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(A/n the picture above is hers and Alma's room)

"Oh my God" Alma walked into our room. "DID YOU SEE RICHARLISONS GOAL" she yelled."yes I did see the goal" I said smiling at Alma's energy. "It was absolutely mad gab! He's so fine too like what the hell." She said and I laughed, you have no idea.

"I'm going to write an article about it" she said running to her laptop. She opened her laptop and began researching the Goal. I poked my nose into her laptop just to see her watch the video of it and truly it was absolutely mad.
"Did you manage to get a statement from him?" She asked me.

I shook my head no but that just made me reminisce the moment he winked at me infront of all those people.


Another day passed and it was night again,
I stared at my phone contemplating on whether I should text him or not. I mean he was probably getting his phone blasted by everyone that knew him after the game. 

Hey rich, you were on fire yday.

I was waiting for you to text me

Oh were you now

Were you impressed by me yesterday 😉

Don't get to ahead of yourself now Richarlison

But I'm not going to lie I was impressed

Mission completed.

The second goal was so sexy

Sexy guy, sexy goal

Sexy guy? 🤨🤨

Don't lie to yourself

Okay fine, sort of sexy guy
No but seriously rich I'm crazily proud of you

Aw look at gab with the cute texts and we aren't even dating yet
Appreciate it sweetheart

See, if you don't shut up sometimes
We won't be dating ever

You'll never not date me

One way to find out right

Are you asking me to ask you out ?

No ?

You + Me. 👉🏽🛌

god richarlison

I bet all my money that you're Highkey blushing

Shut up.

"why are you blushing" Alma asked me with her eyebrows scrunched up. "I'm not" I said trying to not make it that visible. "How's the article holding up" I asked her keeping my phone aside. "It's fine I'm almost done" she said. I went to the bathroom for a minute and heard my phone ringing. I heard alma yell "gab you're getting a call" I yelled back saying to leave it alone. "It's ringing again" she yelled as I walked out of the washroom to see her walking towards my phone "let me get it dude" when I ran up to her and pulled the phone away "no"

She looked at me confused, "geez woman, what're you hiding" I awkward smiled and she walked away too tired to question it. As suspected. It was him.

"Hey" I said, "you staying at the same hotel this time?" He asked. "Why do you want to know?" I questioned. "That's a yes" he finished. "Yo- what? How?" I asked.

"Now it's a definite yes" I could feel him smiling on the other end of the phone. "Floor?" He asked. "You're not gonna knock all the doors again" i stated. " I might, but just to make it easier why don't you tell me" he said and before I could say anything I heard a noise on his end.

"todos vão dormir agora, os planos de amanhã começam cedo. descanse irmão." (everyone's going to sleep now, tomorrow's plans start early. rest bro. ) Someone said to him. He proceeded to tell the guy that he was about to sleep. When he closes the door. "You still there?" He asked and I hummed in response.

"Where were we? Ah yes, your room" he asked. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping" I asked and he said he would only after he sees me. "I'm rolling my eyes right now since you can't see" I said. "Who are you talking to" alma asked, her being her just to annoy the shit out of me. "Oh my god, is this your boyfriend?" She purposely yelled and richarlison heard "is that your friend alma?" He asked me I would've told him about her at some point. "annoying friend, yes"

"Is he hot, is he hot, is he hot" she repeatedly asked sitting next to me. "Why don't you answer that for her Gabriela" he said. "No I'm not going to answer that" I said to both of them. "Tell me your room number" he demanded. "Jesus fine." I gave him the number. "Thanks beautiful, I'll be right there" before I could tell him not to come here he ended the call. I groaned in annoyance taking the closest pillow and hitting Alma with it.

"Calm down Idiota" she said covering her head from getting pillow smacked. She couldn't help but laugh.

The door to our room knocked and immediately both of us stopped. I looked towards the door and then her and before she could open it I grabbed my phone and ran to the door and opened it and closed it behind her dragging richarlison by his hand I ran to the opposite end of the hallway barefoot and to a place where she wouldn't see us.

After I stopped I pushed my hair away from my face and looked up at the guy who was smirking at me, "you really wanted me alone that much huh" he said moving one more strand away from my face, the slight contact in our skin made my body shiver.

"No I just didn't want her exhausting you with her questions and fangirling" I said, "you can just admit you would've been jealous if we hit it off" he said towering over me. I kept forgetting how tall he was. "No, you know what, fine let's go back and you can enjoy her company" I said walking away and I felt his hand grab mine.

He pulled me back to where he was and managed to have me inches away from him. "No need really, I don't want to make my girl mad" he smirked. "I hate to ruin the moment but I need to go back, I'm literally barefoot" I whispered. "I'll give you a pair of my slides, let's go." He said walking towards the elevator, Still not letting go of my hand.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now