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Now that I had what I needed staying in the hotel was pointless, I packed my bags and decided to go to my parents house.

Walking into the house my mom greeted me "if it isn't our long lost daughter" "you're being really dramatic mamá" I said giving her a hug and walking up to my dad who was sitting reading a news paper. "I haven't seen you in tv lately Filha" my father spoke, matches haven't started yet papá" "ah yes football noh" he added.

My mother began talking on and on about something when my phone rang disturbing her story.

Richarlison calling ...

A smile unintentionally showed up on my face. My mother eyes my father and the both of them were staring at me. "quem está te fazendo sorrir assim" (who's making you smile like that) papá asked and I rolled me eyes. "No one" I said standing up and walking away to pick the phone call.

"Hey" I picked, "why didn't you tell me you left?" Richarlison spoke. "Didn't think it was that important"
"Well, I just knocked your door and some old guy opened it. For a second I was concerned for your choice in men" he said.
"How'd you figure out he wasn't just one of my one night stands" I asked him curious for his response.

"Because I knew if you really wanted someone that night you woulda just called me"' he said cockily. "Why'd you go?" He asked and I explained how mamá wanted me to come to visit them. "I'll see you in Qatar won't I?" He asked as I slowly walked back to the table where my parents continued to stare at me. "Yeah you will" I smiled. "é definitivamente um cara" (it's definitely a guy) my dad said. "Who was that?" Richarlison laughed. "You heard that?" I asked and he laughed telling me he did. "I'll talk to you later" I said and he added, "bye Linda" I ended the call.

"Did you hear that?! He called her beautiful" my dad said pointing at me and looking at my mother. "Was it that loud?" I asked him confused. "Oh my Gabriella. Who is this mystery guy?" Mamá asked taking a seat next to my father. "Please guys it's nothing" I said trying to change topic what was, "how is Luis and Camila doing?" I asked about my older brother and his wife.

"They're fine. The little fellow is almost one now. Forget that; who's the boy Gabriela" my mom asked. "Maa it's no one let it go" I said somehow managing to change the conversation to something else. Alma was asking me when I'm coming home because we were going for leave to Qatar tomorrow and I was not ready. So I said goodbyes to my parents and left back to my place.

"Finally she's home" Alma said dramatically. "Shut up" I said taking out my suitcase and fill it with clothes. "Boss spoke to me, he said we since the two of us are the only ones going excluding the photographers we need to get as much content as we can" I nodded as if I already didn't know. God it can be frustrating to hear the same thing over and over again


We reached Qatar, alma and I were so tired. She kept looking at every attractive guy in the airport and calling them her airport crush. Craver (the company) had gotten us a shared room in the hotel where the team stayed at aswell.

I didn't bother richarlison for the past few days and he didn't text me either. Makes sense he must be nervous for all the matches that are coming up. I didn't tell Alma about any of what happened.

A few busy days passed getting used to the place and passing a few matches later, today I left to the stadium for the Brazil Vs Serbia, Group stage match. The cameraman was stationed right in the front and I was supposed to be there so I walked to my spot. Time and time again the stadium began filling and the vibes were honestly unmatchable.

I've been to various games before to watch football matches but nothing is as nice as the World Cup, when I was 18 was the last time I experienced a crowd there to support their country, players too. It's amazing. The match began and the cameraman was recording it I sat there enjoying the game when half way through Alma came and sat near me.

65 minutes in and the score was stuck at 0-0 I was on my feet by now, when a beautiful assist and goal by richarlison. I couldn't help but jump in joy. If I could I would scream 'I know that guy' and show off to everyone there. I was in awe as the Brazilian fans erupted.

Once again the game was intense everyone cheering on the team and I couldn't keep my eyes of richarlison. As I look once again he received the ball, he kicked the ball upward and in an amazing scissor kick he scored the most amazing goal once again for Brazil and the crowd goes mad. Not only the Brazilian fans but everyone else because of how beautifully done that was.

My heart was beating so fast and I know it sounds odd to say but I was so damn proud to think that this guy was my friend. Trying to get the first look at this star as soon as the match was over I was more than excited to get a word from richarlison.

And as soon as I saw him walking away in the middle of all the different people yelling I doubted my voice would've been heard but fuck it I decided to give it a shot. "Richarlison!" I said and he turned towards me with all the photographers flashing pictures of the two time goal scorer I tried to get a word from him but all he did was look at me with a smile on his face  and then followed with a wink and damn did it make me feel like a teenage girls crush noticing her.

Other reporters began calling him out and trying to get a statement but his bodyguards moved people away and let him go to the rest of the team. Even though Work me was gonna get blasted for not being the first to get a statement from him I couldn't help but be the happiest, because I know he's going to treasure this moment in his career.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now