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Hyunsuk open his eyes when he heard the alarm he has set. He raised his left hand, to look at his left wrist. The bruise already appears darker in color, indicating Jihoon already kissed him this morning. Hyunsuk stood up and walked out from his bedroom. He turned at the guest room where Jihoon is staying last night. The door already opened. Hyunsuk peeked in. Jihoon is not there anymore. Hyunsuk walked inside. He sat on the bed before he lie down. The pillow, the bed, smells like Jihoon. He let out a sigh.

Hyunsuk get up but before he could walked out from that room, he saw something on the table. A stack of A4 papers binded with a yellow clip. Hyunsuk know that it's not his so it's most probably is Jihoon's. And Hyunsuk is right. It seems like Jihoon's homework. There's a sticky note on the front cover of that document stating that the due of the homework is today's date. Did Jihoon forgot about his homework or something? Hyunsuk took that document and walked back into his room. To find his phone. There's a text message from Jihoon saying that he already kissed him before he left.

Hyunsuk quickly send him a text message telling that he left his homework. Hyunsuk also took the picture of Jihoon's homework. Hyunsuk then getting ready to go to university. Even after he done getting ready, Hyunsuk realized that Jihoon haven't replied his message. Hyunsuk checked Jihoon's last seen. It's about 5 in the morning. A few minutes after Jihoon sent him the message saying that he already kissed him. Hyunsuk tried to call Jihoon but he didn't answered his call. He tried again, two times. But still, no answer. Hyunsuk then decided that he will try to find him at his faculty. Since his class will start a little late today.

As always, he get his regular coffee along with whatever Yoshinori asked him to get for him. Hyunsuk walked toward the university. Hyunsuk keep on looking at his phone, in case Jihoon replied to his message or called him. But nothing. Even after he reached the campus, there's no response from Jihoon.

"Oh? You've been sighing again," Yoshinori pointed it out. Hyunsuk turned at Yoshinori. "Did something bothering you?"

"Um nothing," Hyunsuk said. He looked at the time on the watch he's wearing. What if Jihoon's class already started? "I need to go to the Law School for a bit. I have to return something to someone,"

"Oh," Yoshinori said. "Want me to accompany you?"

"I can go alone. Thank you," Hyunsuk said.

"It is that guy?" Yoshinori asked. Hyunsuk looked at Yoshinori, confused on what his friend trying to say. "You know. The one that has been making you sighed everytime. That make you sulk. The person you have a crush on. It's that guy, right? The same guy that chased you on our first day. I remember seeing him with some law related text book sometimes,"

Ah. Is that too clear? About his feeling?

"I'll go first," Hyunsuk said. Didn't give any replies to Yoshinori's questions. He then walked toward the Faculty of Law or people around he always call it as Law School. He looked around. Hyunsuk felt so stupid for not knowing where to go to find Jihoon or who to ask. Should he just ask some random kids here? They might know Jihoon, right? Jihoon used to be really famous in high school so it probably the same in university as well. But Hyunsuk couldn't make himself to do it because he has been getting stares from the kids around thay faculty. According to Yoshinori, almost every in their university know who Hyunsuk is and it will be weird if Hyunsuk suddenly being there at their faculty.

Hyunsuk took a deep breath and tried to stop anyone he could ask for Jihoon. He randomly stoped someone and turn out that it's Junkyu. He kind of recalled that Jihoon called this taller guy as Junkyu back then. Hyunsuk remember that Junkyu was in the same group as Jihoon because he saw Junkyu on the day Jihoon having his group discussion at the cafe before. So, Junkyu most probably know where Jihoon is at.

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