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Christina's POV

As soon as we hit the road the threat was gone. We, well I, didn't feel like Blair would change her mind and decide to slit our throats.

And we stood there, not knowing where to go now. The car was there but Liam didn't make a move to it.

Maybe he was as shocked as I was. We nearly died. We were bruised and our pride had been stepped on.

"Lord Santiago will want our heads on a silver platter." Liam finally spoke, running a hand through his brown hair.

"Maybe if we explain how things happened..." I trailed off.

we could try to explain ourselves but I all narrowed down if the Lords wanted to hear us out.

"We can also tell him about Henry. The Lord cant stand betrayal. That can give us points." Even I could sense the desperation in my voice. The hope.

"Perhaps." he grabbed the keys to the car and motioned, with his head, for me to follow.

"Now I just want to shower and sleep. We leave tomorrow or the day after."

"Okay." I was all too happy with that arrangement.

Finally some rest.

No more worries or doubts.

There will be peace.

Well that's until we got home. That's when the chaos begins.

Blair's POV

Sean was the one who carried Sawyer to the car in the woods. But not everyone followed us. It was just Sean, Eden and well... me. The rest will catch up with us in a little while. Most were still a bit shocked and hurt. Kenneth was healing most of the wounds, so they'll be ready in a couple of minutes.

Minutes I couldn't afford to wait.

So here I am, seating at the waiting room and, well pardon the redundancy, waiting.

The doctors had asked questions. That wasn't something to not be expected. But I had a feeling they didn't believe us.

I told them that Sawyer and I were cooking when he tripped and the knife he was using to cut tomatoes went through him.

It's not the most well planned scenario of excuses but I couldn't tell them the truth. That's a big and large no.

"He'll be fine." Eden touched my shoulder in a reassuring manner, that made me turn to look at her.

"Since when are you so nice?"

She made a face and I sighed.

"Thanks. For everything. If you hadn't gotten through me back then...Sawyer wouldn't be here."

"Don't even mention it. I'm serious." Eden grinned.

She seemed a tad bit distracted though. Probably because Sean was at the entrance of the hospital, waiting for the guys to get here and making sure Liam and Christina don't try to be heroes and attack us. Which I highly doubt. Not after the scare I gave them.

If they come back...I wont hesitate like I always have.

"Sean's alright. I mean, who can knock him out?" I managed to joke.

Eden smiled adoringly at the hallway in which Sean left through.

"That's true. Did you know he can have you flat on your back with just a twist of the wrist? It's amazing." she said with a dreamy face.

"Ew. I didn't want to know that!" I smiled a little.

Eden turned a bright shade of pink. "Shut up."

We went into a fit of silence for the next thirty minutes or so. There was no sign of the doctors or my friends.

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