Chapter 5

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Chris's POV:
Drew and I had decided to ditch the rest of the day, I was still in pain from the beating I received earlier but it was becoming at least tolerable. Drew was just following behind me silently, like he was there but not really there, I wonder what he was thinking of. I shrugged to myself and continued to lead him to my favorite place in the entire world.... It was a small creak hidden behind bushes and trees. It was truly beautiful, if people could look beyond the initial look of rugged and creepy. I first discovered the place when I first moved here, my parents were fighting so I left and found the place. At first I was frightened but I decided to stick it out and travel deeper. I am real glad that I did, this was the place I came when I felt like breaking, it was my place. I have never shown anyone before so I didn't understand why I was showing Drew. Something was just yelling that I could trust him and that he wouldn't betray me. I'm stupid like that I guess. We were getting closer and closer and I momentarily judged wether or not to turn around. It was directly ahead of us now, I peaked a glance at Drew, who was staring at my back, I felt myself blush all shades of red and looked forward again in an attemp to hide it. I looked back again, I couldn't stop myself, he was still staring at me except this time he was smirking and winked at me. I smiled and shook my head lightly, I began to move the bushes away. I looked back at Drew as my place came into view. The sun hit the water perfectly, the trees seemed brighter and it seemed like even more perfect then usual. Drew was smiling brightly looking around before his eyes landed on me again, he seemed to smile even more. "Welcome to my home." He looked confused for a minute but just walked to the edge of the water and sat at the bank. I looked down at him before sitting next to him. "It's beautiful." I nodded slightly and layed back closing my eyes.
Drew's POV:
It looked like Chris was sleeping, he was kinda cute when he was sleeping. I smirked and stood up, running a hand lazily through my hair. I checked my phone after a couple minutes of thinking of something to do. I had five text messages from my sister asking me where I was, I replied with I'll be home in a little while. I looked around again, it really was pretty. Chris seemed really happy here, it was a nice change from the way he usually was at school. I looked back at him and jumped a little when I saw his gorgeous gray eyes staring at me. He smiled and sat up, his hair had grass and twigs stuck in it. I grinned and walked over to him silently, I gently pulled all of the stuff out if it. It was incredibly soft and I began to just run it through my fingers. He turned around to look at me, his eyes were sparkling and he seemed at peace. "So amazing." I mumbled but I think he heard me because he looked down blushing. It was adorable. I had only known him for 3 days it already felt like a lifetime. Man was I cheesy. But hell he was a guy. Fuck it. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in roughly, slamming his lips to mine. They were chapped but still so soft. They began to move in sync with mine, as he kissed me back. I know it's cheesy but it really did feel like fireworks were shooting off in the distance. I smiled into the kiss and ran my tongue across his bottom lip, I felt him smirk and continue to keep his mouth close. I shrugged and kissed him harder making him lay back against the ground, me on top. I pushed my tounge into his mouth, not bothering to ask first. He gasped and our tounges wrestled for dominance for a while, before I gave up letting him win. It was heaven kissing Chris. Woah I was making out WITH A GUY! I shot up and away from him, staring anywhere but at him. "What's wrong?" I finally looked over to him and he was blushing touching his lips. I looked away quickly before I found myself kissing him again. I shook my head and stood up, him following me quickly. "I have to go home." I whispered quickly before disappearing through the bushes, I had to desperately fight the urge to look at Chris. What the hell was I thinking? What's wrong with me?

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