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Gabriela's pov

As soon as he left I fell onto my legs in the corner, leaning against the wall i hid my face in my hands as tears began pouring. Alma stood up the stairs seeing my crushed she walked next to me and sat on the floor. I looked up at her with puffy red eyes, she heard everything. She didn't say anything but her presence was enough to console me.

Days passed I didn't speak to neymar, alma told me that whatever decision I made if I thought it was right it probably was, even though letting go of the past is tough.

It had been three days. Today was the semi final Argentina vs Croatia.

You coming to watch the game at my place today?

I'm down


Is neymar going to be there?


On second thought, I'm busy I'll watch the match on my phone

No chance, you're coming

I think I'm sick, can't get you infected sorry won't be coming

I threw my phone away sighing, i hated my last encounter with neymar. I didn't want to get caught up in old feelings that only hurt me in return and I would think that justified the way I responded to what he said.

I took my laptop on working on a few articles about brazil and their football team. Alma was out and busy but once she returns home she came and handed me a box of donuts with a smile "how are you doing roomie?" She smiled sitting on my bed. "I'm fine alma, donuts?! I literally can't live without you" I smiled.

The bell to our house rang and I looked at alma who had a guilty face on, "who'd you bring?" I smirked. "Someone you would love" she said running down and opening the door to richarlison. She fist bumped him and seemed to mutter some words, "nope, no way." I said and he looked at me, I immediately began fake coughing "oh would you look at that R, I'm extremely sick" I faked and he took jumped up the stairs meeting me. He kissed my lips and began fake coughing "I've got it too now. So there is no more harm you could do" he said as I looked at him and went off to my room lying on my bed with my phone ignoring his presence.

He came up to me and grabbed my phone away from my hands and I stood up immediately "give it back richarlison" I said trying to be as threatening as possible. He threw my phone onto the bed and before I could turn to get it he grabbed me and carried me throwing me over his shoulder. His arm gripped around my waist and hand on me, "put me down" I said trying to wiggle my way through but he was too strong. "Okay we are going now" he said carrying me out of the room.

"No no no my phone R!" I pleaded hoping he'll at least let me go get it but he walked back and took it to his hand, taking my down the stairs I gave up pushing him away. Going down he thanked alma for letting him come here and I told her I'll get my revenge. He sat me in the car and took a seat in the front. Before starting the car he looked at me "so do you want to tell me why you are against coming if neymar is there? Because either you tell me and I help you or you don't and suffer there without my help" he seemed convincingly nice. I wasn't too sure I'd want to tell him at the same time I want to. So I gave him a sentence that summed it up. "We had a fight. a big one and I'm avoiding him because I don't want to talk about it" I sighed.

"Okay then gab I'll help you avoid him. See, problem solved" he said starting the car and driving off to his place. She admires him from the corner of her eye as one of his hands rested on the steering wheel and the other on her thigh. "Can I play some music?" I asked taking my phone from him. "claro princesa" (Ofcourse princess)

As we reached his house it was almost an hour before the match, making my way inside I helped him keep some drinks and food outside for when the guests arrive as one by one his friends began coming in.
Followed by his family who I in every level was nervous about meeting. By family it was not his parents but just a few of his siblings. Born to a family of five there were clearly many to be known. The cousins were known to show off about him as the familys pride and joy coming from not the best lifestyle.

"ei irmão" (hey brother) one girl greeted, his older sister I heard. "Kettima, esta é minha namorada" (kettima, this is my girlfriend) he said introducing me to his sister. "namorada?" (Girlfriend?) I said looking confused, "tudo bem em breve ser namorada" (okay soon to be girlfriend) he rolled his eyes "same thing" she smiled and hugged me and I did back. She was comforting and nice. She told me that I was absolutely gorgeous and that she's shocked her brother was able to pull me. I told her that I can't wait to get to know her.

"homem tem futebol e uma menina" (man has football and a girl) his cousin said in almost a shocking manner. As they all went inside the house to watch the match.

His house was indeed beautiful, as you walked in you were greeted by a beautiful living area and when you move to the right behind the staircase almost as if it were a little cinema you could find his television and comfortable couches. He left the door unlocked so that anyone who was coming can walk right in as so far the ones who came were all packed around the screen since it was about to start.

Richarlison and I sat on the corner of the couch I was laying next to him feet extended as one of his hands were around me holding me closer as we both faced the screen. Argentina leading in the game, I heard someone walking from the front door area and as soon as I saw neymar my body stiffened a bit and richarlison noticed.

His hand which was around me held me closer to him indicating he was right there and I shouldn't be thinking about neymar and so I just looked back at the game. The few friends that bet on the Argentinians winning jumped up and yelled as the game was ended with the Lionel Messi on his way to the finals of the 2023 World Cup. 3-0 to Croatia who had arrived to the semi finals by beating Brazil. I missed working right about now. The excitement of announcing a win had a different aura to it that is unexplainable.

"Thanks for hosting rich, we'll meet up for the finals again" some guy said in Portuguese hugging richarlison and leaving and so did a few others but most of them stayed back drinking a little bit more as someone started playing music in the background. Chatter all over and I stood by richarlison, true to his promise he didn't let me go anywhere alone so that I'd have to have 1 on 1 conversation with Neymar.

It was awkward everytime I see neymar looking at us, I didn't know what to say or what to do until at some point he came up to richarlison and I who stood eating a few bites "hey" he said smiling and I awkwardly smiled back. "Hey buddy" richarlison hugged him. Even with us having an issue here I appreciated that none of it happened to ruin their friendship both being mature about it was honestly a factor I was happy about.

"How's davi?" Richarlison asked as he took his drink to his hand. Standing behind me he put both his arms over my shoulders facing neymar. Neymar didn't seem to mind, I liked the way that he didn't make it awkward anymore. He ignored the fact that we were even something, I'll admit that seemed to be something I'd be hurt by and maybe I slightly was but the part of me that was happy about it certainly over powered it.

"Oh Davis with Caroline" neymar said pouring himself a drink, "you should've brought him noh" I told him and he laughed. "It's his mamas day to have him" he responded. Alma was calling me so I excused myself and left to pick it up, "I'm stuck with this work thing gabs can you help me if you're free?" She pleaded and I immediately said okay, I was tired of socializing really so i told richarlison as he kissed me goodbye infront of neymar so I followed with a hug for my ex boyfriend. "Be safe" he said as I responded with an I will and made my way out of the house.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now