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It has been almost a week, 5 days to be exact since the day Hyunsuk starting his 'sulking' agenda - but he will never actually admit it anyway. Hyunsuk still quite upset with Jihoon's words last time; that he doubt Hyunsuk. Is it because of the curse that he actually hope that at Jihoon will never has any doubt about him? Somehow, it's hurt hearing Jihoon's words that day. Is it really because of the curse that he already formed an invisible bond with Jihoon? That a little thing like this can make him really sad and angry.

Hyunsuk doesn't like that at all. He hated this feeling that he's currently feeling. And somehow he decided to prove that what Jihoon said are totally wrong. He can dress up properly to school. He can go early to school. He doesn't really need any connections with any higher up in this school to help him with anything. He can survive alone. Hyunsuk don't care anymore. He just don't want to talk to Jihoon or to meet him. Without he even knowing, it has been 5 days since that day. Even though he manage to not meet Jihoon or to talk to him, he still feel bad about something he couldn't point it out. But for now, he'll just still ignore Jihoon.

Hyunsuk will just walks to Jihoon when he's alone and pecked him on his lips and left. The rest of the day, Hyunsuk will just ignoring Jihoon. Last weekend too, Hyunsuk called Jihoon to meet at the convenient store near his neighborhood, left a quick kiss and walked away. Just enough for his daily dose of kiss. And somehow it make Jihoon frustrated. Whenever he tried to talk to Hyunsuk, the shorter guy always has an excuse not to do so. He didn't even answer his phone call and doesn't reply to any of his text messages.

And today is the first day of their mock text period. Just like past days, Hyunsuk come to school quite early because he get in the school as soon as he get off from the bus that he took from his house. No more walks around and just come to class after the bell rings. Jihoon waited for Hyunsuk right at the end of the staircase so the shorter guy won't be able to avoid him. Hyunsuk's eyes got widened as he saw Jihoon standing there, with both hands on his waist and looking so serious.

Hyunsuk tried to just walk passing him but Jihoon quickly pulled Hyunsuk and climbed up toward the roof top. He just let Hyunsuk's hand go after he close the door. Hyunsuk didn't say anything. He just waits for Jihoon to start first. Jihoon let out a heavy sigh.

"Are you angry with me?" Jihoon asked.

"No," he answered, short.

"Then? Are you really sulking?" Jihoon asked again.

"Why should I?"

"Are we really going to act like this?" Jihoon asked.

"Like what? Isn't this is how we should acted like? We're not friends. We're not even close. We're totally different in every single expect. In people's eyes, you shouldn't get close or even talk to me at all. I'm the bad guy and you're the good guy. But me here somehow need to kiss you everyday for 1000 days. I didn't even ask to born like this but here I am," Hyunsuk said. "Let's just get back to our original plan. I kiss you once everyday. And none of us will get involved in each other's personal life or something. Just like that. I want to be free from this curse, and you'll get your reward afterward,"

"Fine. If that's what you want then," Jihoon said. "Good luck for your mock test. I hope you didn't messed up just for some dumb reason,"

"Of course I won't," Hyunsuk said. He walked toward the door. When he's passing Jihoon, Jihoon pulled his hand and gently hold his head. He closed the gap between them to make they lips touches. Kissing him. This time it's not just a peck. Jihoon starts to move his lips on Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk who initially didn't want to respond to the kiss finally got swayed and moves his lips along with Jihoon. Following the taller guy's pace. After a few seconds of kissing, both of them pulled out at the same time. Jihoon stares at Hyunsuk's lips before he caressed Hyunsuk's bottom lips with his thumb.

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