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We made our way slowly out the school, the hallways now had stumbling biters, awakened by the noise. I took out the biters aimlessly as Brenden headed slowly behind me, Andre in his arms. We headed out the school and along the driveway until we reached the gates. I watched as Brenden sat Andre down on the floor before pulling the broken gates together in a struggle. He took rope out his bag and tied the gate together with a large knot. Before he pulled Andre onto his back and joined me by my side.
"Eventually they must all starve to death. When they do I will come back here and I will bury them." Brenden said.
"Of course" I smiled, I hugged him tightly.

We reached the van soon after, a biter banged at the back door, the gas cans stood by the side of the van. I headed forwards and took out the biter from behind, stabbing it in the back of its head. I pulled at the handle, swinging the door open. Mike and Terry sat together in the back of the van, they chuckled with laughter, each holding a large bottle of whiskey, both nearly empty.
"You leave your son come back here and get drunk! He nearly died in there!" I shouted.
"Calm down, I'm jus' having a little fun" he slurred.
"You're disgusting" I said angrily, my teeth gritted. I didn't even know who he was anymore. This wasn't Mike. It hadn't been for a long time, but a part of me refused to let him go.
I slammed the door shut and dropped my head. I shouldn't put up with him. He didn't deserve to live, what he's done. Yet I couldn't do anything. I felt helpless.

I got into the front, Brenden by my side, Andre lay in between us.
"Where to?" I asked Brenden.
"I've always wanted to go to Florida" he replied.
"Florida it is." I said, starting the engine.

We had filled the tank with gas, and had plenty to get to Florida. It was going to be a 3 day drive, I didn't plan on stopping we had all the supplies we needed. Me and Brenden took 3 hour turns of driving and stopped every now and again on country roads to eat. Brenden came to turns with the death of his siblings slowly and his sadness seemed to drift as he hid it. My anger eventually simmered down, though it shouldn't have. Hate seethed through my bones. Mike and Terry had spent most of their time passed out from the alcohol, me and Brenden tried to get rid of it, but they always fought back, sometimes getting violent. So we left them be.
We had travelled through Ohio, Kentucky and then Tennassee, within a couple days without any trouble. We stuck to the highways mostly.
It was on the second night when we reached Georgia, it was dusk. I was driving whilst Brenden sat by my side, he was playing around with the radio that he had found in a car when we stopped. He scanned through the channels and all the frequencies listening out for a sign of life. He hadn't heard anything, he tried a few times a day. He put it back in the dashboard before sitting back in his seat.
We had pulled off the highway, heading through the cities. It was a more direct route and would hopefully shorten the journey. The cities were in ruins and the dead wandered the streets, was there any hope?

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