Chapter 15 - You're lying

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"Why did you guys do that?" Sayaka raised her voice at the girls.

"But Sayaka-san, we know you still love Sendoh-kun."

"Please, can you just leave us alone?" She said irritatingly.

The girls then have no choice but to leave since they sense that Sayaka's face got irritated.

"I'm sorry Sendoh-kun, I didn't mean to"

"Stop it, Sayaka. What do you want? Why are you here?" He asked.

"I... Sendoh, can we talk?"

"You are talking. So spit it out."

"Sendoh, I just want to say sorry for everythin-"

"If this is about us, I already forgot about it. I already moved on, Sayaka."

"But still, what I did was... wrong." She paused trying to hold Sendoh's hand but Sendoh stopped her.

"I'm sorr-"

"Are you doing this because you got cheated too so you can come back to me?" Sendoh asked.

"How did you know that I got cheated?" Sayaka asked.

"Your friends told me. But don't think just because I know about it, doesn't mean I care." He said looking serious.

She let out a deep breath.

"So, you're courting her?" She changed the topic.

"Courting who?"

"Her. The girl that Hikoichi brought here." She was referring to Emily.

Sendoh got surprised about how she knows about it.

"So what if I am?"

"No-nothing." She looked into him and smile a little.

"I should go. I'm sorry to disturb you, Sendoh, and about the girls, I'm sorry for their behavior in pushing me toward you." She then bow down and hurriedly walked away.

Sendoh just shrugged and went back inside the gym since he still thought Emily is still there but when he got back inside, she was gone.

Hikoichi was busy talking to Koshino and Fukuda while their coach are just talking to Uozumi and Ikegami. Even if they lost the game, they're still thankful for the invitation to Kainan high.

Sendoh approaches Hikoichi since he saw earlier that Emily was beside her.

"Hikoichi, have you seen Emily?" He asked.

"Oh, she went to the restroom, Sendoh-san," Hikoichi replied.

He went back and went to the women's comfort room.

Sendoh waits outside the women's comfort room and when the janitor notices him, she approached Sendoh.

"Uh, excuse me? What are you doing? here outside the women's comfort room?" The janitor asked.

"Um, I'm waiting for someone."

"Eh? but sir there's no one inside."


He went back inside the gym looking for her but when he couldn't find a sight of Emily, he immediately took his phone from his bag and called Emily.

Emily is on her way to Ryokufu High to meet Eri and say sorry about Michael's behavior the last time that Ryonan and Ryokufu had a match game for the Interhigh. It's been so long since she last saw her.

She felt her phone vibrating and when she looked at the caller ID, she just ignore it.

When she arrived at Ryokufu high school, she went inside and look for Eri. But minutes after, she didn't find any sights of Eri instead, she saw the Tsumuri twin brothers. She approached them and ask if there is Eri.

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