Chapter Seventy-Nine

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***Nambitha Makhathini***

I went home with a little hope that things might change sooner than I was expecting. It took a lot for me to ask Amile for a job, I had to put my pride aside and settle for anything, as long as it would get me home, where I wanted to be. But God put an angel in my life, and she is the queen of Zululand. I don’t want to get my hopes too high, but if this actually pulls through, and she talks to their seer, I might get my internship back.
I’m not going to tell Nkululeko. I know he won’t like the idea and try by all means to stop me from pursuing my dreams because all he wants is for me to be next to him all the time. I’m not Amile, he must not try to compare me to her, our lives are completely different.
It’s just the both of us today. Ntando finally decided to show face and snatched Azande from me as if I wasn’t the one taking care of her the past two week. It would have gotten ugly if Nkululeko was here, I’m glad he wasn’t.
“Aw wadla mfo kaJama.” he said walking through the door, rubbing his hands together.
All because I’m in my nightie getting ready for bed. At least I know I can sleep peacefully knowing no one will wake me up tomorrow morning. He does his own ironing and preparations for the morning. That was one thing I refused to do for him.
“Wadla ini?” I asked turning around to see all of him.
He chuckled and walked closer to grab my bum.
“Izithelo zami madoda.” he kissed my neck.
I hate that I can’t resist him when he wears that silly smile. It always reminds me of the Nkululeko I fell in love with, the one I still love, the better version of him.
“I’m on my periods.” I pushed him away a little.
I really am not in the mood to be humping right now. Other than the weather being extremely humid for another humans sweat sticking on me, I hate sex. I don’t like it.
“Are you serious?” he asked raising an eyebrow at me.
“I am.” he stopped frowning and relaxed his face.
“It’s okay, we can cuddle. I missed my person.” he knows why he’s saying that.
I’m glad he can see that although I’ve been here with him, that I’m very distant and uninterested in anything he does or says.
“Have I done something wrong, you don’t give me love anymore.” I know he’s just saying as a joke so we don’t get serious, but he means it. Maybe it’s bothering him.
“I just miss home, that’s all.” he engulfed me in a hug.
“Why didn’t you say nana? We can go if you want, I can get some time off from work…” I cut him off.
“My mother wants nothing to do with me remember. They sold me to you, they don’t want me to come back.” he shook his head and held me tighter.
“No, they didn’t sell you to me nana. Don’t speak like that. You are here because you love me, and I love you.”
I could take this to the: “I never wanted to marry you,” conversation but I’m not in the mood to be arguing with Nkululeko, so I’ll shut my mouth. 
“Yeah, but they hate me, well, my mom hates me.” I really did disrespect her though, now that I think back.
“We will go anyway. I can’t have my baby grumpy forever, now can I? I promised to keep you happy at all times, and that is what I’m going to do.” he kissed my cheek, and then down my neck.
“I love you nana.” I cupped his face and brushed my nose on his.
“I love you too baby, thank you.”
It isn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be. If this Nkululeko, my baby, sticks around longer, I’d lead a very happy life.

***Amile Gumede***

We’ve been kissing for almost twenty minutes now, I feel like I virgin all over again. He has me pressed up against the headboard, with him between my legs, dry humping me. Might I just mention that I am still fully clothed, robe and all. He hasn’t even seen that I have lingerie underneath.
I’m aroused, my skittles is pulsating and I’m literally ready for him to just slide in and get it over and done with. Problem is; he’s not even hard yet. Is this what I get for dick hopping brothers? I end up with the least experienced one.
The love we made in my dreams was perfect, where is that perfection now? Mhlabawesizwe, come see your son!
“Okay, wait.” I said trying to catch my breath, pushing him off me.
He pulled my legs and I laid flat on the bed. He then untied the robe and left me in the lace. He didn’t even take a moment to admire it, he lowered his head to my breasts, started planting kisses on my chest, and massaging my nipples through the material. Very good, this is what I wanted!
His hands run all over my lower body, and I feel goosebumps marking themselves on my skin as I feel the roughness of his skin on mine.
“How do I take this off?” I don’t think he meant that.
I chuckled and lifted my legs, wrapping them around his waist and helping him unstrap the lace.
“Inamagangangozi lento yakho.” he said throwing the top on the ground, exposing my not so virgin tits.
I couldn’t help but laugh, how much more Zulu can he get. He captured my lips again and in that moment, I stopped over-thinking and let go of my body. Maybe he knows what he’s doing, I just need to have a little faith in him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to my body, hoping to feel something from him, anything. There’s nothing. It’s now or never. I pull down his shorts and run my manicured nails on his buttocks, careful not to scratch him. He lets out a satisfactory sound and a shudder before releasing his tongue onto my boobs.
This is slowly getting awkward for the both of us, why isn’t he getting turned on. That thought is consuming my brain once again, maybe he just doesn’t find me attractive.
“Am I not attractive to you?” I ask him as he plants soft kisses on my stomach.
He lifts his head and he looks at me. He sees the seriousness on my face and he uses his hand to stroke my cheek.
“Mkami, what makes you ask that question?” his eyes are almost half closed, and they are slowly turning red.
“You’ve been kissing my for over twenty minutes, but nothing is happening.”
I don’t know why I’m so hurt by this, it’s bothering me. His response is lifting my legs all the way up to his shoulders and locks his head in between my thighs.
“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with.” he lies.
He buries his head in my inner thighs and I feel his warm lips sucking on my skittles.
“You have to understand mkami…that I haven’t done this in a long time.” let me guess, he wasted all his good erections on his wet dreams.
“That feels so good, don’t stop.” I moan out, unintentionally.
He really doesn’t stop, but I’m here trying to recover from the embarrassment I feel after saying that. What would our citizen think if they found out that the same mouth that addresses them sucks and licks pussy!
“Maybe if you help me…” he swirled his tongue in there and I lost it. 
That’s it, I want the real thing. I used my hands to bring his head up to my face, and stared at him deeply in the eyes. His beard was covered in my juices, I looked away in embarrassment. He didn’t waste time, turned my head around and devoured my lips, making me taste myself. I think it’s time we shave this beard now.
He had his thing in between my thighs, it wasn’t fully hard yet, but it was certainly better than it was in the beginning. He slapped my thighs and they immediately closed shut, startling me in the process.
He started fucking in between my thighs, moving his waist in circular motions, slowly, in no rush whatsoever. He was groaning in my ear, panting like he was running a marathon and I could feel him growing thicker and harder in between my thighs. I’ve never felt anything like this before.
He was making me jealous, I wanted the same pleasure he was getting, he must not be selfish. I parted my thighs and deprived him of getting more pleasure and leaving me behind. He locked eyes with me and chuckled.
“I think that’s about enough now.” I said running my hands on his back.
He licked my lips before he devoured them in a hurried kiss. That has to be the sexiest thing a man has ever done to me. I want to scream from the excitement and pleasure I feel. Lord why has this man been depriving me of this goodness!?
He had me bending my knees, holding them close to my chest while he had a full view of my lady part. He positions himself on my entrance and slowly pushes himself in. I close my eyes and clench my jaws, grabbing onto the sheets. It certainly hurts more than it did the last time I didn’t this.
“Hold on to me…” he tries again.
I wrap my legs around his waist, and grab onto his back and feel him slowly sliding into me, filling me up. He groans lowly like a bull and he starts to grind on top of me.
It feels like the first time, my very first time. It’s so foreign, the pain is fresh, but so is the pleasure. He’s going hard on my neck, driving me crazy.
“So soft mami, shit!” oh hell no!?
His pace continues to increase, he’s losing himself quicker.
“I’m gonna cum MaGumede.” he’s very vocal about his feelings, noted.
No, he can’t do that to me. He buries his head on the crevice of my shoulders and his strokes slow down, and he starts to take charge of his body all over again.
He’s goes fast and hard again, the slapping of our skins driving me crazy. I start screaming uncontrollably, so much that I have to bite his shoulder otherwise the whole world will know our dirty secrets.
His body starts convulsing on top of me, and I feel my world coming to an end all together. It can’t be the end.
“Oh mkami…oh MaQwabe omuhle.” he rests his forehead on mine and kisses me multiple times, breathing heavily as to try catch his breath.
He’s done, he’s gone soft on me, clearly that wasn’t for us, it was only for him. I feel so betrayed.
For the first time in a long time, I wasn’t fighting demons in my sleep. I slept like a little baby. When was the last time. Oh yes, I was serviced last night.
He’s holding me tightly in his arms. I won’t lie, this feels great, I feel at peace, I feel complete, I’m content. Hearing his heart beating gives me hope that maybe, just maybe this life won’t be as bad as I thought it would be after all.
He looks so beautiful. He is a beautiful man when he is asleep, so peaceful. No sign of intimidation on his face, just peace. I could stare at him the whole morning. My hands play on his beard, gosh I hate it so much. I wish he could just get rid of it.
“Ikwenzeni intshebe yami mama?” he asked in a sleepy voice.
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” I said removing my hands from his face. I probably shouldn’t have done that in the first place.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” he asked tightening his hold on my body.
“I’m not sleepy.” he finally opened his eyes and looked at me.
He cracked a thin smile and kissed my cheek.
“Good morning.” he’s in a good mood.
“Good morning kaMhlaba.”
“Ulale kahle kodwa?” he asked caressing my cheek, just where he had planted a kiss.
“I did baba, you?”
“I did too, thank you.” he ran his hands through my messy hair.
I need to do something about it, it’s grown long enough for me to start braiding now. I need the toilet though right now.
“I need the toilet baba.” I said freeing myself from his hold.
“Must I come with you?” I frowned at him.
I think he didn’t realize the stupidity behind his question until he saw my facial expression.
“You want people to say I’m bewitching you?” I asked sitting back on the bed looking at him.  He just laughed.
“I know you did that a long time ago MaQwabe.” yeah right, him and his sus ancestors.
“Ithi ngithi manqa.” I wanted to roll my eyes, but I didn’t.
I just leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips before making my way to the bathroom. Why are we suddenly acting like people in love? Am I also going to fall in love with him?
When I was done, I went back to the room, and I found him stripping the bed. I thought we were going to stay in bed longer.
“We made just a little mess, I’ll get another one.” by we I guess he means me.
That is so sweet of him, I appreciate it.
“I’ll wash it later baba, please don’t put it in the washing basket.” I stopped him.
I don’t want my dirty linen to be touched by anyone again. The last time my bloodied sheets went missing.
“I have to burn it.” he said throwing it in there anyway.
Exactly why am I bleeding in the first place? didn’t I lose my virginity already?
“Why?” it’s giving witchcraft.
“To make it known to the ancestors.” oh yes, it’s not our marriage, it’s their marriage.
“I won’t do it if you don’t want me to mkami.” I shook my head.
“No, I don’t have a problem baba, I was just curious.” he came to give me a hug.
He lifted me off the ground and placed me on the bed. Now I was a little taller than him, looking down on him.
“Thank you for being patient with me last night. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” I nodded.
I won’t fault him too much because although I didn’t reach my orgasm, he gave me good loving last night. I held his beard and looked at him in displeasure.
“Are we ever going to cut it?” I asked pulling it.
“No, we like it.” this time it’s not a team agreement, sorry, I’m not on his side.
“What if I want to convert?” I looked at him and my eyes widened.
“Convert what?” he must not try me.
“Religions, maybe I want to join the Nazareth church.” I just laughed at him and tugged on his beard.
“I’ll book you an appointment at Legends tomorrow baba.” he’s kidding.
I climbed of the bed and went to tuck myself back in bed, leaving him laughing as if I was cracking a joke.

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