Chapter 16

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Drew's POV

I could honestly say that last night was the best of my life, the date with Chris. It felt like I could just stay with him forever, and I would've, had Chris not insisted that we had school the next day, and basically command me to take him home. I yawned, stretching and sitting up in my bed. The door to my room cracked open, revealing a very tired looking Carla. "Mom told me..." She yawned, holding up a finger, letting me know to wait a minute. "Mom told me to wake up your lazy ass. Also she's pretty angry with you." "Why?" "In case you don't remember you were supposed to be home to take care of us, but you were off doing whatever you were doing."

I shook my head, and motioned for her to leave so I could get dressed. I quickly stood up, going to my closet and pulling out a grey t-shirt that had an American eagles logo on it, along with a pair of grey skinny jeans and my usual converse. After changing, I stomped downstairs, slightly afraid for my life at what my mom was going to do to me. To be honest, I didn't think that she would be that angry, I walked into the dining room, kitchen combo and sat at the table, beside my sister Thalia. "Hi mom good morning, how did ya sleep?" I questioned quietly, looking at her back,which was turned to me as she cooked. She didn't even turn to acknowledge me, but just turned, laying a plate of several pancakes on the table before turning and sitting at her usual place. Thalia mumbled a 'serves ya right' at me before grabbing three pancakes and laying them on her plate. "So care to share what was more important then taking care of the house and your sisters while I was gone yesterday." My mom broke the silence with a stern voice, letting me know the extent of her anger. I looked at her, rubbing the back of my neck in thought, what should I tell her, I couldn't exactly just say that I was gay. No it needed to be the right time when I told them, especially since I really don't know how their going to take it, and I don't feel like getting kicked out of my home at this ungodly hour. "Um I was... ya know hanging out with Chris." It wasn't a complete lie, but it felt like it would suffice until I was ready to tell then the truth. "Oh really?" She looked up at me with unbelieving eyes and an accusatory stare. "Yup, sorry it slipped my mind that I had to be home." I gave an apologetic smile, pleading that she would just take my answer. "Mhmm, and what were you and Chris doing that would call for you to be home so late?" She questioned, gazing back down to her pancakes and continuing to eat."

"We were ya know just hanging, time just goes by so fast, and we weren't paying attention." I answered easily, she sent be a 'don't-you-dare-lie -to-me' look, I just shrugged. I was secretly pleading that she just took my answer and stopped questioning me, go I felt like I was on an episode of criminal minds, and try thought I just murdered someone. The only difference being that my mom was way more intimidating then them. "Fine, just don't do it again, and also ask Chris if he can come to dinner tonight. It would be great to see him again wouldn't it girls?" I looked to my sisters, Thalia nodded rapidly, she had really taken a liking to Chris, but Carla was glaring daggers at...Me. Why the hell would she be angry at me, oh that's right she's the sister that slow dances with satan. "I don't think he should." Carla mumbled and looked back to her plate, finally finished with her one sided staring contest. "Why honey?" My mom asked, as if my little sister's hatred for my boyfriend wasn't clear. Wait did I just say he was my boyfriend. Was he? Would he want to be? Ugh, maybe I should just talk to him about it, maybe I should actually come out first though. Would that make him feel better about it?

"Um guys I'm gonna get going to school, and yeah I'll see if he wants to come over." I spoke before grabbing my bag and heading towards the door. "Okay baby, ill see you when you get home...right after school." My mother said giving me a look that dared me to cross her. "Yup." I said before throwing open the door and walking to my bike, hopping on and taking off in the direction of the school.

Chris's POV:

I sighed, picking up the remains of this mornings breakfast. I gingerly touched the side of my head, wincing slightly at the pain that exploded through my head. Blood was still pouring from the gaping wound and distorting my vision. I groaned lightly and made my way upstairs to feed the desperate urge to feel the cold blade against my own arm. I know that I promised Drew, but once I had started again it was addicting. Allow me to recap at what happened this morning when I woke up.

Hi my lovelies, I updated yay.
I hope that you enjoyed this update and I promise that the next one is coming up soon but until then.
Lots of love bye guys.

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