Chapter 12 - Randomly "Crae"

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Sendoh was about to go home because they didn't have basketball practice today. He remembered that exams are upcoming and he hadn't studied yet since he was way too focused on their basketball training for the Interhigh. He then remembered what Emily said on the phone last time that she will help him study for the exams.

Emily was still talking with her classmates when Sendoh suddenly saw her.

"Thank you so much, Emily-san. These notes are helpful to us." Her classmate said.

"No problem." Emily smiled.

When he approached her, Emily's classmates start to blush and squeal. Emily then looks at him and she seemed surprised.

"Oh, Sendoh?" She raised her brows as if asking what is he doing here.

"Hi. I just remembered last time you said you will help me study." He scratched his head.

Emily then remembered their phone call.

"Oh, Oh My God! I totally forgot. You're just in time, I'm going to the coffee shop because that's where we'll study with Ayako and Miyagi. I'm really sorry, Sendoh. I was just really busy with academics this week." She smiled awkwardly.

"It's fine."

"I have to go guys. Good luck with our exams." She said to her classmates who are still looking in awe because Sendoh is here.

"Let's go?"

She waves and walks as Sendoh follows her.

"Ahhh Emily-san is so lucky because she and Sendoh became close."

"Before, we fought with her because of what she did to Sendoh and now they became close friends."

"I wonder too but you know what? I think they're perfect together."

"Eh? Emily-san is already taken. You know that she's the girlfriend of Ryokufu's captain."

"I know but still."

"We're also lucky because, without Emily-san's help, our scores on the quizzes might be still the same."

"Yeah, I agree."

"Plus, she let us have her notes, especially the math."

"Yeah! God, I hate maths!"

"I'm sure she'll remain the top student in our section."

"She will."

That was the conversation with Emily's classmate who once fought with her.

Emily and Sendoh are on their way to the coffee shop when Hikoichi suddenly appears calling her.


"Oh, Hikoichi? What is it?"

"Oh, Sendoh-san you're with her?"

Sendoh just smirked.

"Ah, Emily-san. Exams are upcoming, I wanted to have a little help from you, especially in English subject. I can't seem to pronounce the words properly." Hikoichi awkwardly said holding his notebook and pen.

"Well, we're on our way to the coffee shop to study. Wanna join us?" Emily asked.

"Really??? Are you going to help me? Oh... Sendoh-san is going too??"

"Yes, Hikoichi. I have to study too."

They then go to the coffee shop where she and Ayako always hang out.

When they arrived, Emily was surprised when she entered the coffee shop because she expects that it would only be Miyagi and Ayako.

She saw Kogure, Akagi, Mitsui as well as Sakuragi. Of course, if there's Sakuragi, there's also Rukawa.

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