Chapter 27 - Countdown for the New Year's Eve

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Emily cried but she never regret that she did that to Eri. She's just really angry at Eri and she regret that she treated Eri as dear to her.

She's betrayed and it would be so much pain for her to bear before she could move on.

She decided to sit on the bench outside not that far from the grocery store she had entered a while ago. And there she poured out her pain by crying it out.

While she was crying, someone offered her a handkerchief. She then look at the person.

"Sa-Sayaka?" She said sniffling.

"Here. Take it with you."

She then get the handkerchief to wipe her tears and her runny nose.

"I saw what happened at the grocery store. I didn't intend to witness about it but I guess she deserves what you did." Sayaka said.

Emily can't say anything instead, she embraces Sayaka.

"It hurts. I know. The feeling of being betrayed and the worst is someone dear to you betrayed you. I hope you could overcome all of it. I know it's not easy but yeah, it always takes time. It's up to you if want to stay being hurt or free yourself from hurting." Sayaka said comforting her.

"Do I deserve all of this? Eri, she's a friend but why?" She said crying.

"I don't know everything what happened but all I can say is there are people who are insecure being yourself and so they try everything they could, just to ruin it. Because they're envious, all they could think is to break everything you could build. But to tell you honestly Emily, having a bond with someone dear to you doesn't mean you're special to them. Don't waste your tears for the wrong people. They're not worth it and It's not your fault at all." Sayaka said while still comforting her.

She's right. I shouldn't be crying over them. I will move on and one day, Michael will see that, he will see what he wasted.

"Thank you Sayaka. I really need that." She smiled and broke the embrace.

"You're gonna be okay. Just keep on moving, Emily." Sayaka replied.

"Well, I should get going now. You should too. It's freezing out here."

"Yeah, I'm going home. Thank you again, Sayaka."

"Don't mind about it. Stay safe."

They then both go on their separate ways.

Sayaka look back at Emily while waiting for a taxi and Emily look at her too.

There's only one person who can help her move on and I know their feelings they have for each other are just being hidden for now.

It's only him.

It's only you could help her, Sendoh.

Sayaka thought to herself while waving back at Emily.

Emily decided to go back to Tokyo today since the next days will be New Year and she don't want to spend her New Year being alone in her unit though, most of the time she likes to be alone.

When she got back from Tokyo, she immediately stayed in her room.

For the next days, Emily also notice to herself that she loss weight because she's not on her appetite. She's skinny but not too skinny. Her lips are always pale, her dark circles are always visible under her eyes and she doesn't have time for herself.

Emily's dad is worried about her daughter's health.

"Emily, please don't make dad worry about you. Come and eat with us just a little bit atleast or you want mommy to bring your dinner inside your room?" Her dad said leaning at her door.

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