Chapter 10

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Chris's POV
2 weeks later

It ate at me, the familiar blanket of depression. It was not a blanket of warmth though but one that was a bitter cold. I sighed running a hand through my hair, today my aunt was coming to live with me in my parents house. So it was the first time since the incident that I would go home and I was honestly terrified. Drew's mom and Thalia was so amazing towards me and they were like the family I always wanted. In the short weeks that I had known Drew, I had already fallen hard for him. I hated it too, the fact that I actually cared about him. I knew that he could never feel the same way, he deserved so much better than me. I didn't deserve anyone and especially not him. I was worthless, pathetic, stupid, a failure. All of the things that my bullies had told me over and over again, I had finally accepted their words. They were right. I finished zipping up the black suitcase, and trotted towards Drew's bedroom door dragging the bag with me. It felt heavy in my weak arms. Drew was standing on the opposite side of the door, he looked as if he was about to open it. He looked a bit surprised to see me looking up at him in amusement. "Oh um hey there Chris... ready to go?" He muttered rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. Wonder why. I gave a weak nod, not in the mood to talk, but just to go home to the aunt that had always made her hatred for me clear. He smiled sadly and motioned for me to go ahead of him, I trotted downstairs and walked to the front door where I noticed Thalia and her mother standing. "Oh Chris honey come here." Ms.Carson held open her arms waiting for me to fill them. I smiled and weakly walked over to her, wrapping her in a hug, she gripped me close like she never wanted to let go. "You're like a second son my boy." I felt like crying at her kind words, she shouldn't care about a worthless piece of trash like me. But it nevertheless made me happy to hear her say those words. I walked out the open doorway and Thalia lightly hit my arm in a playful manner. "Don't be a stranger kid." I nodded and dragged my sorry butt to Drew's moms car that she insisted Drew drive instead if his killer death machine...aka motorcycle. I put my bag in the trunk and tightly closed it, before walking to the passenger side and climbing in. Drew soon left his house where it looked like he was being scolded by his mother. I found it actually really amusing, he climbed into the drivers side and sat down smiling at me. "What was that all about?" I questioned gesturing towards his mom, who was waving. "Oh that, she just wanted to make sure that I knew that if I crashed her car I would be looking for a new home." He chuckled and continued driving towards my house. We continued the drive in a comfortable silence, mostly because I was just too tired to talk and I think he knew that. We finally came to a halt outside of my large house, that I stared at sadly. Drew looked at me wearily. "I know that we're gonna hang out a lot and stuff, but I'm gonna miss living with you Chris." I nodded knowing what he was saying, I was gonna miss it too although it was probably a different reason. "You know it kinda feels like I'm talking to a wall." He joked and I just shrugged, I usually talked a lot but I couldn't find it in me today. "Chris are you sure that you don't want me to come in with you?" I nodded slowly, I didn't want to put him out of his way anymore then I already had. "See ya later Chris." He spoke and before I knew what was happening scooped me up in a bear hug. I hugged back just as tightly and when we let go I climbed out if the car and retrieved my bags from the trunk. I dragged my lazy feet to my front door and turned around to see Drew driving off waving out of his window, I chuckled and waved back. I turned around and turned the lock, hesitantly going into the dark house. It felt so cold and lonely, even though it was morning, the house felt so dark. "Chris is that you... you worthless piece of shit!" I heard my aunts hate filled words echo through my head. This was the usual verbal abuse I would receive from my father's sister whenever she would come to visit us. I groaned inwardly crossing the room and to my aunt who was mumbling incoherent curse words, sitting at the dining room table. "Oh there's that ass no one likes." She slurred out, of course she's drunk, because that was one of the few things she was good at... drinking and fucking a random person every night. I don't even know why she's here, probably just to collect the money that she would receive from the state to take care of me. "Alright kid, here's how it's gonna be, ima hang around, pretending to be the loving aunt and get the money the state promised. And you... well you're gonna stay quiet because no on wants to hears anything you say anyway." I frown sadly and nod, retreating to my old room. When I walked in, tears immediately sprung in my eyes. My patents are dead, I chocked back a sob and collapsed onto my bed in pain. No one cares. I'm alone. Just as I deserve to be. I grabbed a pillow to muffle the sobs that wouldn't stop spilling over. How could this happen. Why? I repeated the question in my head over and over again.

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