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Hyunsuk sighed at the familiar figure in front of him. The figure he has been seeing for past 2 weeks after their first ever meeting at the cafe. Being smiley while staring at him, sitting right across him.

"At this point, I will really thought that you're stalking me, Yoon Jaehyuk," Hyunsuk sighed again.

"Today is totally coincident, Hyunsuk-ah," Jaehyuk said while grinning. "I really didn't expect that we're meeting here too. You're with your classmates?"

"Yeah. They've been planning to do this since before the test," Hyunsuk said. Hyunsuk can feel that there are eyes on them. Even Yoshinori who sat right next too him staring at them. Jaehyuk's friends are acquittance with most of the kids in our class since we took few same classes. They decided to drink together since they're close enough to sit on same table and drink. Jaehyuk currently sat across him, acting all friendly.

"I didn't know that you're friend with Yoon Jaehyuk," Yoshinori whispered at Hyunsuk when Jaehyuk stopped talking to Hyunsuk.

"I don't even know myself," Hyunsuk said. Hyunsuk tried to recall if he ever said that he agree to be friend with Jaehyuk. But he didn't remember it at all. Jaehyuk just suddenly acting as if they're close to each other after keep following him around the campus whenever Hyunsuk is alone and talked about the curse.

"He's still a student just like us but he surely look like a celebrity," Yoshinori whispered again. And he is right. Jaehyuk did look like a celebrity. Hyunsuk just knew it a few days ago that Jaehyuk is a model for his parent's entertainment company. Hyunsuk remembered what Jihoon said earlier. About he has been attracting pretty boys who's loaded. He didn't even ask for it. Hyunsuk stared at Jaehyuk. How he somehow met Jaehyuk who's a well off, and knew about the curse he's bearing.

Thinking back about it. The curse, their relationship. How he met Yoshinori who suddenly confessed that he liked him. How he met Junkyu who's close to Jihoon and somehow is also interested in Hyunsuk for some reason. And lastly, Jaehyuk who knew about the curse. Everything happened to him will have relation with Jihoon. Or it's only him who think so. Because his head is full of Jihoon. But Jihoon's head seems like to filled with other things. Ahn Yujin. Yes. That girl. What about the invisible connection that Jaehyuk talked about. That the trigger also got affected by it, not only the cursed one.

"Yes, Hyunsuk-ah?" Jaehyuk asked when he noticed that Hyunsuk has been staring at him.

"Nothing," Hyunsuk said before drinking another shot of the soju. Whatever. He'll just forget about it today.

Time passes. It's getting late. Yoshinori and some kids who're living in the university's dorm need to go back before the curfew. Some of the kids still stay to drink and continue to hang out.

"You're not stopping, Hyunsuk-ah?" Jaehyuk asked. He just watching Hyunsuk keep on pouring the soju into his glass. He keep on drinking. "You've drank a lot,"

"Stop talking to me," Hyunsuk said. Jaehyuk just smiled at Hyunsuk. It's Hyunsuk who has been talking all the time. Complaining on how Jaehyuk has been following him and how he has been worrying about his future with the curse. About Jihoon. About everything. Jaehyuk just listen to Hyunsuk rants and complains. He wanted to clear his mind from thinking things related to Jihoon or anything about the curse or Jihoon's relationship with Yujin. But it just came back and make his mind full without he able to sort anything at all. Hyunsuk put his head on the table.

"You're sleeping?" Jaehyuk asked.

"30 minutes. Wake me up if I still not awake yet," Hyunsuk said. Maybe a little bit of sleep can help him before he go back home. Jaehyuk just smiled and gently stroke Hyunsuk's hair. One by one of Jaehyuk's friends and Hyunsuk's classmates leaves the restaurant. Leaving Hyunsuk and Jaehyuk there.

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