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Hyunsuk looks at his older brother who's current reading the news on his tablet. He glances at his left wrist. The bruise is still there but already faded.

"Hyung," Hyunsuk calls his older brother.

"Yes, Choi Hyunsuk?" Seungcheol responds without looking at his younger brother.

"How well did you know about the curse?" Hyunsuk asks. Seungcheol stops reading and turns at his younger brother. It's weird. The curse topic is not the one Hyunsuk favor to talk about during eating. But this is already the second time Hyunsuk ever asked about that.

"Well enough. After I know that you're cursed. I did a lot of research about it," Seungcheol answers.

"I'm just curious about something. The thing if the person I kiss suddenly died before completing the 1000 kisses. What kind of suffering I would get. Last time you said that I will suffer not physically, but mentally. Is it that bad?" Hyunsuk asks.

"From what I've researched about, after the cursed boy got his first kiss, he will have an invisible connection with the person he shared the kiss with. It's almost like soulmates. And if that soulmate suddenly passes away, it almost like half of your soul disappeared as well. And there's one case, the cursed boy took his own life because he couldn't endure the emptiness he felt," Seungcheol says. "It's much worse than physical wound. Because you can't even see it,"

"What if the one who's willing to sacrifice for me, didn't live long?" Hyunsuk asks. "If that person has an illness. Or got into an accident?"

"That's why.. it's a curse. You can be free from the daily misfortunes after you done with the 1000 kisses or after you're 30. But still. The first person you kiss will become half of you," Seungcheol says. "That's why I keep on telling you to be wise and careful. Because it is this bad, the curse,"

"I see," Hyunsuk says. "I'll be careful,"

"You should," Seungcheol sips his coffee.

"I'll go to school first," Hyunsuk stands up and get his bag that he left on the couch.

"Don't want me to give you a lift?" Seungcheol asks.

"No need. It's still early," Hyunsuk says. He walks out from his house, and straight to the bus stop. He took the bus and get off at the station near his school. But he didn't go inside the school right away. Hyunsuk just walks around there even though he arrived 20 minutes before the bell rings. After the bell rings, he still waits for about 15 minutes before he enters the school area.

Hyunsuk casually walking across the hallway even though the class already starting for most classes. Who care anyway. Because Hyunsuk himself know that his classmates didn't really favour his presence there, in their classroom. It's Hyunsuk's fault too for making an too strong image that scared the kids in his classroom, except for Park Jihoon of course.

Suddenly, someone pulls him into a room at that hallway. Hyunsuk was ready to shout but when he see it's actually Jihoon, he just sighs.

"Why are you pulling me here like this?" Hyunsuk asks. Jihoon turns at Hyunsuk and smiles, not smirk. An actual smile. Somehow it make Hyunsuk feels weird. Usually he only received judging stares and fake smiles when he's dressing up the way he did from people around him. But for that moment, that smile seems genuine.


A fast kiss smacked on his lips. Hyunsuk eyes widened as he quickly touches his lips.

"Today's dose," Jihoon says calmly. He continues doing his task, the thing he did probably from before he pulled Hyunsuk inside that room. Hyunsuk looks at his left wrist. The already faded bruise turns clear and darker in color again. Hyunsuk still couldn't figure out what is actually happening and how does a simple kiss can make that bruise appears. "Why are you late everyday? I saw you get off from the bus like way earlier. Why you only come in now?"

Curse Secret Kiss (series) | HoonSuk [✓]Where stories live. Discover now