomorrow so he had to leave. "Have fun" I said as he left the house.


I got ready to go for Bruno's first party. Wearing a cute little outfit I immediately left to see camila decorating the house and Luis with the little boy. "Oh finally someone who would actually help" camila hinted at her husband who was clearly not helping. "I can't help with no one to look after the little kid can I ?" He yelled from the opposite end.

"Gabriela Baptista, at your service" I said as I made my way up to camila helping her blow up a few balloons and hang decorations, "I hope it's okay that I'm bringing someone today" I told camila as she immediately looked at me with a smirk on her face, "Ofcourse it is" she said as she brought the short eats to the table for the little kids.

Slowly as more of camila's and Luis's friends began coming home a few with their own children the party began to well I can't really say "party" because it was just a kids place but you know the vibes. Little ones running around, decorations hung everywhere, face painting corners and a few games .

"GABI" A little boy hugged me, "davi? What're you doing here?" i questioned and then realized neymar would've been invited since he and Luis seemed to be good friends. I went up to camila and she immediately figured out I had no clue. "Oh my god sweety, I'm so sorry I told your brother to tell you and he clearly didn't"

"No it's fine" I added, Good luck Gabriela I thought as I saw neymar walking toward me

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now