Chapter Ninety-Two

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***Amile Gumede***

I don’t know if kaMhlaba is still angry at me or not. The ceremony that made us fight is over, even against my wishes he went down on his knees and apologized to Banzi.
I’m not really happy with what he did, but I have no choice but to smile in his face because the way he reprimanded me yesterday made me want to never go against his word ever again. I’ve never been scolded like that in my life, and he did it without raising his voice.
I can’t pick up his mood, every time that I have run into him today, he had a straight face, that gave me no hints. We slept in the same room, on the same bed, but he kept to his side, and I did the same. I don’t know what to think anymore.
Lerato is here glowing like she wasn’t also in the dog house with me. Turns out that they were really angry, like really angry at us. I still don’t think it was that big of a deal, and our efforts shouldn’t have gone in vain like that. MaMzobe had to suffer some sort of consequence, I mean, we had her where we wanted her. What was so hard with a little action in this place.
She’s glowing though, and I can’t help but notice the little moments where she stops and stares into space. Why does she look so happy?
“Miss ma’am, did I miss something?” we are sorting out cutlery in the kitchen.
I need to dish up for the king, and serve him in front of his people like the wife that I am. Maybe I can score myself some points and he can forgive me. Again I’m going against his wishes, I should be resting.
“It’s nothing.” she says blushing.
“Excuse me, I thought your husband was fuming mad at you, in fact, both of our husbands were mad at us.” she giggled.
“Well, unlike you, mine knows how to put his anger to good use.” she says as she turned on her heels.
Why didn’t I see it sooner. The dirty things that put strangers in our tummies, that’s what she did last night.
“Must be nice.”
“Very nice. I might have missed a few good orgasms, but it was worth it.” she whispers the latter of the sentence.
I can’t help but burst into loud laughter.
“I don’t want to bore you with the details.” she says sitting down.
She really wants me to ask.
“I really want to know, but I don’t want to know.” she laughs at me.
“Come sit down, and imagine that Thula isn’t who he is.” I didn’t even hesitate.
Their empty bellies can wait, this seems to be good gossip, and maybe I can get a few tips. I literally know nothing about being good in the sack.
“He locked me up in the bathroom before he told me to strip all my clothes and get in the shower. He then had me under the cold running water, that was the less fun part though, that was before he gave me a senseless series of fucks in that same shower. I literally could not walk.” she narrates.
I close my eyes and try not to picture that, I don’t want to ruin bhut’ Thula’s image in my mind. But damn, it really sounds hectic!
“You two are sitting gossiping, your husbands are out there hungry.” the devil’s agent spits.
At this point I prefer Mhlaba over her, he is less annoying than this. At least he likes me.
We got on our feet and went to continue with the dishing up.
She’s been here the whole week, I don’t understand why Shlobo hasn’t gotten her out of this place already! She was the one who said she was bad news.
I would have made a plan, but I’m on house arrest officially so no.
“Why are you trying to starve my son, add more meat, he’s a man!” she says hovering over my shoulder.
“My husband doesn’t like meat, you would know that if you stayed with him.” he likes bacon, he likes pork, not red meat.
“I’m telling you, add more.” she takes the spoon from me violently.
If I didn’t move away quick enough, she would have spilled that whole pot of curry on me. This woman is mad.
“Ma, I don’t think you should be here.” Sis’ Melo says.
She’s always by my side, she always protects me.
“Usuke wabonaphi indoda idla ukudla okuncane kangaka? No wonder my son is so thin, you are depriving him of his food!” she mumbles, totally ignoring Sis’ Melo.
She’s adding more meat on the plate.
Lerato is just standing there now looking at me with pity. This is what having a mamezala is like, I really don’t like it hey!
“Ntombazane, bring his tray and spoon. Have you prepared his water?” she asks with so much attitude.
“No.” I say looking at her directly in the eyes.
“Wagana kanjani wena ebukhosini. All you know is long nails and gallivanting the street, nothing about taking care of your husband.” says the woman who didn’t even get a single cow from the royal family.
Sis’ Melo ran to fix the water for me. She understands that I’m heavily pregnant, I can’t be running around doing everything.
I’m not offended by her long nail comment, it’s not the first time and it’s definitely not the last time I’m hearing it. The good thing is my husband isn’t complaining about them, so no one has a say. And they aren’t even that long!
I took the plate she dished from her without saying another word, and placed it on the tray. Baba won’t finish this, I know him. She put an access amount of food and he will definitely scold me for it.
Sis’ Melo follows me out the kitchen with the bowl of water and when we get to the dining room where he and his brothers are sitting, I attempt to kneel so I can place his food in front of him.
“No, don’t kneel mkami.” he whispers to me.
His mother is watching me like a hawk.
As heavy as I am, I go down on my knees. He gives me a sad smile before accepting the tray from me. Sis’ Melo handed me the water and I used it to wash his hands.
“Thank you.” he said standing up to help me up.
In that moment it felt like it was just the two of us in that room. I seemed to block out all the other people and just focused solely on cleansing my man’s hands before making sure he’s fed. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, this whole submitting thing.
Now I need to apply it in the bedroom.
“Go nap, I don’t want to see you going up and down now.” he says rubbing my arm.
“Yebo Zulu.” I say and bow.
I still can’t read his energy, but I will definitely take a nap, I need it!
I gave Sis’ Melo the bowl of water.
“Indoda iyathotshelwa nje.” the wicked witch said as I was making my way back into the kitchen.
I would understand if this was coming from a married woman, but its coming from a woman who couldn’t even trap the king with a son when he was promiscuous. That means she was the problem was with her.
“My husband told me to go take a nap. I’m off.” I said waving at Lerato.
“She’s pregnant ma, and the king did instruct that she go take a nap.” Sis’ Melo interjects.
“Let’s go my queen.” she says as she leads me out the kitchen.
She didn’t even want me in the kitchen in the first place, that’s why she’s so quick to send me out.
“Thank you so much.” I say as we walk up the stairs.
“That woman is taking advantage of you, and she seems to be ignoring that you are heavily pregnant. Not while I’m here.” I giggle.
She sees me into my bedroom, and she is the one to cover me with a blanket, and makes sure to leave the air conditioning on because I can’t sleep without it on, and she leaves me to my nap!
I deserve it.
We are having dinner again. I’m still in the same seat that I was sitting in and there is my favourite person, Mhlabawesizwe, sitting opposite me, looking at me with a massive grin. My intolerance for him is slowly fading away.
“You can eat.” he says picking up his spoon, shoving it in his mouth.
I don’t trust him.
“What are you trying to do to me this time?” he laughed.
I’ve given up on Banzi, the boy and MaNdlela, they don’t see me, and that’s okay.
“I’m on your side MaGumede, don’t you know this?” I roll my eyes.
“Not when you aren’t giving our family peace.” I say.
“It’s my family too you know, and I don’t like it when my son is suffering. So I’m done.” I shook my head.
“You aren’t done when people like MaMzobe still haven’t apologized and your lover is making my life difficult.” he cackles.
“Why do you want her to apologize so badly?” he asked placing his hand on his cane.
“I wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for her.” I retort.
“You are blaming the wrong woman.” he says and gave me a grin.
“I told you, I have little power from here. Give me time.” he says and hits his cane on the ground twice.
I’m getting tired of this man.
I sit up, and I find kaMhlaba leaning against the nightstand, staring at me with his arms folded across his chest. I wipe the corners of my mouth before shifting uncomfortably on the bed. How long has he been watching me?
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” he says walking towards the ottoman.
He didn’t wake me, his father did.
“I want us to talk.” he says pulling up his pants, sitting down on the ottoman.
I don’t want to talk. I rolled off the bed and waddled to where he is sitting.
“I don’t want to talk baba.” I say looking at him.
He places his hands on my belly before he tilts his head up to look me directly in the eyes. His eyes are red.
“Why don’t you want to talk?” he asks using his hand to remove more grub from my face.
“I’m tired of talking.” in other unspoken words, I’m horny.
I put the thumb he was using on my face in my mouth. He gave a low chuckle before he stood up.
“What if this is important?” he traced my face with his finger before he lifted my chin up and made me look at him.
“Not more important than what you should do to me right now.” I say.
I’m going to feel embarrassed later, I just really have an itch right now, and only he can scratch it.
“Right now?” he asks finding my lips.
Alcohol! I can taste alcohol on his lips. His eyes are red, is he drunk?
“I couldn’t do it sober.” he says before turning me around and going in for a deep kiss.
I’m left breathless as he slowly runs his hand up my thigh.
Do I blame him? No, I totally understand. Is it good for him though? No, his health is compromised. I think he needs this more than I do.
He carefully places me on the bed lifts my dress. I can’t see his face behind the bump but I know he’s staring at my palace with pure happiness and satisfaction. He knows it’s his, and only his.
He further spreads the thighs apart before I feel his tongue doing the unspeakable. It’s wet down there, I can hear him slurping as if he’s enjoying some delicious meal, nothing give me more pleasure than that. I must applaud his tongue game, the amount of pleasure it gives me is enough to last me a lifetime.
“There are people downstairs.” he says as he leans in to kiss my lips.
I’m on the verge of tears, I don’t care that there are people downstairs.
“Don’t go baba.” I beg.
I reach for his belt buckle and work on it. He stares at me and chuckles.
“You can’t possibly deprive me of my vitamin d baba, I don’t know you as a selfish man.” he laughed and helped me remove his belt.
“I shouldn’t be doing this.” he says unhooking my bra.
He lifts my dress over my head and I help him by taking off the bra and throwing it on the floor where his shirt already is.
He massages my swollen boobs and white water runs down my stomach. I’m already producing milk?
He captures my lips in a slow kiss and then lays me on my side.
“Are you comfortable?” he asks as he positions himself behind me
“Very.” I say in a moan.
He lips are on my neck as I feel him fill me up.
This is exactly what I missed.
“I love you sthandwa sami.” he says as he moves.
I can barely get a word in, I’m biting my lips to try suppress the loud moans from escaping my lips. I don’t need the whole world to know my dirty secrets.
I reach my peak before he does, it goes to show how much I wanted and needed it, more than he did!
When he finally spills his semen inside of me, he wraps his arms around me and breathes out, his alcohol breath fanning my neck. I really don’t mind it though
We are both wet and sticky, and I can feel him still inside me, twitching. I wish we could just stay in this moment forever, where both of us are happy, and overly satisfied.
“How long till I don’t have to share this body with anyone else.” he asks rubbing my stomach.
I laughed and put my hand over his. His wedding band looks so damn good on him.
“A few more weeks baba.” I reply in half a breath.
What an extreme sport. If I’m barely coping from this, imagine what it will be like when we start doing the freak shit.
“Just a few more weeks and then you can show me Fifty Shades of Bayede.” I tilted my head to look at his face and he was wearing a frown.
I laughed at his innocence. I don’t even know if he’s anything close to what those movies were. If he is then I’m definitely in for a ride.
“What is this fifty shades you speak of?” he asks kissing my shoulder.
“It’s a movie, we should watch it.” I say with a giggle.
“I don’t watch movie mkami.” I says in a stern voice.
Yeah, well, I’m his wife and he will do whatever I say.
I think maybe this is the perfect opportunity for me to say this.
“Baba I just wanted to apologize for what I did yesterday. The stunt I pulled was uncalled for, and I put my life and your baby’s life at risk, I’m genuinely sorry for disobeying your word and not trusting in you. That and I never want you to shout at me again because you are scary, I will never do something like that again.” he chuckles.
“So if I didn’t shout at you, you would have done it again?”
“Maybe, yes. Anything to protect my family. My family is you.” I place my hand on his, and squeeze it.
“I forgive you sthandwa sami. I understand that you are sharing your brain with someone else so…” I slapped his arm and he laughed.
I think I like drunk Langalethu! It’s a pity I can’t see him more often.
“On a serious note MaGumede, never make me angry again, I don’t like feeling like that.”
I still remember what I said when I met him for the first time, I said he had anger issues. Maybe he really does. He handles it well though, he’s right, I’ve never seen him angry, especially to that extent before.
“Next time if I make you angry, you must tie me up.” I say jokingly.
He spanks my bum and I can’t help but startle.
“Don’t ask for something you can’t and won’t be able to handle.” my heart started racing.
“I was joking.” I say looking at him.
He gave me a naughty smile, and I couldn’t help but blush. He’s getting hard inside of me again, round two?
“If I were to tie you up now I’d lose my senses and fuck you so hard you’d give birth right here and I wouldn’t care until I finish what I started.” I cover my mouth.
He starts moving again.
“Baba you ar…” I gasp when he hits that spot.
Holy shit can this baby be born already, I want to play with the big boys!

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