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We got home that night, I know gabriela noticed my mother and how she didn't seem to like her and I really didn't want her to overthink about it so as I went up with her to her room I looked to see what she would say.
"I love your siblings, they texted me like just now. Well Kettima did" she said but her voice had a bit of brokenness to it.

Seconds later "Did I do something wrong?" She asked turning around trying to sound as normal as possible but I knew why she was asking. "You didn't baby, I have no clue why she was acting like that" I said walking up to her and wrapped my arms around her head because she was shorter than me in the cutest way.

"Okay" she said quietly. "I really wanted her to like me" she said looking up at me her chin pressed against my chest as I looked down at her. "I like you and that's all that matters" looking into her dazzling eyes sounds cheesy but it could really win me over in anything.

"Okay get some rest for about...2 hours and then get ready in taking you out for dinner" i said to her before leaving to my place. I was ready for anything and everything because I think I'm in love.

Gabriela's pov

I fell asleep for well, 1 and a half hours before deciding to get ready for dinner. I have no clue why he decided to go out tonight because it was so out of nowhere. Anyway I put on a cute little black strapless dress and texted richarlison who was on his way. He texted me asking me not to come out until he rings my door bell.

"Ooh sexy mama where you out to?" Alma said hyping me up like she always does, "richarlison. Dinner." I said in two short words. She raised her eyebrows and I embarrassed, hid a smile. As soon as I knew he was outside I went down to open the door and when I did, infront of me stood rich dressed in a very formal outfit, a suit in which he looked dashing in, in his hands he held a bouquet of roses. White roses to almost match his hair, "what's all this?" I asked and he smirked "got to treat my princesa."

We got onto the vehicle on our way to an extremely fancy restaurant. Laughing at his extremely bad jokes we reached there and had our booked reservation, given a glass of wine as soon as we took a seat. "So fancy" I said taking a sip. Getting on with  our regular conversations. Stories about the past and how funny it was. Well  mostly I felt as if it's me talking and him listening but I felt like I was just over sharing so I asked him about how his childhood was.

His smile was soft but it seemed to hurt him, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I said and he shook his head, "I want to tell you gab" he began telling me how his childhood wasn't exactly a bed of roses. He was born into a family which included many siblings and not wealthy. His mom working as a servant and his father never being at home, he was outside but was taught how he should not be influenced into the bad things in their neighborhood.

Most of the easy money that the kids his
age found were from dealing with drugs and he made clear of it and worked by selling ice creams and other things steering away from all that would've caused him and his family to go to jail or to be thought of as bad people. Hearing all of this made me hold his hand to comfort him in any way I could. Empathetically paying attention to his life

Living a life like that could've only been horrid as a child and I never had to experience that. His parents separating just adding into the fuel he has been through so much and he was never giving up on his dream to be a football player and so he did. He became one of the best in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that" I said sympathetically and he seemed to take it in for a second. How far he has come since then and how he has been able to get his family to a place where they never even dreamed of as children. "I was held at gunpoint once" he said and immediately I just widened my eyes, "what?!" I said louder than I expected it to release from my mouth.

It's a story any one would be uncomfortable sharing so I didn't make him say further if he didn't want to but he told me how when he's with me he feels like he can always share without having to be afraid. "So there were drug dealers yeah, I was in the area and they thought I was going to steal their stash to sell and held me at gunpoint. It's fucking traumatic but life comes with its rollercoaster" he said.

"You're safe now though" I said rubbing his hand, "you're not that strong so really I'm not safe" richarlison said, "who said I'll be the one taking care of you" I attacked. With the revelation about his past I felt closer to him like our bond just got stronger. I learnt that he donates his salary to the underprivileged and helps his sisters children with their education. I've never seen a more caring man in my life.

After dinner we were back in his car parked i front of my house as I leaned in kissing him from my seat, as it proceeded to get more intense I removed my seatbelt and managed to move onto richarlisons lap on his front seat as we continued to further deepen the kiss.

I tried to huddle myself onto his lap but it wasn't as comfortable as I would've wanted it to be as my hands began unbuttoning his shirt biting my lip admiring this boy. I opened the door of the car and hopped out and pulled him from his shirt as he locked the car following me into my house.

He pressed me against the wall and played with my hair as he flavoured my lips. "Upstairs" he muttered as we both almost toppled running into my room as I threw my things away immediately moving up to the six foot and removing his shirt off and he pulled the zipper off my black dress. "You're so sexy" he almost whispered before I turned him around pushing him down onto my bed

Taking full control I sat over him but he turned me over, being more stronger I gave into it as he kissed me down my body, every kiss he got lower. Letting out soft whimpers as his defined muscles made their way around my body and now I was covered in hickeys and missing my clothes.

As we both enjoyed every moment
he was inside me, he was well everything I'd expect him to be if you know what I mean, it passionate and he began thrusting fast but not fast to throw me off as my head pressed back against the pillow while small gasps and moans escaped me.

My eyes closed enjoying the pleasure and I bit my lip holding back the sounds I didn't want to make. Richarlison wasn't silent but he definitely was the less talk, more action kind of guy. "Rich..." I moaned and the smirk appeared as his veins were popping making me want to give into him more.

With just a look he could dominate me, as pleasing to me he was feeling pleasure too, when he did groan some shiver would take up my whole body.

The night ended and richarlison stayed over and at my place and all I have to say is woah

A/n : neymar isn't gone it's just a few richarlison chapters. I'm the worst smut writer and I hate writing it so if someone wants to like write it for me lmk

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now